Mate, piss off with your imported US identity politics.
This isn't the place for it. Nobody cares that you are do devoid of any substance in your life that you have to import your entire personality from US social media.
Bit late for that when it's completely inculcated into all our major institutions and has been for over a decade lol.
The Americans may have invented it (more like mutated it from running pre-existing philosophical ideas in actuality), but their society has proved to be better inoculated to it as well, where as for largely debatable reasons it's spread more effectively in the rest of the English speaking and Western world. That's part of the reason why you see large and effective backlashes to it in American society, "culture wars", but not so much in the others.
a lot of the left v right "cultural wars" shit is just side-tracking the public from real issues, probably all planned to as well.
I sincerely wish that was true, but it's not.
The average person may not realise it in their day to day lives, but particularly critical theory and intersectionality among others, and the philosophical and political traditions that are embracing them, have been actively undermining basic tenants of liberalism such as individualism, nativism, equality, and consent of the governed, and have become an existential threat to liberal societies at this point. Naturally other philosophical traditions are reacting to those changes as well, which is leading to more change itself, most of which is totally unpredictable.
Put simply we genuinely seem to be leaving the stable period of liberal philosophical hegemony in the West, and that's causing all sorts of societal upheaval including many, most frankly, of the 'real issues' you're referring to at least in part. I mean just take our country; Australia totally abandoned the last vestiges of freedom of expression and right to protest last year and the vast majority either didn't realise it happened or openly supported it.
But yeah, this isn't the place for this discussion, and most of the people who want to have the discussion aren't equip for it anyway, which is a giant part of the problem.