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Most articulate players and those who are not


Stevens is articulate and personable.

Fittler always came across as someone with severe brain damage.

Best Raiders are - Adamson, Germ and Schif.

And whoever made the 'Left wing intelligentsia crack' really pissed me off! I hate pointless and cliché statements, especially when they're based not on reality, but political and social biases......*steps off soapbox*


albi said:
Stevens is articulate and personable.

LOL...duuh huh?? , oh sorry i was lookin at meself.

And whoever made the 'Left wing intelligentsia crack' really pissed me off! I hate pointless and cliché statements, especially when they're based not on reality, but political and social biases......*steps off soapbox*

English please?


In terms of kiwis

good - benji, lolesi, rauhihi, puletua, galavao

alright - sonny bill, whatuira,

bad - meli, toopi, webb

most of the warriors are shy not articulate! just cos they don't naturally speak out doesnt mean they are dumb

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Webb is now a Kiwi, just like Hunt is a Queenslander.

Steve Price, extremely articulate. Doesn't sound like a player at all. Certainly more articulate than Tony Kemp.
forward pass said:
Ben Ross was interviewed on radio the other night - he spoke well but seriously sounds like a 14 yr old speaking - has his voice even broken yet???

i remember when i met ben ross 2 years ago, it was soon after tallis bashed the crap out of him...hahah...it was funny, he didnt speak to bad though



Shane Webcke
Steve Price
Mark McLinden
Craig Smith
Ben Creagh
Ben Ross
Tim Smith


Trent Barrett :sleeper:
Matt Bowen :-s
Justin Hodges :?

Surprised a few people have put Hindmarsh I used to think he was funny when he talked, but he's improved it quite a bit.

Also Willie Mason might so is um and ah's a bit, but when he speaks he quite clearly and enthusiastic.

Best in career, probably Bradley Clyde, Ettingshausen, Mark Coyne, Hugh McGhan, Sorensen (cant remember which one)

Also when you talk about ex-footballers the guy behind the Gold Coast team Michael Searle, very intelligent bloke. I never knew he was an ex Gold Coast player.
Haha this is the greatest thread of all time. Personal thanks go out to Charlie Saab on the first page when he gave Timmins the "which way did he go" LMAO I laughed out loud for real.

The best I've ever heard is definitely Mark McLinden...He took more pride in his post match interviews than his game. He just keeps flowing non stop, I remember one game last year vs the Panthers I think..after the game he was going on about how when he scored his try he didn't think he was gonna get there cos the defenders were closing in on him and blah blah blah on and on LOL. It was fantastic.

The worst is Clinton Toopi. Not only is he a thick bastard, but he is culturally insensitive. After the Tigers game which was played in heavy rain, he said "Damn I was worried a Tsunami was coming." After round 1 this year when Terry Hill owned him I read his interview. He was really reaching for the big words but it was just hilarious "I shouldn't of got caught up in that type of slander."

Mark Gasnier was a laugh after the 2004 Origin series decider. Plenty of Cliche's in there. "yeah cheif this is what it's all about..This is what you play footy for. Playing in front of 80,000 screaming nsw fans. It's just unbelievable" (Chief) "This is one of the best feelings in footy isn't it the lap of honour?"..."Oh by far.....by far."

Does anyone have a transcript of that Mal pre origin speech from 93? LMAO


K. Hunt, from what i have seen is really good however i havent seen to many interviews from him. But he will be a very good speaker as the years go on.


Post Whore
Most of Canberra are pretty articulate, Adamson, Germ, Smithy, Withers, Schifcofske are all pretty solid with the camera infront of them. Croker gets abit shy but past him i cant think of a raider thats overly terrible


Andrew Johns used to be very average, but he's improved heaps. No doubt in preparation for his long and illustrious career as a host of the footy show :p


Bobby DIGital said:
Does anyone have a transcript of that Mal pre origin speech from 93? LMAO

Mal's first and LAST political interview on ABC radio was a corker. Stuff of legend. :lol:


Brutus said:
Mal's first and LAST political interview on ABC radio was a corker. Stuff of legend. :lol:

Hehe, was that when he sort've got lost and just said something like "this isn't my go" and got up and left? Gotta give the big man some credit, at least he was honest :).

Raider Ultra

That was one of the funniest things I've seen, the interviewer welcomed Mal, and then asked what policies he intended to use for his 'upcoming' campaign. Mal stood up and said 'I can't do this', then left the studio. Unfortunately for Mal there were tv cameras there as well, and it was splashed all over the national media. I suppose he thought if Paul Osborne can be a politician, anyone can.

iggy plop

First Grade
Casey McGuire goes ok when interviewed.

Brett Seymour struggles, but has room for improvement unlike say a Hodges.

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