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Nathan Cayless


True EEL said:
and for those who wish to claim "he is useless" at club level, try watching the game with your eyes open, it might help

Who exactly are you quoting there?:roll:
I don't see anyone claiming "he is useless".

I've been the most critical of him in this thread and the worst I've called him is mediocre.

I know the difference in the forward packs between the eels and the kiwis would affect his impact. But if you look at Wiki, Jason Cayless and Asotasi, they're much the same at club level as international level. Why would being part of a great forward pack make Cayless seem so much better but not the others?
I still think the difference is because he tries harder for the kiwis.


thatsold said:
Who exactly are you quoting there?:roll:
I don't see anyone claiming "he is useless".

I've been the most critical of him in this thread and the worst I've called him is mediocre.

I know the difference in the forward packs between the eels and the kiwis would affect his impact. But if you look at Wiki, Jason Cayless and Asotasi, they're much the same at club level as international level. Why would being part of a great forward pack make Cayless seem so much better but not the others?
I still think the difference is because he tries harder for the kiwis.

the answer is similar to hindmarsh, Cayless makes 30 odd tackles a game at parramatta. He and hindmarsh are the premier forwards in an otherwise medicore forward pack as it is. Now that is harsh, but take them out and you have fui, who is a late bloomer and emerged only this year as a consistant 1st grader, and a bunch off younge forwards, or just workaholics. Wiki has price, goodenbel, etc, asotasi has masson, ryan, omealy, sbw... defencivly the work is more spread out in the other teams, we had cayless, and hindmarsh always toping our tackle count with morrison also. but that does take away from our attack... also they are looked to eaarly to make inroad and get the opposition on the back foot, so widders, and our backs could get involved, while he is now playing where he is able to run when the opposition is on the back foot... mabey next year with mateo and fui playing more footy we may see the attacking fair of hindy and cayless return


Post Whore
caylo said:
the answer is similar to hindmarsh, Cayless makes 30 odd tackles a game at parramatta. He and hindmarsh are the premier forwards in an otherwise medicore forward pack as it is. Now that is harsh, but take them out and you have fui, who is a late bloomer and emerged only this year as a consistant 1st grader, and a bunch off younge forwards, or just workaholics. Wiki has price, goodenbel, etc, asotasi has masson, ryan, omealy, sbw... defencivly the work is more spread out in the other teams, we had cayless, and hindmarsh always toping our tackle count with morrison also. but that does take away from our attack... also they are looked to eaarly to make inroad and get the opposition on the back foot, so widders, and our backs could get involved, while he is now playing where he is able to run when the opposition is on the back foot... mabey next year with mateo and fui playing more footy we may see the attacking fair of hindy and cayless return

No - it's the truth.

Our forward pack isn't one that opposition teams look at and think, "sh*t...They have some real metre-eaters in their ranks!"

Ron Jeremy

I have to agree with ThatsSold to some degree, i think he's not to bad at club level....solid, but hardly what you call one of the premier props, he'd probably be barely lucky to make the top 15 in props in the NRL, however at International level he seems like one of the best in the world?

Hindmarsh imo is better at club level then represenitive, but Caylo is vice versa.

ThatsSold also makes a good point, how many threads do we have praising Cayless?, the only ones i remember was the ones which stated Cayless needs to improve his game or how bad he's playing?

I think like Vella, Cayless has a problem with consistency, where as you know Fui & Hindmarsh will always have good games, and there bad games in reality aren't to bad.


Ron Jeremy said:
I think like Vella, Cayless has a problem with consistency, where as you know Fui & Hindmarsh will always have good games, and there bad games in reality aren't to bad.

how can u call fui consistant, he has played a handful of 1st grade games, cayless played well all last year, started the year bad, but was back to his best, and was it no surprise parra started winning with him firing, and when he was out, we started lossing again. he carried our forward pack in terms of making meters, when fui was missing he stepped up. made the job easyer for cordoba and robo, he is a premier prop, and would be imo in the top 5 in the world, call it bias or what u want, but he is great 2 me

Ron Jeremy

caylo said:
how can u call fui consistant, he has played a handful of 1st grade games[, cayless played well all last year, started the year bad, but was back to his best, and was it no surprise parra started winning with him firing, and when he was out, we started lossing again. he carried our forward pack in terms of making meters, when fui was missing he stepped up. made the job easyer for cordoba and robo, he is a premier prop, and would be imo in the top 5 in the world, call it bias or what u want, but he is great 2 me

In the games he's played he has been consistant.

You just said it yourself, when he started firing, he left it late didn't he?, Fui and Hindy were firing all year, consistency.

He is a solid prop, no O'Meley or Webcke, but can produce great games now and then

That's very biased, when you consider the props out there

Webcke, Civoneceva, O' Meley, Mason, Asotasi, Bailey, Fielden, Price, Wiki, Skando, Kite, Clinton, Ross, Fui, Morely, J Cayless etc......sorry, the props mentioned in there prime were all better props then Cayless.


Ron Jeremy said:
In the games he's played he has been consistant.

You just said it yourself, when he started firing, he left it late didn't he?, Fui and Hindy were firing all year, consistency.

He is a solid prop, no O'Meley or Webcke, but can produce great games now and then

That's very biased, when you consider the props out there

Webcke, Civoneceva, O' Meley, Mason, Asotasi, Bailey, Fielden, Price, Wiki, Skando, Kite, Clinton, Ross, Fui, Morely, J Cayless etc......sorry, the props mentioned in there prime were all better props then Cayless.

in cayless prime her is better than most of the props mentioned, he was held in the same breath as webkey in 2000/2001. out of the props u mentioned he is better than skando, kite, ross, fui, morley at the very least. webkey has reitired. thats takes 6 props off your list. he would be up there with the othe rmentioned. he is not a block busting asotasi, or masson.. he is past that, rather a workhorse type prop ala price and omealy. i still rate him better than jason cayless, some other players like mason have a size advantage over him, but her shows so much more ticker than some of these blokes. Again players like asotasi, and and mason play low minutes compared to cayless, so they can have more impact. id have cayless in my team over any prop in the world, he has shown his class.


Post Whore
How can we compare Cayless to Moimoi?

Cayless is a workhorse, whilst Moimoi is a fair dinkum match-winner.

Comparing the 2 is like comparing Hindmarsh to Menzies.

Ron Jeremy

caylo said:
in cayless prime her is better than most of the props mentioned, he was held in the same breath as webkey in 2000/2001. out of the props u mentioned he is better than skando, kite, ross, fui, morley at the very least. webkey has reitired. thats takes 6 props off your list. he would be up there with the othe rmentioned. he is not a block busting asotasi, or masson.. he is past that, rather a workhorse type prop ala price and omealy. i still rate him better than jason cayless, some other players like mason have a size advantage over him, but her shows so much more ticker than some of these blokes. Again players like asotasi, and and mason play low minutes compared to cayless, so they can have more impact. id have cayless in my team over any prop in the world, he has shown his class.

Sorry mate, but most of that post sounds like a Canterbury supporter defending there fans.

Scando, is a bloke who would've played Origin if he was at a more succesful club, Kite is an SOO player, Ross is a very good GF wining prop and Morley? well.....he's a superstar of the game.....who imo was the Roosters forward pack last year.

As for Fui?, so you'd rather Cayless then Fui? hmmm, i bet if Fui was avaliable now along with Cayless who would get the most and biggest offers.

Work Horse?, so by your rationale Chad Robinson, Peek, Grimaldi are better players aswell?, they were the work horse types, sorry to win a GF you need props who have an impact on the game, and make the yards when there needed, probably why we always choke, because we never had our props step up in the big games.

Asotasi and Mason play just as much minutes as Cayless, if not more, Cayless found it hard to even start games this year, little lone star in.

I'm sorry, Cayless is a good player, but fair dinkum he's not a bench mark for props and never has been, he does his job and trys to lead our team, but to have him over Mason, O'Meley, Perto, Morley etc is just ludicrous, as much as i hate those players.

Cayless isn't consistent enough to be considered a premier prop in the game, actually he'd probably just a whisker ahead of Vella as a player.

PS, i know Webcke retired, it was based on this years players.

Ron Jeremy

Eelementary said:
How can we compare Cayless to Moimoi?

Cayless is a workhorse, whilst Moimoi is a fair dinkum match-winner.

Comparing the 2 is like comparing Hindmarsh to Menzies.

Moi Moi is a bloke that will help you win a GF, Cayless isn't, but a player that we still need.

Get my drift?

Prodigal Eel

Meh....we work with what we got....imo cayless is a top prop, there are better of course but they arnt playing for parra are they?
I feel alot better with cayless name in the team.....i dont know if its just me or im seeing things but when cayless is on the field we seem to perform alot better!

Prodigal Eel

yeah thats ur point...while some believe there are better 2nd rowers out there then hindy...thats why i would hate to be a selector....no matter what u do...ur always wrong!

Ron Jeremy

Prodigal Eel said:
yeah thats ur point...while some believe there are better 2nd rowers out there then hindy...thats why i would hate to be a selector....no matter what u do...ur always wrong!

It's not just my point, it's common sense and a reality.

I don't think Hindy is the best either.


Post Whore
I'm a Cayless fan, as both a player and man. But my point is...How can you say that Moimoi is better than Cayless, or vice versa?

They're both totally different players.


First Grade
Eelementary said:
I'm a Cayless fan, as both a player and man. But my point is...How can you say that Moimoi is better than Cayless, or vice versa?

They're both totally different players.

I think you can compare them by saying who contributes more to the team overall.

Ron Jeremy

Eelementary said:
I'm a Cayless fan, as both a player and man. But my point is...How can you say that Moimoi is better than Cayless, or vice versa?

They're both totally different players.

True, both are important components to our side.


Post Whore
Well, see...

When you have a forward pack with guys like Robinson, Hindmarsh, Ian Hindmarsh and Cordoba (all what you'd call workhorses), I would deem a metre-eater such as Moimoi to be of more importance to our side's balance.

But that's not to say that Cayless isn't a crucial part of our team.

Ron Jeremy

I agree too with that Ele.

Fui is our numbe r1 metre eater, he's go forward was terribly missed in our last 3 games.


Post Whore
Couldn't agree more.

Whether he starts or comes off the bench, I believe that Moimoi is now a vital player to our team. Always makes good metres and always plays tough. Sort of like our only enforcer out there. That value cannot be underestimated.

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