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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

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With his connections, leadership, experience and the fact he lead Australian to be the strongest and best country in the world for 12 years cant think of anyone better especially as he is a big league fan too - a better option couldnt be found for that position


Another stunt from Searle. This prick would be better off running an aussie rules club where this sort of grand standing is appreciated.


First Grade
John f**king Howard?????? :lol::lol::lol:

Even the people of his own safe seat tossed the merkin out.

He's a bumbling fool who knows f**k all about the game.

Many would argue these must be the existing qualifications for a place in the games current administration but little Johnny would take things to a new level.

No thank you.

Big Mick

How can some of you merkins think this is a bad thing?

A former PM wants to be involved in our game as a head of an independent commission.

He wont stand down to anyone because he knows how to handle pressure situations and he commands respect of everyone in a room.

How on earth is that not a bad thing.

Also...he knows spin-doctoring...could come in handy.

But most importantly he is aggressive.

He wont stand back and wait for crap to happen...he'll be proactive and ensure the game heads in the right direction.

Imagine the cash it'll save pissing off all the crappy HQ's and stopping all the spastic exec's who are holding the game back? And you guys don't want it...you ARE the blazer brigade for farks sake...scared of change.

I'll give you one thing...if we DON'T change...we'll be farked in 10 years...FACT.

We need an independent commission. We need to have a high profile public figure LEAD that commission. I would think getting Government funding for stadium expansions would be a little easier to come by wouldn't you think?

Big Mick

Another stunt from Searle. This prick would be better off running an aussie rules club where this sort of grand standing is appreciated.

Why because he is proactive and has a vision to expand the game and make it a successful entity in Australian sport.

Merkin...thanks Dennis....


First Grade
How can some of you merkins think this is a bad thing?

A former PM wants to be involved in our game as a head of an independent commission.

He wont stand down to anyone because he knows how to handle pressure situations and he commands respect of everyone in a room.

How on earth is that not a bad thing.

Also...he knows spin-doctoring...could come in handy.

But most importantly he is aggressive.

He wont stand back and wait for crap to happen...he'll be proactive and ensure the game heads in the right direction.

Imagine the cash it'll save pissing off all the crappy HQ's and stopping all the spastic exec's who are holding the game back? And you guys don't want it...you ARE the blazer brigade for farks sake...scared of change.

I'll give you one thing...if we DON'T change...we'll be farked in 10 years...FACT.

We need an independent commission. We need to have a high profile public figure LEAD that commission. I would think getting Government funding for stadium expansions would be a little easier to come by wouldn't you think?

I have no problem with the commission at all, in fact I welcome it.

But Howard FFS?

He doesn't even have the respect of his former colleagues or his previous constituents.

As for Searle - at times he comes across as a forward thinker but this is certainly not one of them in my opinion.


Good press for the daily news cycle (this will be on the news around the country), terrible long term apointment.

Concidering how much time he spends on the conference trail in america, his age, his political background (will be divisive) and other interests, I don't know what sort of involvement he would have, or even for how long.

Probably more of a figurehead, that would affect the status of the NRL, and wield influence for the game, but not actually do much. Note it mentions Gallop would still run the show.

If you apoint someone like Howard to be a name, what will be the point of the commission? It will just be another pupet organisation, with News using people like Gallop to still exercise control.

We need a commission with some actual centralised power, and a purging of stooges, Gallop included. I'd rather see an ex big bank CEO take the job tbh. Not an aged desicated coconut.

Big Mick

I have no problem with the commission at all, in fact I welcome it.

But Howard FFS?

He doesn't even have the respect of his former colleagues or his previous constituents.

As for Searle - at times he comes across as a forward thinker but this is certainly not one of them in my opinion.

Yes Howard...who else could there be?

Who else would give the game enough profile AUSTRALIA wide...that is known AUSTRALIA wide...and push the game into the future.

Even if he is just there for the transition!....to streamline everything and get the machine rolling.

The only other person I could think I'd want on this commission is Roy Masters purely for the fact he wouldn't take sh*t and loves the game.

If we end up with Ken Arthurson, John Quayle, Colin Love...you are basically ending up with the same sh!t, different smell...nothing will change.

Big Mick

We need a commission with some actual centralised power, and a purging of stooges, Gallop included. I'd rather see an ex big bank CEO take the job tbh. Not an aged desicated coconut.

Like the big banks that are going sh!thouse at the moment due to no control and the fact that every bank has extraordinary provision for doubtful debts and write offs due to overly aggressive lending?...you mean those CEO's who put their companies into sh!t....

No thanks....and on top of that..none of them would get involved if it meant a sh!tload of work..they all want cushy board of director jobs and thats it.

And thirdly...they'll ask for massive salaries and bonuses...again..no thanks


First Grade
Good idea.

If it takes this to turn the tide in the media and politically driven "Cold War" initiated by the AFL, we need to do it.

At least we know he wouldnt be a puppet.


First Grade
Yes Howard...who else could there be?

Who else would give the game enough profile AUSTRALIA wide...that is known AUSTRALIA wide...and push the game into the future.

Even if he is just there for the transition!....to streamline everything and get the machine rolling.

The only other person I could think I'd want on this commission is Roy Masters purely for the fact he wouldn't take sh*t and loves the game.

If we end up with Ken Arthurson, John Quayle, Colin Love...you are basically ending up with the same sh!t, different smell...nothing will change.

It's a case of who would be up for it.

Gerry Harvey would be a prime target of mine.

As for the highlighted three, yep I agree.


First Grade
Good idea.

If it takes this to turn the tide in the media and politically driven "Cold War" initiated by the AFL, we need to do it.

At least we know he wouldnt be a puppet.


The "bird in the hand" theory.

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