I see. No way was Hunt worth close to the insane 1.2m a season FO offered him back in '18, has proven that over and over. I dont know what Junior Amone is on, do you. Learning on the job at 20/21 on the big stage must be rather traumatic as you are always under scrutiny. Some people even wanting you to fail. I think Junior has handled himself well as a 5/8 has an important role to play. To make the landing softer has his senior partner and 300 game veteran even bothered to take him under his wing. I think not, has the coach. More like the opposite by curtailing his running game to turn him into the ball player that his skipper is not. I think the kid must be confused by all this, but I see all round improvement, specially his biggest flaw in his first year, defense. Pulled off some terrific diving tackles in recent weeks, missing fewer too. His ball play is also on the improve. Junior will be some footy player when his game fully matures imho.