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Raider Azz

Bay56 said:
imo there is something quite wrong with the system when someone decides to go to a club "because it will increase his chances of making rep football". Selection should be based on ability not your place of residence.

The NRL must ask itself why is that the case ... in other words why does a Finch get picked instead of an Orford, why isnt the name Davico on the selction table, why have a couple of Sydney clubs and one Brisbane club got a mortgage on rep players. It just aint a coincidence that the majority of the NSW side comes from the rooters and the dragqueens.

If that is the case the NRL must make dispensation to the teams that are effected ... the Raiders being one ... how in hell can we compete against the likes of the rooters when we develop and they entice our best with "hey, you know you have buckleys chance of making rep stuff if you play out of Bruce".

And dont tell me it dont f**king happen ... it does ... its obvious.

And as I have said before its about time we start playing dirty.
For once I agree with you Bay! :lol:
I think with Gasnier he is under contract with St George for another season or 2, However he will be released to an English club, I doubt they would release him to another NRL club.


imo there is something quite wrong with the system when someone decides to go to a club "because it will increase his chances of making rep football". Selection should be based on ability not your place of residence.

The NRL has alot to answer for. Weve been told he left because of better opportunities???? WTF!
Glen Morrison from the cowboys is another classic example.
(just to show im not entirely biased towards raiders players).


He (Monaghan) is a turncoat wanker. Phil Gould is an arrogant pig and the sooner his agendas and bias are out of the game the better. I am sure he whispered some words in the ear of the Monaghan and the stupid git was dumb enough to fall for it. The sooner the Roosters, and Gould, are out of the secret inner power circles which run the game, the better it will be for the NRL.

For mind Monaghan's actions have put him in the class of Chris Walker. A stupid nice person who couldn't stick it out with a club that was rebuilding and help them become a premiership force. Instead he wanted it all now, now, now! That is a blemish on him which will always make me have nothing but disdain for him. And it will never be as satisfying as winning a premiership with a club that you have stuck with through thick and thin, just ask the Panthers, and for that matter, Mal Meninga.

It will probably be two to three years before we are even remotely competitive again, unless there is some miracle forthcoming. And that assumes we come of the 2005 salary cap problems OK, which is a big IF. Thanks a lot to Joel, and his manager, Bananaman, for being absolute d**kheads. You won't be forgotten.


I really don't think we should drop Joel just because he is leaving, why not milk him for all he has before we lose him at least?


Ive gotta admit as much as I'm pissed off with Joel I personally reckon he is just lost and confused about which move is the best for him.
I have mixed emotions. I try and understand it from his point of view but that dosn't really help when I am a one club man.
Once again I reckon its a big mistake which he will live to regret in the years to come and that Banaghan manager of his really gives me the sh*ts. He sounds like a bad and corrupt influence on players but then again I really shouldnt say that when I dont know the truth about him but from what I have read about him thats how I feel.


i say drop him for this week's game and put gafa or david milne in the centres with mogg. At least wiki and davico have given great years of service to club and have remained loyal up until the twighlight of their respective careers. Banish that ass-hole to the reggies. He is worse than finch in my eye.

Sorry joel you sold your soul to the devil, this shall not be forgiven nor forgotten. :evil:


because he doesnt want to play for us! and i dont want him either... he took LESS money to go to the rooters, which really shows that he didnt want us. If there was more on the table at the roosters, then that could have swayed his decision (doesnt mean i would understand the decision) but the fact that he went for less money proves that he doesnt want to be with us.

I would love for him to see these responses, to show how hard he kicked us in the guts. we did everything we could to keep him, and it wasnt enough... though it should have been.

I hope he gets jeered hard core at our next home game. he deserves it. we didnt deserve this.

On the topic of Gould... my goodness... he needs to be shot. it would make our game alot better. im not sure who likes this uy apart from Brad "I need 3 farewells to have a fairytale finsh" Fittler. GO AWAY GUS! And whats he deal with "More opportunity?" It should be, if your good enough mate, you'll get a go. But its not. Look at Davico, Blacklock, Orford. The list goes on. Its a joke.

Joel should be ashamed of himself. What a dickhead.


Ultima said:
I really don't think we should drop Joel just because he is leaving, why not milk him for all he has before we lose him at least?

My last coment was in regards to this

Dragons Cross

My sympathies go out to you guys, I know how hard it is to lose your favorite quality players. But heads up remember the team is bigger than any one player.


and not happy at all with stuart saying he had "opportunities" at a "GOOD CLUB?????????" You f*cking arsehole. we are the best club in the league, and we don't need monas or you...


First Grade
Haven't posted in this thread until now but I have read all the replies.

What gets me most is the lies. I've spoken to Joel personally several times at post-match functions, at the pub after the game, and all the time he said 'don't sweat, I'm staying. The manager is just trying to jack the price up.'

Clearly this was not been the case. I wouldn't have cared if he said that 'I dont know where I'm off to', but to stay he was staying, then to leave to the RORTERS... it doesn't get any worse than this.

Joel I don't mind you as a person but no more cheers from me mate. And I could guess that many will follow that lead.