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NFT-Corby Found Guilty


Oswin said:
Abu Bakar Bashir has never been convicted of masterminding the Bail bombing. He has been accused of it, but is yet to be convicted in a court. While he may be guilty, nowhere has he been found guilty. The 30 months gaol is not for masterminding the bombings in Bali.

This is an extract from a news report on his trial

Alleged terror leader Abu Bakar Bashir was sentenced today to two and a half years in prison for criminal conspiracy for the 2002 Bali bombings, which killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.
As far as I'm concerned he was found guilty of conspiring to carry them out, weather he masterminded it is really insignificant, he was involved in killing 202 people and got 30 months!


People have opinions as do I Parki, and it`ll continue as long as people have mouths and fingers to type with, so get over it already.


People have opinions as do I Parki, and it`ll continue as long as people have mouths and fingers to type with, so get over it already.

Fact is Opinion + Evidence. Ill get over it once you show me a shred of intelligence, not just a personal attack or a criticism..but hey, you seem to like antagonising and stirring everybody up, so id better let you get back to it.... youve already wasted 3 minutes not arguing with somebody, thats gotta be a personal record

I provided the only factual evidence in this thread a page or so ago, and ill repeat it

Schapelle Corby is in an indonesian jail because she was convicted of drug smuggling.

Notice theres no "The bitch is rotting in a jail for 20 years because she was stupid enough to take drugs to indonesia" Thats opinion....

Notice theres no "Oh my god, the poor girl got drugs planted in her bag by those bastard qantas baggage handlers?" Thats opinion

Get over it? Maybe you should be the one getting over it, my temperamental associate.

Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one, but in the grand scheme of things they dont count for much when reason or evidence is missing

Go on, prove me right. Attack me.... im sure youve got nothing else better to do


antonius said:
I have no idea what you're getting at. Nothing justifies killiing all those people, and nothing justifies giving him 30 months for it.

John_Travolta said:
Yeah thats right, keep putting words into my mouth. I joined the Australian Army last year to try and protect our country and interests home and abroad and what you just said disgusts me. I Just think something went on for him to get only 30 months, maybe handing over terrorists?

What are you on about? I'm not putting words in your mouth. I'm telling you what my initial post in this thread was about. Read the bloody thing!


John_Travolta said:
I just can`t get over the fact people are comparing Corby to that Bashir.... its a no brainer seriously. I cannot bring myself to compare the two for one second. One was aquitted and the other found guilty.
He wasn't aquited he was found guilty of conspiracey to carry out the bombings and sentanced to 30 months.


Parki said:
Yawn.... this forum has really gone to sh*t lately, IMO... let me summarise it for you

I think shes guilty
I think shes innocent
No you f**ktard, shes guilty
dont call me a f**ktard, you f**ktard, shes not guilty
Parki: Why dont you guys stop fighting over this? Its pretty stupid
OI Parki, no one asked you for your opinion, f**k off

and then you have this

Wow, JT agrees with something against me, surprise surprise... my post wasnt against you, it was against all of you for wasting so much time and so many posts on a GIRL who ISNT GOING ANYWHERE for a LONG LONG TIME...its a fruitless pointless excercise, but hey, its fun isnt it? Arguing and fighting and bitching with each other? Thats all that seems to happen on this site, which is why i dont post on here. But im sure you really dont care, you have to get back to your fighting after all.

And for what its worth, my opinions do differ significantly on the two cases, I think smuggling heroin into australia is a LOT worse than marijuana, if youve ever had any association with drugs and what they do to people, you would know that. Yes, they are all bad, but you have to apply each case on a different merit.

But seriously, this isnt about this, its about an excuse to use a woman in a bali jail for a 4000 page argument that will go nowhere. Have fun.

Come back soon. Your insightful comments and wisdom will be truely missed. For someone who is not interested you are certainly showing alot of interest.:rolleyes:


Come back soon. Your insightful comments and wisdom will be truely missed. For someone who is not interested you are certainly showing alot of interest.

Im showing interest because I honestly think its a sad state of affairs when i come to check in on my team, and instead i find 4 million pages of rubbish...but hey, I have a life, im going now, so feel free to continue your bitching and fighting, i wont be back as I actually have a life and things to do. Good afternoon to you sir.


Parki said:
Im showing interest because I honestly think its a sad state of affairs when i come to check in on my team, and instead i find 4 million pages of rubbish...but hey, I have a life, im going now, so feel free to continue your bitching and fighting, i wont be back as I actually have a life and things to do. Good afternoon to you sir.

Yet you keep coming back:rolleyes: . Parki beleive or not sometimes grown ups are interested in other topics beside what team is going out on the field this weekend. Its been on the front page of every paper for 5 days, don't you think some people are interested. A couple of times peoples emotions have gotten in the way of expressing their opinion, including me, but overall I have found this thread very interesting with lots of differing opinions. But this is an emotive issue and has been made so by the media.

What a boring place this would be if everyone agreed all the time.

So go back to your "life" Parki as I am sure there are alot of "what Andrew Johns had for breakfast" threads for you to devote your time.


antonius said:
This is an extract from a news report on his trial

As far as I'm concerned he was found guilty of conspiring to carry them out, weather he masterminded it is really insignificant, he was involved in killing 202 people and got 30 months!

He was involved -- that's been decided in court. But the issue here is that he hasn't been found guilty of all the charges that he needs to be in order to receive the maxiumum sentence.

Just as Corby was found guilty or not guilty on each charge, so too is Bashir given a similar process. So far he has been convicted of being a part of the plans, but not to having ordered or masterminded the attacks. I tend to agree with you Tony -- it gives me the proverbial poos that a bloke is given 30 months for being a part of a terrorist attack, and a drug smuggler (who claims she was set up) is given 20 years.

On the flip side, Corby could have been found not-guilty on one or two of those charges, and escaped with a much lighter sentence. She might have been found guilty of possessing the drugs, but not guilty of plotting to bring the drugs into the country. She's been given rough treatment because it seems like she is found guilty under specific charges eg.

Did she bring the drugs into Bali? Well technically yes, but she says she didn't know they were there.

Did she possess drugs while in Bali? Well, again yes, but she says she didn't know they were in her bag.

Did she conspire to bring the drugs into the country? She says no, the court said yes.

Even if the court had found that she didn't bring the drugs deliberately, it seems she still would have been lumped with a couple of charges...... because these charges are based on pure fact: the indisputable fact that she did in fact bring drugs into Bali, and they were in her possession while in Bali.


Oswin said:
He was involved -- that's been decided in court. But the issue here is that he hasn't been found guilty of all the charges that he needs to be in order to receive the maxiumum sentence.

Just as Corby was found guilty or not guilty on each charge, so too is Bashir given a similar process. So far he has been convicted of being a part of the plans, but not to having ordered or masterminded the attacks. I tend to agree with you Tony -- it gives me the proverbial poos that a bloke is given 30 months for being a part of a terrorist attack, and a drug smuggler (who claims she was set up) is given 20 years.

On the flip side, Corby could have been found not-guilty on one or two of those charges, and escaped with a much lighter sentence. She might have been found guilty of possessing the drugs, but not guilty of plotting to bring the drugs into the country. She's been given rough treatment because it seems like she is found guilty under specific charges eg.

Did she bring the drugs into Bali? Well technically yes, but she says she didn't know they were there.

Did she possess drugs while in Bali? Well, again yes, but she says she didn't know they were in her bag.

Did she conspire to bring the drugs into the country? She says no, the court said yes.

Even if the court had found that she didn't bring the drugs deliberately, it seems she still would have been lumped with a couple of charges...... because these charges are based on pure fact: the indisputable fact that she did in fact bring drugs into Bali, and they were in her possession while in Bali.
Yes I know what you are saying Oswin, and I do agree with you that he was not found guilty of all the charges laid, but he was found guilty of conspiring. I find 30 months for the conspiracy to murder all those people a disgrace. For the record also I will add that I tend to think Corby knew what she was doing, there is something about her manner whenever I've seen her on news reports that comes across as false to me, That's not to say that's a fact, just a feeling I get when I see her.


borat said:
So you are telling that you beleive convicted criminal John Ford overheard a conversation in a Melbourne gaol yet then refuses to say the names of the people involved? And this crim is doing it for the goodness of his heart yet lets her go for 20years. This is what you beleive?

I do beleive there are a couple of baggage handlers that get up to criminal activities. Ongoing investigations indicate this to be so. They also indicate no link what so ever to Corby.

I have another question for you. Lets say hypothetically it is dodgy baggage handlers. Where do you think was the intended destination, Sydney or Bali. Because you have already said you don't beleive anyone would want to smuggle pot to Bali.

So if it is Sydney, I put this to you. You have 4kg of pot worth 40K + to transport to from Brisbane to Sydney. Do you get in a car and drive it there.
Or do you get a baggage handler smuggle it into an airport through security. Then get him/her to somehow sneak a sack to a luggage transfer away from CCTV and into a bag. Then get another baggage handler who is also on the take (both unknown to the AFP) to also find an opportunity to track down the bag and remove the sack, once again hiding from CCTV and security and get it out of the airport.

Do you see my point.

John_Travolta said:
Yes I do, But I would love to see these Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Images of the day in question.

Sorry boys - busy day at work, had to wait to get back to you.

I heard on Hack (Triple J) this afternoon that a Customs investigation has shown that there is evidence of airport staff (baggage handlers, pilots, ground staff, etc) being involved in trafficking of drugs from International to Domestic, but not Domestic to Domestic. It appears there are "black holes" in the airport system where employees aren't on surveilance and dont have to get inspected by customs.

So customs says it happens.

If you were a drug dealer of a large scale, and you needed to get drugs from Sydney to Brisbane quickly - what better way than to have a system like sources in airports - particularly if there is a network of people that can get past customs/security like they have been able to in the past?


Alex28 said:
Sorry boys - busy day at work, had to wait to get back to you.

I heard on Hack (Triple J) this afternoon that a Customs investigation has shown that there is evidence of airport staff (baggage handlers, pilots, ground staff, etc) being involved in trafficking of drugs from International to Domestic, but not Domestic to Domestic. It appears there are "black holes" in the airport system where employees aren't on surveilance and dont have to get inspected by customs.

So customs says it happens.

If you were a drug dealer of a large scale, and you needed to get drugs from Sydney to Brisbane quickly - what better way than to have a system like sources in airports - particularly if there is a network of people that can get past customs/security like they have been able to in the past?

Thats ok man... Thanks for replying though.. I also heard what you heard btw.


Based on the evidence I think she's guilty, not 100% sure though.

It you get 20 years for drug smuggling you'd think that smiling assin, and his mates would've been shot.

The Smiling Assassin (Amrozzi) was sentenced to death, as were 2 others. The leader of JI was sentenced to 3 years though.


Alex28 said:
Sorry boys - busy day at work, had to wait to get back to you.

I heard on Hack (Triple J) this afternoon that a Customs investigation has shown that there is evidence of airport staff (baggage handlers, pilots, ground staff, etc) being involved in trafficking of drugs from International to Domestic, but not Domestic to Domestic. It appears there are "black holes" in the airport system where employees aren't on surveilance and dont have to get inspected by customs.

So customs says it happens.

If you were a drug dealer of a large scale, and you needed to get drugs from Sydney to Brisbane quickly - what better way than to have a system like sources in airports - particularly if there is a network of people that can get past customs/security like they have been able to in the past?

The report identified potential holes in security and employees with shadey backgrounds who could be invlolved in drug smuggling. Keep in mind they have been investigating baggage handlers intensely now for a good 12 months, began with the so called terrorist who was working as a baggage handler. And in that time they have found not one link to smuggling drugs to Bali or any Australian city. If there was evidence of criminal activity why has there have been no convictions of baggage handlers, no arrests, not even 1 sacking related to drug smuggling (1 has been sacked for running an sp service).

You said so yourself there have been no links found between domestic drug smuggling. And why would they, it makes no sense to take such risks with 40K worth of drugs to save 16 hours.

I've got no doubts there are some corrupt baggage handlers out there. There is some form of corruption in one way or another everywhere like the police force, local government, AFP. But are any even remotely related to the Corby case.

With all of these investigations ongoing into baggage handlers they make a very good excuse if you get caught.


Taken from SMH, It appears our Schappel ain't the innocent little girl she made out to be.

Bali prosecutors are expected to seek access to photographs of Schapelle Corby with an alleged drug smuggler.

Police found the photographs of the convicted drug-smuggler while searching the alleged dealer's South Australian home as part of a joint SA-Queensland operation to bust an alleged marijuana-smuggling ring operating between the states, a newspaper reports.

The photographs were taken before Corby was arrested on October 8 last year, when customs officers at Bali's airport found 4.1kg of marijuana in her unlocked luggage.

She maintained the drugs were not hers and were planted in her baggage by an Australian drug gang using her as an unwitting drug courier.

Corby's lawyers last month lodged an appeal with Indonesia's highest court, claiming lower court judges failed to consider evidence that would set the Gold Coast woman free.

But prosecutors in Denpasar have said they will fight the appeal, and plan to lodge a counter appeal against the court's decision to slash five years from Corby's original 20-year jail term.

They are likely to request police hand over the photographs to cast doubt on Corby's claim that she had no contact with drugs or drug dealers, the newspaper reported.



Taken from SMH, It appears our Schappel ain't the innocent little girl she made out to be.

Like anyone believed her. She was the worst convincing person in history. She was blantantly guilty and would have been found guilty in an Australian court. Saying "I didn't do it" is no grounds for the charges to be dropped.