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Natural men scolded into timidity


What an enlightening article by Miranda Devine.
Men and women have become androgenous.
I thought i had failed as a father when i had difficulty breastfeeding the baby.


First Grade
Brainwash the kids?

That's known as "The AFL method".

It is indeed. I got in a bit of trouble when I presented my nephew (lives in Melbourne) with his first footy. There was outrage that it was white instead of red and didn't have laces.

Ignore Thomas, he'd rather drink a litre of butt sweat from the sweetheart he met at a Lions game than let his kids play AFL. He's just trying to look cool cos he thinks there might be a girl or two who goes for that sort of schmaltz here, and he could get his end away.

You won't get your end away in this forum Thomas, most of the girls here would prefer to gargle sand and broken glass than go out with a *cough cough* Union fan...

I was lucky enough to find a women who saw through my faults a long time ago EA. Also lucky she didn't see through her glass of wine and see that partially dissolved pill...


i agree with what she says about league but her vendetta against feminism is just typical conservative bullsh*t. i still dont think shes gotten over the fact that John Howard lost the last election.

also of COURSE her sons play union. i could not be less suprised.

There is a definite element of society that insists on women and men being completely equal, when on many levels they are not. It's unrealistic and overall damaging.

As for the kiddies, the trick is to prevent the soccer/AFL situation (didnt bother with union, because realistically nobody wants to play union) from happening early on...at age 6, telling a kid "no you can't play soccer because I think its sh*t" - possibly bad parenting. But at age 3 and 4, taking the kids to League games constantly, telling him he can play one day, pointing out the geniused unco nature of AFL while flicking through the channels, and throwing the occasional line about how boring soccer is - good parenting!

Big Time

No good parenting is telling them that AFL and Union is crappola. It is only fair on the kids. It is surely some type of abuse not to inform them of this.


First Grade
:lol: @ all the parent police. Go back to the hippy commune people

You see this kind of post makes me wonder what type of parent you are or will be. If you feel the need to quote 3 separate posts could possibly be a bit paranoid about something...?
This PC stuff gives me the sh*ts.

Tell someone you kicked your kid in the arse for doing something stupid and these dumf**ks want you to either go to jail or spend your next 32 weekends in counselling.


Joker's Wild

You see this kind of post makes me wonder what type of parent you are or will be. If you feel the need to quote 3 separate posts could possibly be a bit paranoid about something...?

Paranoid about what exactly?

This is an internet forum and I find it laughable how some here can judge other people's parenting ability based on a comment or 2. I cant stand moral crusaders at the best of times but on an internet forum about RL it is idiocy in the extreme.


OK lets have a cavemans view -

There seems to be a whole sub culture of women out there that believe that the womens liberation movement was the worst thing that ever happened to women in general.
Women, like men are hard wired through the eons to be what they are.
So called modernisation of the roles by ill conceived zealots have confused the respective genders and left them with limited role models.
Thats not to say that there hasnt been progression.
Women should earn as much as men etc etc

The metrosexual attraction is a passing phase. Whereas once people like Bogart were celebrated as desirable by the ladies, they are moving away from the Beckhams and more to the Hugh Jackmans. In fact the common theme in my office regarding Hugh Jackman at the moment amongst the ladies is how excited they are to see a hairy chest !!

I say men should celebrate being men with all the on field violence and collision and testosterone that it entails....
The ladies will follow - Its all hardwired in their brains.
Rugby League will survive because we need the collison sport, as we hanker for the 'bring back the biff' and the simpler ways when blokes were blokes and we all knew where we stood.
The small vocal minority of girls apparently 'outraged' by the Matthew Johns saga have been well and truly dwarfed by the overwhelming support from women towards Matt and the distain directed towards 'claire'.
Women are the smartest people on earth, they can smell a money/ fame grabbing skank for miles.
The media are a compass for the people, when they realise that people are supporting Matt they will suddenly be profusely all over league.
Today we are being kicked by those with old agendas.
Tommorrow it will be something else.

Let the media have their devilsh ways, dont read the paper. Just go along to the games and wear your colours proudly.
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Post Whore
awesome thread. Agree with god king-dean and EA. Summed my thoughts up perfectly. Ill be doing the job on my sons early. They'll know there's a choice when it comes to codes. rugby league or a being beaten like a red headed step child and a new mummy and daddy.
Thankfully, mine and my partner's love for league will make it impossible for our future children to ever consider another option.


awesome thread. Agree with god king-dean and EA. Summed my thoughts up perfectly. Ill be doing the job on my sons early. They'll know there's a choice when it comes to codes. rugby league or a being beaten like a red headed step child and a new mummy and daddy.
Thankfully, mine and my partner's love for league will make it impossible for our future children to ever consider another option.

Mate, its just not league, maybe he wants to play AFL or something else. If the kids want to play with a footy or want to run around with toy guns and wrestle in the dirt - lets let em !!!

Big Time

Mate, its just not league, maybe he wants to play AFL or something else. If the kids want to play with a footy or want to run around with toy guns and wrestle in the dirt - lets let em !!!

No my chidren will follow league. Hard for them not too. I only allow League on the TV. Union & AFL are never put on. Totally banned. My missus and I are both Leagueys and have a big dislike for the other two codes, so lifes easy hey.


Post Whore
Mate, its just not league, maybe he wants to play AFL or something else. If the kids want to play with a footy or want to run around with toy guns and wrestle in the dirt - lets let em !!!

No. Lets f**kin not!
My son will have it drummed into his head from day one. League will be the only thing he considers.
If he wants to play ariel ping pong. Then good on him, he'll still be my son. But the little bastard will have to hope his foster family have the money for flog ball registration or enjoy rooming with my dog in the backyard. His choice... Aren't i a compassionate bloke? Clearly only the most devoted dad would give him the option of the dog house.
sh*t i've gone a bit soft in my old age.
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No. Lets f**kin not!
My son will have it drummed into his head from day one. League will be the only thing he considers.
If he wants to play ariel ping pong. Then good on him, he'll still be my son. But the little bastard will have to hope his foster family have the money for flog ball registration or enjoy rooming with my dog in the backyard. His choice... Aren't i a compassionate bloke? Clearly only the most devoted dad would give him the option of the dog house.
sh*t i've gone a bit soft in my old age.



My son is free to play league, union, afl, badmitton for all I care but if he wants to be a professional sportsman I damn well hope he plays golf - more $$$, longer career, less injuries, no bs media hacks dragging his sport down. However, if he is to become the next Tiger, he'll need his grandfathers skills at the game not his hacker dad's


Paranoid about what exactly?

This is an internet forum and I find it laughable how some here can judge other people's parenting ability based on a comment or 2. I cant stand moral crusaders at the best of times but on an internet forum about RL it is idiocy in the extreme.

Im the most un-PC, cynical, anti-popular culture person in existance but not watching your child play spoert because its soccer?

That takes the cake....and not a small one either but a big triple tier f**k off cake.