My reasons for wanting a Campbelltown/South West Sydney stadium are and remain these:
1. Most importantly, we are a very crucial club in the make up of the league. Both because the AFL wants our territory and because of the quality and quantity of our juniors which we should be developing for our benefit and that of the league. I don't think we can win hearts and minds unless based out there.
Disagree, they are still the local team. Whether they play out there full time or not.
2. Transport links remain excellent, with almost all lines converging at Campbelltown and the M5 right next door. The inner city and even Homebush make things very difficult for a significant number of fans trying to access stadiums. A metro to Moore Park would improve things, and make the SFS a viable option for many of our wide-spread supporter base, but this abandons the west which I obviously think is the key to our long term success.
The Western Metro is going to have a stop near Balmain LEagues? Club runs (free) shuttles from metro down to Leichhardt = almost as good as having stadium right next door.
But yes, Campbelltown Stadium does have fantastic transport links I'll agree there.
3. It's about time Sydney got it's act in to gear with regards to stadia and professionalism. Melbourne, Brisbane, The Gold Coast and Central Coast now all have first class stadiums servicing their needs. I think you would have a far better picture than I of how Melbourne's crowds will explode once leaving a ground which is superior in quality to the ones we use. Newcastle will soon reach 40k and Townsville's quality will go through the roof. Auckland only have 2 grand stands and can hold 30k.
With Melbourne, for sure we are all hoping their crowds increase now that they are out of that turd athletics stadium, but they and all the other clubs are one city teams.
For all bar the bigest clashes, Sydney clubs are never going to regularly pull more than 30. That's a fact people need to accept, which is why I'd prefer the team to stay in more boutique grounds (With better facilities than present) than play out of a half full monstrosity every week. By all means leave the option open to either playing out of Moore Park or Homebush Bay for the games that are going to draw mega crowds (Like the Parrascum game last year) ... But how many times a year does that happen? Outside of Souths and Parra games last year, how many of the JVs games have broken 25k at either Olympic Park or the SFS/SCG?
We averaged 17k or more marauding around for a few years. That's including really sh*t patches of form throughout the season affecting crowds. I like to think that if we had an accessible, first class "home" - home being a very key word - and had a modicum of success our crowds would boom. And that's not even taking into account the fact that we still haven't realistically tapped the Marcarthur market.
Mate, we've played hal.f our games in the first class stadiums, and half of them in the (usually packed) suburban grounds, yet the average sits around what the suburban grounds hold. That should tell you something.
Memberships are being pushed (seemingly by everyone except us) and crowds are generally expected to rise across the board. League is coming out of the dark days and the competition is strong and entertaining. If we moved into the stadium this off-season, taking into account the immense publicity and what not it would provide, I think we could average 25-30k if the other Sydney clubs were performing and providing derbies. Our clash with the Eels, for example, would have sold out with ease.
I think the club is doing quite well pushing membs? Although not being up there (Sydney) day to day I'll accept you having better knowedge on that than me. Absoloutely agree that this is something the club needs to push.
re: Parra game ... Didn't sell out at the SFS with plenty of neutrals attending. What makes you think would be any different down the Sth West?
You asked if i'd be happy with a stadium at Rozelle. No, but only because the inner west is a dumb place to be. Almost 10 clubs have folded from this region and we still want to stay there?
If I were in charge of the league, I'd force us to move west...
Well I'm certainly glad you're not in charge of the League/Killing the last remnants of my old club ;-)
re: Inner West, yes we'd fold if we were there on a full time basis, hence why generally even those like me now accept the JV as being neccesary. There is no reason we can't exist there part time though and retain our roots.
(Sorry for spelling errors, sitting with keyboard on my lap glancing at laptop screen)