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Nathan Cayless comments


Staff member
Nickeel said:

That guy plays for them... you know, what's his name? The greatest player in the world, at the peak of his powers?

You play them in two weeks.


You f**ken dropkick. I genuinely forgot who you lost to and you throw me a comment like that.

Get the pole out of your ass and learn some manners.

Take a leaf our of the book of people like Eelementary and realise you don't have to be a smart ass to have an intelligent conversation with other supporters.


Post Whore
borat said:
I think you will find every Dragons suppporter agrees with this statement. But do you realise how many Parra supporters are absolutely adamant that Marsh never connected with Barrett at all and it was all in Barrett's imagination.

Oh I know mate.

Some very biased Eels fans are adamant it never happened lol.

But I for one know PJ Marsh is not a dirty player.

It was a charge-down that went wrong.

Personally, I don't think a penalty would have been necessary - Trent was obviously not hurt, and to me it seemed like Marsh did not deliberately hit Barrett high.

Anyway that's all in the past.

Looking forward to Sunday. I'll be there.

Although the loss of Tahu makes me worried...If anyone on our team could contain Gasnier one-on-one, it was Timana. And now he's out....

Ah well.

Good luck on Sunday.


borat said:
How dumb are you. He pleaded guilty idiot.

yeh i know he pleaded guilty, everyone pleads guilty. my point was the so-called hit went to the grading process and was given bugger all. if he had hit barrett high, and with any force, especially with the way he ran in like he did, he would have been graded a lot higher than a grade 1. simple as that.


Eel#1 said:
yeh i know he pleaded guilty, everyone pleads guilty. my point was the so-called hit went to the grading process and was given bugger all. if he had hit barrett high, and with any force, especially with the way he ran in like he did, he would have been graded a lot higher than a grade 1. simple as that.

maybe the match review commitee felt sorry for him because he has a broken neck? :roll:


Drew-Sta said:
You f**ken dropkick. I genuinely forgot who you lost to and you throw me a comment like that.

Get the pole out of your ass and learn some manners.

Take a leaf our of the book of people like Eelementary and realise you don't have to be a smart ass to have an intelligent conversation with other supporters.

Why is it when Dragons fans make jokes at the expense of Parramatta or its fans it is 'bantering,' but for me to do the same makes me a "f**ken dropkick".

Mate, if you've read my comments in various LU forums (Parrammatta, St George Illawarra and NRL) this week, you'd realise I was spurning petty, nasty jibes and sticking to a friendly ribbing here and there in amongst more sensible comments.

You are holding on to a lot of anger. Well, you're holding on to something, anyway.



Assistant Moderator
Eel#1 said:
yeh i know he pleaded guilty, everyone pleads guilty.
No they don't.
Eel#1 said:
my point was the so-called hit went to the grading process and was given bugger all.
By going to a grading and being charged, it is no longer a 'so-called hit', the conjecture is over. The MRC deemed it to be a high shot and Marsh pleaded guilty to that charge.
Eel#1 said:
if he had hit barrett high,
No 'ifs' about it - he did Barrret high.
Eel#1 said:
and with any force, especially with the way he ran in like he did, he would have been graded a lot higher than a grade 1. simple as that.
You mean because he didnt hit the mark any squarer or higher and take Barrett's head off, then its all OK? Rightio. :-k


Staff member
Nickeel said:
Why is it when Dragons fans make jokes at the expense of Parramatta or its fans it is 'bantering,' but for me to do the same makes me a "f**ken dropkick".

Mate, if you've read my comments in various LU forums (Parrammatta, St George Illawarra and NRL) this week, you'd realise I was spurning petty, nasty jibes and sticking to a friendly ribbing here and there in amongst more sensible comments.

You are holding on to a lot of anger. Well, you're holding on to something, anyway.


Had I at all made jokes at your team, made fun of you or made 'petty, nasty jibes' at all during the post?

I genuinely forgot who you lost to, you proceed to flame me and then you get upset because I retaliated to it. You call it 'friendly ribbing'; I call it utter bullsh*t. I don't post on any other forum than the Dragons one, although I have occaisionally had small comments with Garbo on the Sharks when they talk about interesting topics. So no, I didn't realise you were being a dickhead in other threads either.

If you have nothing intelligent to say, well and truly f**k OFF!

Laslty, I only hold anger towards idiot posters like yourself who believe the anonymity of the internet gives you the right to spread verbal diaoherreia. Your call of 'You must be holding onto something' only proves the point that the majority of intelligent fans are let down by dropkicks such as yourself.

God-King Dean


There's been banter on both sides. Can't you deal with it? *If you quote this, you are a little bitch*


Assistant Moderator
Nicky seems to have lost it a bit but the battle isn't over yet.
Come on boys... fight it out!
Last man standing gets the girl.


Staff member
Lol at Willow. You're like the kid at school who always chanted 'Fight Fight Fight!' when the pushing and shoving started :p


Assistant Moderator
LMAO. Actually, I was usually the one at the bottom of the pile getting a kicking. Green Valley was a tough neighbourhood. ;-)


Staff member
Ahh, everytime I remember the small amount of fights I got into at school I hear that Cat Stevens song:

"Remember the days of the old school yard!"

I don't think they're is a kid who hasn't been involved in a scuffle of some sort at one time or another.


Assistant Moderator
Well we used to get into pretty big brawls at Miller High. At the time it was one of the largest (if not the largest) high schools in the state. It was crammed with lots of kids with problems being governed by loser teachers. Fires were common and one year, some kids set fire to the whole science block. Ahhh... the good old days. :)


Staff member
Lol the WHOLE science block?! The biggest thing to happen fire wise was when somebody set fire to Kingsgrove North High's back playground. Great campfire material.

Ooh, and when somebody in my brothers year drove the car into the pool at Sydney Tech, I had a laugh at that.


Assistant Moderator
A good portion of it anyway. Lots of gas and chemicals in there so they chose their target well.

The silly buggas were sitting on top the service station at Miller shops, looking at their handy work from a safe distance. Teenagers smoking ciggies and laughing in full view of everyone. The cops picked them up in no time.

Miller had the reputation of being a prison. There are catwalks between the blocks and bars on all the windows (most schools had less security). It looked like a jail to the kids anyway.

I shouldn't bag it though. I havent been there for over 20 years.


Staff member
Bah, I hated my old school. St Mary's Cathedral was designed and felt like a prison complex itself. Although it didn't have as many bars etc, the actual design of the place felt like a prison. Square, with a concrete compound downstairs that suited for the 'playground', autocratic staff, and the only grass to be seen was Hyde Park.

Bad memories, but in saying that yr 12 rocked because of the 'fun' we got up to. I still regret not calling in a favour with a friend who owned a Mr Whippy van, and getting him to drive it into the school quadrangle at recess for 'Muck Up' day. Our school cafeteria would've spewed!


Assistant Moderator
I will say this, Miller might have been battlers when to came to academic achievement (a nice way of putting it), but they had a pretty good football team, very tough up front. lol. Visiting teams hated playing us.


Staff member
Willow said:
had a pretty good football team, very tough up front.

That's all that matters mate, nobody gives a flying about that academic crap! ;-)

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