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NFT-Farewell Terminator


Little Austin Powers said:
I'm so sorry! I've taken the gloss of Termy's departure :( .

It's great to see everyone going on about my post. I love going on about sh*t (poor vocabularly, and for that i am sorry) all :p . Providences post post ( :oops: ) analysis was spectacular, and there is no way i can retort such a comprehensive summary 8) . Except perhaps...
Why does he bother posting on this website?
Does he have no real friends perhaps??
Providence is also a member who posts on this forum. He/she (won't make any assumptions) also has a higher rate of posts per/day. Amazing. It's almost like that story "the pot who called the kettle black"... or is that a saying. :lol:

Oddly enough, I think LAP is improving with every post - albeit starting from a very low level. The above post is coherent, witty and even makes some valid points.
Most of his early work was obviously done off the cuff with no effort to make it understandable to the reader. He was being sarcastic I think, but only he got the 'joke'.

I'm glad someone has taken the time to take him to task (Providence), because it has encouraged him to write something that is not just drivel straight off the top of his head.


Oswin said:
astrogirl said:
Sometimes I just pop by for a quick look at what's going on, in which case it would be unlikely for me to read an Oswin post, whereas at other times I'd be happy to peruse in a more leisurely fashion.
Oswin, does usage of smilies offend you?!? :shock: I love them!

Do smilies offend me? No, not really, but I'm sure you can see my point as to their excessive use, especially when plain old English will suffice.

Bear in mind that I use them when I think it adds something to what I've said, but in some cases there is an overuse, which offers nothing besides the chance to slow my poor old computer down trying to load your superfluous similies.

In any case, I'm not sure I look forward to the day when verbal conversations are supplemented by the insertion of the odd abbreviation (LOL, ROFL, IMO) or the usage of a smilie to convey some sort of expression of emotion :?

You get some posts that are almost or completely made up of smilies. You have to admit it gets fairly ridiculous sometimes.

:!: :?: :idea: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-# :( :?

Only kidding yah Chook. :oops: :oops: sorry Oswin. :lol: :D


First Grade
Oswin said:
Do smilies offend me? No, not really, but I'm sure you can see my point as to their excessive use, especially when plain old English will suffice.
Yes I can see your point!!! Btw I would usually put a "smile" after the exclamation marks, but I'll refrain just for you Oswin!

Oswin said:
In any case, I'm not sure I look forward to the day when verbal conversations are supplemented by the insertion of the odd abbreviation (LOL, ROFL, IMO) or the usage of a smilie to convey some sort of expression of emotion
Agreed. I hope that never happens verbally - though I can't imagine saying the letters L, O and L instead of simply laughing!


Oswin said:
Do smilies offend me? No, not really, but I'm sure you can see my point as to their excessive use, especially when plain old English will suffice.

I hate the smilies, and I try not to use them.

:lol: :? :( :shock: :oops: :evil: :twisted: :roll: ;-) :cry:




First Grade
Little Austin Powers said:
Providence said:
worth while
Do you mean "worthwhile"? Now who's got poor syntax?

Surely not Providnece.

The words worth while can be joined to make the singular word, worthwhile, derived as an abbreviation for the words, worth your while.

You're both correct.


antonius said:
mia said:
Bring it home Knights said:
. In the knights forum on the knights web page he was talking about shooting me with a gun.

:lol:....... :-#

:arrow: :-# !!! That's not like you Mia! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sometimes its best not to say anything Tony :lol:

HEY Tony!

you know that problem I was having with my browser.....welllllllll!

when I moved and put the puter back together I had to re-install the printer and scanner BUT I didn't re-install the modem and it just got slower and slower soooooo to cut a long story short I re-installed the modem yesterday and the speeds back up and everythings sweet. 8)


Kaz said:
Oswin said:
Do smilies offend me? No, not really, but I'm sure you can see my point as to their excessive use, especially when plain old English will suffice.

I hate the smilies, and I try not to use them.

:lol: :? :( :shock: :oops: :evil: :twisted: :roll: ;-) :cry:



me too.... :p :) :mrgreen: :roll: :-& =P~ :shock: :?
........ :p


antonius said:
Oswin said:
astrogirl said:
Sometimes I just pop by for a quick look at what's going on, in which case it would be unlikely for me to read an Oswin post, whereas at other times I'd be happy to peruse in a more leisurely fashion.
Oswin, does usage of smilies offend you?!? :shock: I love them!

Do smilies offend me? No, not really, but I'm sure you can see my point as to their excessive use, especially when plain old English will suffice.

Bear in mind that I use them when I think it adds something to what I've said, but in some cases there is an overuse, which offers nothing besides the chance to slow my poor old computer down trying to load your superfluous similies.

In any case, I'm not sure I look forward to the day when verbal conversations are supplemented by the insertion of the odd abbreviation (LOL, ROFL, IMO) or the usage of a smilie to convey some sort of expression of emotion :?

You get some posts that are almost or completely made up of smilies. You have to admit it gets fairly ridiculous sometimes.

:!: :?: :idea: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-# :( :?

Only kidding yah Chook. :oops: :oops: sorry Oswin. :lol: :D

I am taking suggestions Antonius - you've made it very clear you don't like it, which is fine by me but clearly it is pushing your buttons. If and when you wish to make a suggestion I'll be happy to listen.

Did I mention how much I thought Antonius sounded posh? ;-)


Oswin said:
antonius said:
:!: :?: :idea: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-# :( :?

Only kidding yah Chook. :oops: :oops: sorry Oswin. :lol: :D

I am taking suggestions Antonius - you've made it very clear you don't like it, which is fine by me but clearly it is pushing your buttons. If and when you wish to make a suggestion I'll be happy to listen.

Did I mention how much I thought Antonius sounded posh? ;-)

I am actually warming to Oswin! it has taken some time though. Yes antonius does sound posh, it came from my brother-in-law, and sister-in-law originally, they used to call me that before I ever thought of posting on a forum, then when I started on the old Knights forum that was the first name that came to me so I used it, can't say I'm all that fond of it though. But I'm stuck with it now. :cry:


antonius said:
Oswin said:
antonius said:
:!: :?: :idea: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-# :( :?

Only kidding yah Chook. :oops: :oops: sorry Oswin. :lol: :D

I am taking suggestions Antonius - you've made it very clear you don't like it, which is fine by me but clearly it is pushing your buttons. If and when you wish to make a suggestion I'll be happy to listen.

Did I mention how much I thought Antonius sounded posh? ;-)

I am actually warming to Oswin! it has taken some time though. Yes antonius does sound posh, it came from my brother-in-law, and sister-in-law originally, they used to call me that before I ever thought of posting on a forum, then when I started on the old Knights forum that was the first name that came to me so I used it, can't say I'm all that fond of it though. But I'm stuck with it now. :cry:

Well thankfully, you're not. You have a good "working relationship" with the powers that be (much like Hohns and Waugh perhaps)*, so you could just get it changed to 'Tony' - people will know who you are.

Anyway I'm glad you're warming to Oswin - I hated Chook, but as you say (and as I've always said until now) "I'm stuck with it" - thankfully not.

* : The comments made by Oswin are the opinions of Oswin and no-one else. They are to be read and credited as having been made by Oswin, and are merely the opinions held by the author and do not reflect anything more than opinion.


I hate restrictions!

That`s my 2 cents worth.

We live in a free country, we should be able to say as we please.

We`re losing our rights as Australians concerning freedom of speech.

We can no longer strike some body in defense or verbally abuse some body in retaliation unless that damn liability nonsense comes into play.

We`re Australians, meaning we`re also larrikins.
It`s who we are, we can`t help that.
We say whats on your mind.
We always have
Since when did we become so sensitive?
If you call Ben Kennedy some slanderous name, who cares? Does he?
Who is the one actually taking offense?
Should hear what people say to me on the street all the time, but do i take legal action or get offended?
If you don`t like some thing then don`t read it.
Simple as that.
Thats why we have choices.

Australia`s become the bitch of the world.

We`re every one elses bitch.

Yer, come to Australia we`ll bend over back wards to accomodate you as we don`t want to offend you.

I swear, we as white people are being punished for what we did in the past today.

What ever happen to GO KNIGHTS?

She still around?

We earnt that right for what we did in the past!

We can`t just give it up and hand that power over to people that dont deserve it!

They never earnt it!

We shouldn`t be restricted!

i say "f*ck consequence!"

Thats my philosophy.

Its that time of year again.

Some lady said to my mom yesterday in Woolworths "We`re not aloud to put up our christmas decorations this year."

You go figure as to why she said that.

Banning people, silencing them, i`m not for it.

Expression of ones self whether it be vulgar or pleasant is an art form.

Remember, no one person is the same.

We all have ways of expressing ourself.

And others misinterpret us some times.

As much as i hate Terminator i don`t want ANY ONE banned ok.

Besides i believe that Terminator is Little austin powers Jedda Vigilante and a few others.

I just go back to that old saying of mine.

If we were all in agreement then there`d be no point in having a discussion or debate.


First Grade
Well I actually believe you have a few good points in there UT.

As much as it will offend everyone. ;-)


Yes you make some valid points UT. Trouble is these days it's the minority that is fashioning the rules for the majority. In that as you point out fairly simply with the BK example most people wouldn't care if you called them some derogatory name, but the odd one will, and take you to the cleaners for it, so because of that, laws are put into place to protect those people,and this case the web site puts rules in place to protect themselves, you or I would just say "Ah well" and get on with it.

Some years ago I was badly burnt with Sulphuric Acid at work (Looked like I'd gone 15 rounds with Mike Tyson) I went to the company doctor, and after some months bore no visible scars from it and that was that as far as I was concerned. About 2 years later a bloke at work got a drop of the acid on his neck. Was treated at work, ( you could see no trace of the burn on his neck) but he put in a compensation claim, and got awarded $10,000. He obviously had a different philosophy than me. I was fixed so that was that, he saw the chance to make a bit of money out of it, so he did.
So now we have people trying to make money out of litigation any way they can, hence places such as web sites have no choice but than to try and protect themselves. Councils cancell street fairs because they can't get insurance cover, Junior Sporting clubs struggle to exsist because of insurance premiums being excessive because of the rise in claims. Surf clubs beach patrols are threatened for the same reasons, the world is getting greadier, and greadier.


First Grade
UT has made a comment that I find offensive.

What you gotta under stand is, we as a white race can say as we please ok!

Its our god given right because we lead the way for others to follow.
Why should it be a white race that should "lead the way"? Are white people superior to those who are black, yellow etc?


astrogirl said:
UT has made a comment that I find offensive.

What you gotta under stand is, we as a white race can say as we please ok!

Its our god given right because we lead the way for others to follow.
Why should it be a white race that should "lead the way"? Are white people superior to those who are black, yellow etc?
It is an offensive comment.
It might seem to be double standards that we let it stay, but we let UT say a lot of things because what he says is generally not taken seriously because we all know he says most things 'tongue in cheek'.

Not long ago we let some stuff stay up by UT that seriously offended someone because we have got into the habit of just thinking anything he says will be taken as a joke by all, and that was our fault really, but in this case I think the humour is clear.


roopy said:
astrogirl said:
UT has made a comment that I find offensive.

What you gotta under stand is, we as a white race can say as we please ok!

Its our god given right because we lead the way for others to follow.
Why should it be a white race that should "lead the way"? Are white people superior to those who are black, yellow etc?
It is an offensive comment.
It might seem to be double standards that we let it stay, but we let UT say a lot of things because what he says is generally not taken seriously because we all know he says most things 'tongue in cheek'.

Not long ago we let some stuff stay up by UT that seriously offended someone because we have got into the habit of just thinking anything he says will be taken as a joke by all, and that was our fault really, but in this case I think the humour is clear.
Is the humour really clear?? Is it really just humour?? The very fact that astrogirl found it offensive must prove to you that the so called humour is not all that clear. When I read it, I thought he was being serious.... and I'm still not sure whether he was or not. How do you know??

I would believe that many people might find this offensive. What about people new to the forum who don't know UT.... would they not find it offensive?? The very fact that it could be taken to be offensive or racist should be enough to do something about it. Now, I have nothing against UT or his posts, but as soon as people start being offended by his posts (ones that can be easily understood to be offensive, anyway), then surely something must be done.