People like to make out that the SL war was a result of outside influences, like News limited and the other broadcasters, but the reality is it was entirely a result of a succession of poor decisions made by the NSWRL/ARL. Their decisions and inaction created all the circumstances that made SL an attractive option to those that pursued it, and they've never taken any responsibility for that to this day.
All it would have taken was a handful of sensible changes and it never happens. Just not handing the PTV rights to Packer for literally nothing in the early 90s, not treating clubs outside of Sydney as pariahs and making them feel they had an equal say in the future of the league and how it operated, and taking genuine steps to stamp out the cartel behaviour that was rampant in Sydney at the time, would have made SL a complete non-starter.
Nothing similar to the circumstances that lead to SL exist today, nor is their currently any scope for a competitor competition or anybody realistically in a position to fund such a venture, and suggesting otherwise is little more baseless fearmongering. Furthermore, people that try to blame SL for any and all of the issues facing the game to this day are stuck in the past and need to move on.
The SL war should have no bearing on decisions relating to expansion going forward.