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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

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Dogs Of War

As it is a commission and Love is the chairman,he is part of the commission,involving 7 or 8 other high profile people.He would IMO only have the casting vote in a decision that was tied.That is all .I am not a Love fan BTW.
He has the same input as the others which hopefully will be independent business people with some association with the game.eg Bernie Fraser a former Reserve Bank head and on the Raiders board at one stage from memory.Bring on Singo,for example.
I couldn't give a flying if Attila the Hun led the commission,as long as grassroots is protected,the game expands,we get a decent Tv contract,decent facilities are in place ,and we are able to serve it up to the fumbleballers.
Geez we are precious we jump up and down when we want a commission,now there is one looming we don't want him or her to head it up.At this rate we will still be looking for a commission when the Moon is populated.

A better question is then, will Love be willing to lose his other roles. I actually think that should be something that is mandatory, you can't hold another role in the game, so no conflict of interest occurs.


As it is a commission and Love is the chairman,he is part of the commission,involving 7 or 8 other high profile people.He would IMO only have the casting vote in a decision that was tied.That is all .I am not a Love fan BTW.
He has the same input as the others which hopefully will be independent business people with some association with the game.eg Bernie Fraser a former Reserve Bank head and on the Raiders board at one stage from memory.Bring on Singo,for example.
I couldn't give a flying if Attila the Hun led the commission,as long as grassroots is protected,the game expands,we get a decent Tv contract,decent facilities are in place ,and we are able to serve it up to the fumbleballers.
Geez we are precious we jump up and down when we want a commission,now there is one looming we don't want him or her to head it up.At this rate we will still be looking for a commission when the Moon is populated.

If we are going to have a commission we should do it properly and that involves leaving the dinosaurs behind. I actually do care who heads it up. It's a bloody important position. Why else would've they sounded out a former PM for the posi.

And we don't want people on the board currently involved with media companies (radio, TV, print) to stop conflicts of interests.
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Everyone likes to bang on about the ARL "dinosaurs", but what is John Howard? what is News? Packer? Jerry Harvey? et cetera. They will all ask for huge salaries, meet only once a month, achieve very little and have conflicted interests. All the major issues like tv rights would be apointed to a sub committee to report back recomendations to a rubber stamp board with mixed interests.

Its either that, or an overlord CEO who wields absolute power by having the last say on every issue, like Dimetreioaieoau in the AFL.

In reality, either way we go, we need a younger up start like Greenberg in my opinion. Someone to sweep in and be a fresh air clearing all the miazma curently filling the lungs of our game.

At the moment, nothing happens except maintenance of the status quo.
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First Grade
Colin Love the exact sort of self-serving Junket Junkie we need to be ridding the game of.

Yes, we need some younger people in there, people under 50.


ill do it



Just appoint Gallop, Love, Rupert Murdoch and David Moffatt to the commission and be done with it.


I would suggest Kevin Ryan ok he is older than 50,but a respected lawyer,who played the game and knows a bit about business.his mere presence would pull the rest of the commission members in line.
The head of David Jones (McInness) is a rugby league fan and on the board of the Roosters.Hell I suggest he would like a real challenge in sport.;-)
Throw in Greenberg and Searle,not Benny "there are carrots at the end of the rainbow" Elias.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Howard playing 'wait and see' on NRL job

Former prime minister John Howard has not ruled out accepting a high-ranking position with the National Rugby League (NRL).

Last month reports emerged that the NRL had approached Mr Howard to head an independent commission to run the sport's body.

At a function in Sydney today, Mr Howard said he would wait and see how events unfolded.

"I'll leave that discussion to another day except to say I've always had a great interest in that game, as I have in a lot of sports, and I wish it well. We'll just see what develops," he said.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Bid to install Howard as rugby league boss given boot
October 22, 2009 - 11:17PM


A PUSH to appoint John Howard to a senior position administering rugby league has been torpedoed by the federal Labor minister and South Sydney Rabbitohs diehard Anthony Albanese.

The Herald can reveal that Mr Albanese was instrumental behind the scenes in lobbying the NRL against giving the former prime minster a role on the code's new independent commission.

Mr Albanese sprung into action on October 7, after News Limited reported that Mr Howard had been approached by league officials to become chairman of the commission.

The minister rang the NRL chief executive, David Gallop, as well as other league officials to tell them it was ''a stupid idea''. Mr Albanese also marshalled officials from the Rabbitohs, of which he was once a board member, to help kill off the idea.

''Nobody I spoke to thought it was a good idea,'' Mr Albanese said.

The intervention has ended any chance of Mr Howard chairing the commission although it may be possible for him to take one of the eight board positions.

The intervention also threatens to reopen the class stereotypes that surround rugby league.

''It's tribal,'' said a source intimate with events. ''It's league versus union, it's Labor versus Liberal.''

Mr Albanese's intervention came after the NRL, as a courtesy, notified the office of the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, that it was to approach Mr Howard.

The Herald has been told Mr Rudd was not aware of the request as it was made at a relatively junior level in his office.

Nonetheless, no objection was raised so Michael Searle, the boss of the Gold Coast Titans, approached Mr Howard.

Mr Searle was selected because he was aligned to neither News Limited nor the Australian Rugby League, the joint owners of the NRL, and the commission will be independent.

It is understood the job of chairman was not offered specifically to Mr Howard, only that he was sounded out generally.

Mr Albanese told the Herald he did not act in his capacity as a minister and the issue of funding was never raised by himself or anyone else.

In 2007, before the election, Mr Howard promised the NRL $10 million to help it build a new headquarters for the commission.

In 2008, in its first budget, the Rudd Government cancelled the funding as part of a cost-cutting exercise.

On October 3 this year, the day before the NRL grand final, Mr Albanese reconstituted the pledge, offering $10.4 million and the NSW Premier, Nathan Rees, offering another $1 million.

Four days later, the news broke about Mr Howard being approached - the first time Mr Albanese and others in the ALP became aware of the offer.

Mr Howard declined to comment other than to defend his bona fides as a league fan. He supports St George.

''I'm no Johnny-come-lately to following football,'' he said.

''I've been to a number of St George games this year.''

He missed this year's grand final because he was in Dallas but he watched the game on cable TV.

''I wish the game of rugby league well and I'll continue to follow it with sympathy,'' he said.

Sources said those now under consideration for the position of chairman included the former Qantas boss Geoff Dixon, the retail king Gerry Harvey, and the company director Gary Pemberton.

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