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Most Embarrassing moment


First Grade
One of my friends had once told me a most embarrassing moment story and I've never been able to top it. Since it is better than any of my stories, I thought I'd start us out with hers. :D

She was working at the drive-thru at McDonalds - taking people's orders and collecting the money. She loved to chat and flirt with the cute guys that came through and one day the most gorgeous guy she had seen so far drove up. Sadly, there was a girl in his car, but she was as sweet as she could be to him.

She smiled hugely at him and said, "Thank you!" as she gave him his food. Unfortunately, it was at this very moment that the dental partial she had on her front tooth decided to work it's way loose and fly out of her mouth and into his car.

"My tooth!" she yelled and dashed out of Maccas and to his car. She asked him to please just get out of his car while she searched for her tooth. She was rummaging on the floor and looked up and noticed that it had actually landed on the lap of the guy's girlfriend.

The girl started shreeking, "Get it off me! Ewww". My friend was snidely replying, "It's just my tooth! It won't bite you...yet!". The guy just stood back and laughed.

Wasn't the impression she was really trying to leave on him - but he did come back the next day to get her phone number. :D

So what are some of your most embarrassing moments (that are decent enough to share)?


A friend of mine....

Had a row of old trees near their house. Oneday the council came by and painted a white cross on one of the trees. My friend knew that mark meant the tree was destined to be chopped down. So, being a nature lover, he decided he'd save the tree by painting white crosses on all the trees -just to confuse the issue. If they didnt know which one to cut down tehy'd leave them all standing (I think he saw that on a Simposns episode)

He got up one day and found the council had cut down ALL the trees.


Post Whore
my most embarasing moment was probably my a kiss with a chick.... it was an absolute shocker! I was absolutely shitfaced and talkin this chick, thought i fancied my chances and went for it... she pulled away and said "we should try this again when you a little less gone" she walked out and i chased her into a crouded room saying "noo! i can do better" i tripped and landed flat on my face as the whole group laughed at me, i saw her around the corner getting in a car, so i decided to crash/pass out where i was :oops: :oops:
When i was at school i was playing tennis and a group of girls from the boarding house were watching and i was showing off like a rite tool and acting like a bit of a McEnroe when i hit the ball and it went out and i thought it was in so i threw my raquet on the ground and swore. the racket hit the ground but cos it hit the top part it bounced up and hit me in the lip busting it open and me having to go to the school nurse for stitches


Probably telling everyone I could ride a motorbike and then crashing in to my friends dad's car ,the worst part about it was that it was a pee wee 80 :oops:
Both the car and the bike suffered major damage #-o


Accredited Media Releases
i sent on behalf of some friends and i, a birthday card to an ex-parramatta player at his new club. To my suprise he wrote back! thinking it would be BLOODY AWESOME to have an nrl exparra boy as a pen pal i got a piece of paper, sat down with his letter and wrote back to him. I folded up the letter, sent it, and popped his in my room for safe keeping.

Couple of days later my friend came over and wanted to see it, so i gave her the letter i had popped away with out looking at it. She goes "no this is what you wrote to him, where's the one he sent you??"
My stomach dropped because all of a sudden i realised that i had sent this guy back his own letter!!

pretty embarassing, kind of GLAD he doesn't play for parra anymore!!!

(not saying his name :lol: ;-) )


When I was in Year 7, our class went on a Geography Hike in this rainforest. We took a lunchbreak by this lake, and the teacher said we could go off to the toilet if we wanted. People went in all directions, my mate Ben and I went up this winding buch track, until Ben stood next to a tree and said "I'm going here." I could see people down by the lake through the trees, so I figured they could see us, so I told him I was going further up. I reached a spot where the path bent around a big rock. As I went past the rock I looked behind me when suddenly I heard a girl's voice yell "BETHANY- LOOK OUT!"
I snapped back around to see this girl in my class squatting by a rock. Apparently the screams could be heard back down by the lake. :lol: :oops:

Ron Jeremy

Telling my mate ( this is while we were in year 12) at lunch that mrs @#$%^ had the best arse i had ever seen!!........unfortunately she was right behind me just about to ask me if i had returned a permission slip for a group surf trip our home room organised :oops:


reached a spot where the path bent around a big rock. As I went past the rock I looked behind me when suddenly I heard a girl's voice yell "BETHANY- LOOK OUT!"

Similar here on Grade 7 camp. But I was the one caught taking a dump by a girl in my class.
Ron Jeremy said:
Telling my mate ( this is while we were in year 12) at lunch that mrs @#$%^ had the best arse i had ever seen!!........unfortunately she was right behind me just about to ask me if i had returned a permission slip for a group surf trip our home room organised :oops:

In year 10 English me and my mates were sitting up at the back corner of the classroom.

Anyway Im sitting in the back row and the person infront of me had turned around and was talking to us.....about the teacher of that class.

So he's there telling us everything he's like to "Do" to that teacher. As he's talking she starts walking up the rows of seats.....everyone in our group saw her but none of us told our friend.

Anyway just as he's getting to the part where he had the teacher "Over a chair" she says "Really ******, thats really interesting. Get out!". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


First Grade
Fender said:
Probably telling everyone I could ride a motorbike and then crashing in to my friends dad's car ,the worst part about it was that it was a pee wee 80 :oops:
Both the car and the bike suffered major damage #-o

I did something like that. I was living in Cambelltown at the time and we had a whole bunch of friends and the boys all went motor cross riding on the weekends. The only way for us girls to spend time with our men was if we went along too. I decided to be brave (more showing off then anything else) and asked if I could be taught to ride. I put the helmut on got on the bike they told me which handle was the excelerator and how to change gears but they forgot to tell me where the brakes were. Of course I took off hit the accelerator too hard, tried to stop by doing something, god knows what though and hit powerban instead. The bike and me was on the back wheel heading straight for a garbage bin and behind that a tin shed with people in it. My next option was to hit the garbage bin by sliding the bike into it. Apart from damaging my knee and couldn't play in the netball finals in the following weeks - I damaged my ego the most. :oops:
Another good one.

Five of us decided to skip school, go to a mates house and just get p*ssed.

Anyway two of our friends got really destroyed and passed out. We ditched them and decided to go to the Origin game that was on later that evening (This was during SL when they played at the SFS and the crowds were not huge).

Anyway the three of us that left decided we'd spread the rumour that our two passed our friends that we ditched has "Done" each other.

Three people in the world knew the truth...and we stuck solid.

We met up with people we knew at the SFS and told them the disgusting scene we left.

You cant believe how funny it was to get to school and have random people running up to me saying "Did you hear the news? PersonA f***ed PersonB!".

The crowning moment was the fact that neither person could honestly say what happened because they were so drunk! :lol:


Super Moderator
Staff member
being conceived. My parents and family have been embarrassed ever since.


First Grade
nospam49 - that's terrible! I hope you righted that wrong in the end!

And with that you have just reminded me of another embarrassing story on me. Once I skipped school with one of my best friends sister and friends (who were obviously a lot older and cooler than me ;-) ) and told them they could come back to my place where we could get stuck into my parents booze cupboard. My mother ended up coming home from work during her lunch break - for some reason - and of course found me and my friends pissed as! She told them to go home and took me back to school - drunk! :oops: All she wanted to do was take me back to school but the vice principal wanted to take things further and have me charged when they realised I had skipped school a few times before by showing my mum the forged sick notes I made up. Thank god my mum told her where to go ... nicely. But boy was I in trouble. :cry:
PK said:
nospam49 - that's terrible! I hope you righted that wrong in the end!

Three people knew the truth...and none of us cracked.

Just on your story.....

I remember one morning getting called to the Principals office. I thought it was because 'd had aloit of days off...so I didnt care. I'd just been in my woodwork class and was egar to get back.

So I get called in with a heap of year 10 kids.

So the Principal starts going off his head about skipping school. I thoyght he was going off at all these year ten kids...so I didnt care. I was actually sitting there looking at his furnature thinking about what I could make in year ten when we got to make something big.

Anyway the Principal is going nuts, then he looks at me and say "I know all about you. Not only have you done thing, but you've had alot of days off school. Your on think ice young man!"

I didnt care....a few days off school, yeah I was in huge trouble! :roll:

So we all walk out of his room, I look at these year ten kids who are sh*tting themselves and I say "What the **** was all that about?"

Anyway I go back to woodwork and think nothing of it.

So this dumb **** principal calls my Mum up. He tells her a tale....

He said that me and these year ten kids had all decided to take a day off of school. I invited them all round my place and we all got p*ssed. I was pulling the wool over everyone eeyes and in his words "I was a tough nut to crack".

Now my Mum know me better then this dope. She knows that if I wanted a day off, I'd ask her. I never had p*ssups at my house....I just wouldnt do that sort of this at my house.

So when I get home she told me what the Principal ahd told her and we all cracked up!

This DOPE of a principal had made a mistake. See there was a kid at my highschool in year ten with the same name as me (Spelled differently) and he's mixed us up! :lol:

My family thought it was funny.....which was lucky.

So the next day this dumb **** Principal calls me in again and apologises.

The funny thing was I had him by the balls from that day on. I'd get called in for stuff.....I didnt care....and he HATED it.

My sister got in a fight with her friends mother on day and I got told by a frtend to get to the office straight away.

So I get these and this dopey Principal is talking to my sister.

I butted in and made sure she was ok. The bell went and I said to the Principal "You make sure young right my Mum up and let her know what happend."

He went off his head. "You dont tell mne what to do."

My reply.... "I just did!"

Needless to say, this dope was embarrased once again. I owned him up untill the day I left.



i'll only say one thing....

few yrs ago i was giving my girlfriend (now wife) a shave down south :oops:
she then went and had a shower,after that she came back in and sat on my lap (both naked) gettin it on.halfway through the deed my little brother came walking in the back door that was supposed to be LOCKED.here's my girl sitting on my lap facing away from me all bald, swollen and wet having a good time when all of sudden my little bro walks straight in and see's the lot(he was about 14 yrs) he goes bright red runs outside to tell mum not to go inside,all she said was next time knock 1st :lol:

i tell you now, there is no way he didn't see everything.

isn't that true jill valentine. :lol:

i got some more but i'll check with the wife 1st ;-)


ParraEelsNRL said:
i'll only say one thing....

few yrs ago i was giving my girlfriend (now wife) a shave down south :oops:
she then went and had a shower,after that she came back in and sat on my lap (both naked) gettin it on.halfway through the deed my little brother came walking in the back door that was supposed to be LOCKED.here's my girl sitting on my lap facing away from me all bald, swollen and wet having a good time when all of sudden my little bro walks straight in and see's the lot(he was about 14 yrs) he goes bright red runs outside to tell mum not to go inside,all she said was next time knock 1st :lol:

i tell you now, there is no way he didn't see everything.

isn't that true jill valentine. :lol:

i got some more but i'll check with the wife 1st ;-)

wtf geez just tell everyone next time :oops:
Looks like u wont be going south for awhile :lol:

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