Gee, Laurie Daley sure showed some tact in his comments after Graham's suspension eh? :shock: What a moron.
I like the way he talks.........................just proves he isn't the man to be Origin head coach.
and how about publicly stating that Graham may never play origin, basically stating that he isn't good enough for this level and only got picked because of circumstance?
Daley is crazy. 99% of folks in NSW (the 1% will be roosters fans and Daley/Fulton) believe Graham is the best left forward in NSW - yes, better than Cordner - and Cartwright is the best and long-term future right forward for NSW too.
That's not a slight on Frizell. He'll be a great impact interchange player and I reckon he should be in the side as part of the middle rotation with Klemmer and Fifita at the back end of the 1st half and going into the 2nd half, just going balls to the wall for 15-20' either side of halftime. But Cartwright is the long-term prospect on the right edge and should be there now instead of Jackson.
These players will only get better in Origin by playing Origin. Smith, Slater, Thurston, Inglis, etc weren't series winners in their first campaigns, but they were correctly identified as fantastic rep talent and selected. They weren't the players they are now back then. Thurston was an awful defender too.
Fast forward 10-12 years and those guys have now won 9 series, going on 10.
in the meantime, NSW plods along.