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NFT-Corby Found Guilty


The Bali 9 are looking at the firing squad.

If Corby got 20 years for her evidence then the overwhelming amount of evidence against them should see them get the death penalty. Sad as that is.

Yes they are very stupid drug smugglers but they are still young Australians.


She's got a lenient sentence atm in Indonesian terms. By appealing she's only increasing her time or looking closer to a death sentence. It's a lose-lose situation for her. The Bali 9 wouldn't have done her much justice either.


John_Travolta said:
Ah.... REALLY.........................

Anyways now, my next question is, HAS She done anything about it IE told anyone? or is she gunna keep turning a blind eye to it.

It's all hear/say as far as she is concerned (stewardess), but she admitted that rumours are rife that it happens quite alot and that it has happened alot in the past.

Why wont you answer my question? Is this when you call me names because you cant?


The Bali 9 are looking at the firing squad.

If Corby got 20 years for her evidence then the overwhelming amount of evidence against them should see them get the death penalty. Sad as that is.

Yes they are very stupid drug smugglers but they are still young Australians.

and they are using our taxpayers money to fund their defence!!!!! anyone see how stupid this is? Personally, I hope they rot in hell, im sorry if thats controversial but drugs nearly destroyed my family, and these idiots think they can get away with importing more of the stuff? Puh lease... if Corby has to serve a 20 year sentence then there should be no question, these guys should get the firing squad. Dont get mixed up with drugs in the first place, and you wouldnt be in this position.... personally im quite offended that my tax is going to try and free these losers, why dont they get the people that they were "working for" to fund them? That may sound stupid, but it really pisses me off


knights04 said:
She's got a lenient sentence atm in Indonesian terms. By appealing she's only increasing her time or looking closer to a death sentence. It's a lose-lose situation for her. The Bali 9 wouldn't have done her much justice either.

Knights04, For ford to say he won't reveal names because they may be killed when she was looking at a possible sentence of death is ludicrous.

I don't know about you but I think I would take my chances with the mystery baggage handlers.


I agree. They must have been looking at that scenario considering it's been heard of many times before. Her defence deterioted once he took the stand and for him not to name these so called people was just pointless. I believe her whole case was revolved around this and once they were left stranded they couldn't even take that avenue of baggage handler bungle.


knights04 said:
I agree. They must have been looking at that scenario considering it's been heard of many times before. Her defence deterioted once he took the stand and for him not to name these so called people was just pointless. I believe her whole case was revolved around this and once they were left stranded they couldn't even take that avenue of baggage handler bungle.


They never had any evidence of corrupt baggage handlers, particuilarly relating to her in the first place. Rumours and inuendo do not pass for evidence in any court of law.


Alex28 said:
My step-sister works for Qantas tiger. She knows that it happens.

Now, do you know that it doesn't happen?

To answer your question, No I don`t. Nor did I say I did or didn`t.



Schapelle Corby is in an Indonesian Jail, for the crime of Drug Smuggling.

Does this mean shes guilty? Does this mean shes innocent? Realistically, the only person who knows this, is Schapelle Corby. Arguing and bitching and fighting, and threatening to boycott Bali is not going to help her. Trying to change someones opinion, FOR or AGAINST, is not going to help her. Saying things like "correct" "your wrong" blah blah blah realistically gets us nowhere, but if you people want to waste 10 more pages on this topic going around in circles, be my guest. Personally my focus would be on those other 9 idiots, but thats just me. Ihave a personal bias against drugs and drug dealers, and the FACT that they had drugs strapped to their body is enough to make my blood boil. But I guess we just wait and see what happens, personally i dont like their chances.


knights04 said:
Correct? Is this Sale of the century?

Knights 04 come on down.

Knights 04 is a bricklayer from Teralba. His interests include rugby league, pig shooting and monster trucks.

Seriously now, what you wrote made alot of sense. And as I seem to be greatly in the minority over this issue, when someone agrees with me I get a little carried away.


Parki said:

Schapelle Corby is in an Indonesian Jail, for the crime of Drug Smuggling.

Does this mean shes guilty? Does this mean shes innocent? Realistically, the only person who knows this, is Schapelle Corby. Arguing and bitching and fighting, and threatening to boycott Bali is not going to help her. Trying to change someones opinion, FOR or AGAINST, is not going to help her. Saying things like "correct" "your wrong" blah blah blah realistically gets us nowhere, but if you people want to waste 10 more pages on this topic going around in circles, be my guest. Personally my focus would be on those other 9 idiots, but thats just me. Ihave a personal bias against drugs and drug dealers, and the FACT that they had drugs strapped to their body is enough to make my blood boil. But I guess we just wait and see what happens, personally i dont like their chances.

Or you could just go away. No one is forcing you to post or read Parki.

Its intersting to see how greatly your opinion changes from soneone who has drugs strapped to their body compared to someone who keep it in their bag. A class system for drug smugglers perhaps.


Parki said:
Arguing and bitching and fighting, and threatening to boycott Bali is not going to help her.

My reasons for boycotting Bali, and the whole of Indonesia, are simply because I don't trust their legal system. While I strongly disagree with the verdict handed to Schapelle Corby, the main reason for boycotting Bali is purely selfish -- I don't want to get lumped with responsibility for something I didn't do.

Now you can whinge all you like about the "one in a million chance" of being framed, but the fact remains that there is too much corruption in Indonesia for me to think I'd be safe there. I have friends in Indonesia too -- I won't be visiting, because I'm not confident that I trust the systems over there.

The result will be a massive down-time for Bali's already-struggling tourism industry. They encouraged us to start coming back after the 2002 bombings. This latest issue will only hurt their industry further. While I have sympathy for the innocent Balinese in this, many will nevertheless want to make a powerful statement about what they think of Indonesian law now that their favourite sister Schapelle has been convicted.


Thats fair enough Oswin, I appreciate what your saying there, however Boycotting won`t change or help any matters whatsoever, no matter how much you jump up and down about it. And just for the record, I despise their country.


He isn't boycotting, it sounds like he never had plans to go there at all.

Correct me if i'm wrong.


Or you could just go away. No one is forcing you to post or read Parki.

Its intersting to see how greatly your opinion changes from soneone who has drugs strapped to their body compared to someone who keep it in their bag. A class system for drug smugglers perhaps.

Yawn.... this forum has really gone to sh*t lately, IMO... let me summarise it for you

I think shes guilty
I think shes innocent
No you f**ktard, shes guilty
dont call me a f**ktard, you f**ktard, shes not guilty
Parki: Why dont you guys stop fighting over this? Its pretty stupid
OI Parki, no one asked you for your opinion, f**k off

and then you have this

Agreed with the above statement Borat....

Wow, JT agrees with something against me, surprise surprise... my post wasnt against you, it was against all of you for wasting so much time and so many posts on a GIRL who ISNT GOING ANYWHERE for a LONG LONG TIME...its a fruitless pointless excercise, but hey, its fun isnt it? Arguing and fighting and bitching with each other? Thats all that seems to happen on this site, which is why i dont post on here. But im sure you really dont care, you have to get back to your fighting after all.

And for what its worth, my opinions do differ significantly on the two cases, I think smuggling heroin into australia is a LOT worse than marijuana, if youve ever had any association with drugs and what they do to people, you would know that. Yes, they are all bad, but you have to apply each case on a different merit.

But seriously, this isnt about this, its about an excuse to use a woman in a bali jail for a 4000 page argument that will go nowhere. Have fun.