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NFT-Farewell Terminator


I think you'll find though, that most of those types of threads are conceived out of boredom or are simply rhetorical questions in an aim to express their admiration for his highness, Andrew Johns. :p

I do agree with you, that if it's worth saying something, say it so it's clear. Feel free to wax philosophical even.

There's no word limit here, so if it takes you a thousand words to say it, then do so.

I was just having a shot at you for fun. ;-)


First Grade
Oswin said:
The question is: who decides what is dribble and what is worthwhile - is one person's dribble any less valuable than another's long-winded and academic argument?
That's a very pertinent question. Related to this is the question of what people want and expect from this forum. IMO broadly speaking there are a few types of posts here - the very short post (e.g. "I agree"), the short to medium length observation (e.g. "He'll be Baaaack as Arnie would say", to take an example from this thread) and the long considered post.

Sometimes I just pop by for a quick look at what's going on, in which case it would be unlikely for me to read an Oswin post, whereas at other times I'd be happy to peruse in a more leisurely fashion.

My point is this - the value in short vs long posts, succint vs considered posts etc can depend on a number of things such as what people want from the forum, how their feeling at the time and how much time they have.

Oh, and while I agree that the two word "I agree" post is boring, I can see that some people find it important to confirm their agreement of someone else's comment.

Oswin, does usage of smilies offend you?!? :shock: I love them!


There's a few misconceptions here.
In the interest of setting things straight...

i tell ya, the freakin admin of this site are morons
Yeah, I know, I shouldnt even reply to that but here it goes...

Tell me CH, is this how you get service in restaurants? That is by abusing the staff? Assuming you're actually a paying customer. :lol:
As you should know by now, we don't allow material to be posted which is defamatory, excessively abusive, racist, threatening etc... if that makes us morons, then so be it.
But if we let it go unchecked, there'd be no site at all.
Once upon a time you were told to quit with the racist remarks and you've had an axe to grind ever since. Time to bury that hatchet I reckon.

Truth is, people can say pretty much what they like as long as the guidelines are adhered to.

Too many cooks spoil the broth
The decision to ban Termy was made by me and me alone.
He has received several requests in the past to stop sending personal threats to other members (some who took him seriously) and on the final request he replied by saying that he wouldn't stop doing so and that future threats would be made by using the site's private message system. I hope people appreciate that I consider this to be unacceptable.

btw, the week before, Termy's name was put forward as a possible Moderator of the Knights forum and I supported the suggestion... I went into bat for him. So it wasnt a personal decision on my part to ban him... it was done within pretty normal procedure of firstly trying to sort the matter out without too much fuss. Unfortunately, Termy challenged this and maintained his right to 'offer' someone a thumping if they were up to it. Sorry if I consider that to be a wrong attitude to have on a discussion forum.

I decided to put the comfort of the majority ahead of the attitude of one hot head.

There's no doubt that Terminator has been given a fair call and he was even given another opportunity to get back on an even keel. Unfortunately, he took the option of trying to further escalate the issue. IMO, most sites ban people too easily - I'd like to think that we give members every chance to sort things out but there does come a point when all efforts to reason are exhausted.

I also think its worth noting that this is not a Knights Forum issue. Termy's threats were in other forums.
The Knights community has been allowed a a great deal of independence within the site. But this independence does not always extend to other sections of the site.

Now having said all that, there is nothing written which says that Terminator cannot come back to the site. Thus far, we have never imposed a permanent ban on anyone.
As has happened in the past, banned members can send an email to forums@leagueunlimited.com - and its entirely up to Terminator if he wants to take this course of action and have his situation reviewed.


Chicken_Hunter said:
Willow, that wasnt directed at you. It was directed at ummmm.... Nevermind, willow i love you. ;-)

admin is plural of sorts... Nevermind, CH I love you too. :lol: :D


I generally stick up for everyone, and I'm keen to see termy back, but in this case I have to say that willow has him bang to rights and termy has to accept he can't be offering guys out for things said on the message board (except for UT, where we all know it is just part of the dialouge between those two and means nothing).

I think all termy has to do is email willow that he won't make any more threats that may be taken seriously and he will be allowed back in, and IMO that is all fair enough.

I think we should all encourage him to do it as soon as possible because he is a valued member of this community and we need him here to keep the place interesting - so termy, do it mate, and let bygones be bygones.


Oswin said:
All I wish to say is to not blame the moderators - I'm fairly sure that the Knights' moderators would have tried to find an alternative to banning Terminator, and would not have had the decision put in their hands anyway. While I am not privy to the details of his banning, I don't believe it to be a reflection of autocracy on the part of the moderators.
Actually the first the mods of this forum knew of it was after the event, Termy hasn't even been in the Knights forum lately, so nobody went into bat for him because we didn't know about it. But as said Termy was given choices and in the end he made them, and that got him banned. I've e-mailed him and told him his banning isn't permanant and he needs to e-mail the site and put a case to be re-instated. Contrary to what LAP would have you believe this site is not eager to ban anyone, even people who write drivell such as the following
Little Austin Powers said:
I second that motion.

While the admin are stunned at the rate of growth of this site, they should remember, Easy come easy go! It's just a temporary home for most people, especially after you realise all the sh*t the mods and admin get up to.

Bring back termy, and f**k off with all the mods! Too many cooks spoil the broth!

I mean I put that down to the usual contribution LAP has on this forum, and that is diddly squat! I'm sure if LAP decided to take his custom elsewhere there wouldn't be much lost sleep over it. I think Providence put it quite well.


Staff member
If Lap, dislikes the mods here, he would have loved the mods at the WORL forums...


lol.. well its best to ignore the dipstick stuff but in LAP's case, there was an 'issue' over the size of his sig file and he decided it ws a cause worth fighting over.... I mean, really.

As for the site being a 'temporary home for most people'... well I personally take that as a compliment (even though its supposed to an insult). Whenever I hear of people popping in and using the facilties, meeting others, and then using Leagueunlimited as a springboard before they move on to other projects; then I think we must be doing something right.

If people also choose to hang around the LU forums, then its a bonus.



I'm so sorry! I've taken the gloss of Termy's departure :( .

It's great to see everyone going on about my post. I love going on about shit (poor vocabularly, and for that i am sorry) all :p . Providences post post ( :oops: ) analysis was spectacular, and there is no way i can retort such a comprehensive summary 8) . Except perhaps...
Why does he bother posting on this website?
Does he have no real friends perhaps??
Providence is also a member who posts on this forum. He/she (won't make any assumptions) also has a higher rate of posts per/day. Amazing. It's almost like that story "the pot who called the kettle black"... or is that a saying. :lol:

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
I'm not surprissed that terminator has got the boot. In the knights forum on the knights web page he was talking about shooting me with a gun. That is not called for, people who stoop to such low levels deserve to stay away from society.


Bring it home Knights said:
I'm not surprissed that terminator has got the boot. In the knights forum on the knights web page he was talking about shooting me with a gun. That is not called for, people who stoop to such low levels deserve to stay away from society.

BIHK - there are times when I wanted to threaten you with violence, you and DMC were really starting to get on my wick with your Kidley/Rudder threads.

Different people have various tolerance levels - I guess Termy just lost the plot and now is paying the penality. Its hard to interpret the intention behind written words and I think sometimes things are said that without knowing a person well, or being able to see them face to face and read their body language, can be misunderstood or taken too seriously.


Little Austin Powers said:
I'm so sorry! I've taken the gloss of Termy's departure :( .

It's great to see everyone going on about my post. I love going on about sh*t (poor vocabularly, and for that i am sorry) all :p . Providences post post ( :oops: ) analysis was spectacular, and there is no way i can retort such a comprehensive summary 8) . Except perhaps...
Why does he bother posting on this website?
Does he have no real friends perhaps??
Providence is also a member who posts on this forum. He/she (won't make any assumptions) also has a higher rate of posts per/day. Amazing. It's almost like that story "the pot who called the kettle black"... or is that a saying. :lol:

The difference between you and I is that I try to make my contributions worth while and constructive.

I don't usually try to defend myself against trivial table-turning such as your reply, but in this case, I'll humour you.

The reason I've posted excessively in my first week on this forum, is because work is slow at this time of year, as most of my colleagues and associates are winding down for the holiday season. It's not a lack of friends.

You'll see that 99% of my posts are during working hours.


astrogirl said:
Sometimes I just pop by for a quick look at what's going on, in which case it would be unlikely for me to read an Oswin post, whereas at other times I'd be happy to peruse in a more leisurely fashion.
Oswin, does usage of smilies offend you?!? :shock: I love them!

Do smilies offend me? No, not really, but I'm sure you can see my point as to their excessive use, especially when plain old English will suffice.

Bear in mind that I use them when I think it adds something to what I've said, but in some cases there is an overuse, which offers nothing besides the chance to slow my poor old computer down trying to load your superfluous similies.

In any case, I'm not sure I look forward to the day when verbal conversations are supplemented by the insertion of the odd abbreviation (LOL, ROFL, IMO) or the usage of a smilie to convey some sort of expression of emotion :?

You get some posts that are almost or completely made up of smilies. You have to admit it gets fairly ridiculous sometimes.

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