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The oil are pretty crap these days, but least they got a young team on the rise.

The leafs though.... they are just rabble.

I reckon Sundin is gonna go somewhere next season to try win a cup. Red Wings could help him out with that. :D

I think that the main problem with the Oilers is that Edmonton's just not a very nice place to live. The Oilers have a cycle that goes around every few years: They develop (or buy) a great team, they go deep into the playoffs, and then all the decent players bugger off the minute another club shows any interest. The team then spends the next few years rebuilding. Rinse and repeat.

I don't mind the Leafs, but my god they're fun to take the piss out of. They're the St George of the NHL. Sundin should have asked for a trade years ago.


So how many of these have proved successful? Perhaps the 'Canes and Ducks were the most recent I can think of and even the Lightning, considering they were one of t he league's big cellar dwellers. But none of the others have really stood up and been counted for.

Canes, Ducks, and Lightning are the obvious ones. Having said that, the Canes weren't really an expansion team, they were esentially the relocated Hartford Whalers.

Minnesota has the most potential. In my opinion it was ridiculous that Minnesota was without a team for so long in the first place, especially when places like Phoenix and Miami had teams and Minnesota didn't.

I think the main problem facing the latest group of teams is being able to hold onto their players. Atlanta, Nashville, and Columbus aren't exactly huge markets, and they'll most likely never be able to compete $$$ wise.

Does the league need more teams? Probably not right now, but at some point I'd like to see Winnipeg back in the NHL, and a team or 2 from the Pacific Northwest.


I think that the main problem with the Oilers is that Edmonton's just not a very nice place to live. The Oilers have a cycle that goes around every few years: They develop (or buy) a great team, they go deep into the playoffs, and then all the decent players bugger off the minute another club shows any interest. The team then spends the next few years rebuilding. Rinse and repeat.

I don't mind the Leafs, but my god they're fun to take the piss out of. They're the St George of the NHL. Sundin should have asked for a trade years ago.

lol, ive lived in Edmonton, so i know first hand that its not the nicest place to live - though its pretty at xmas, lol.
I wouldnt say all the decent players wanna leave though. Ryan Smyth would have been happy to stay - that was managements choice. But yeh, i hate Pronger, lol
If your picking between playing for the rangers or the oilers, yeh, easy decision. I was suprised when Souray signed - but he is from Alberta soo..
Hopefully with Katz purchase of the the oilers, which is about to happen, the future will be a bit more bright. Maybe they will stop doing stupid things like the Penner deal.
Wish they could bring Iginla home.. lol


i dont understand how the leafs are goin so sh*t
toronto is a great place to live, why do they have a problem attracting big market players?


I am curious to know about how the Red Wings will do once some of their old boys move on
Curiosity killed the cat. Im not curious, i want Lidstrom to stay forever.. maybe he can do a Chelios. Then we will be fine for a long while yet. :D

Dom retired today, so theres one gone. Though it is definitely his time.

One of the all time great goalies. He was a champ.


ok what should i write?

i was thinking.

To Coby

the NHL fans and i were wondering what is the status on the possibility of an NHL forum, blah blah blah"

on behalf of all NHL fans on LU,

cmon guys put some input in.


First Grade
Can't really think of anything else that needs to be said. haha. Maybe bug Willow too.

Agree about Dom, was probably time. Would love for Lidstrom to stay on for ever. that would be awesome. He's the man!


To Coby

the NHL fans and i were wondering what is the status on the possibility of an NHL forum, the popularity of the sport is rather big and it is our impression that if there was an NHL forum, it would be more popular on the forum as it would be easily noticed.

The NHL fans and I would appreciate it if you could look into the possibility of an NHL forum on LU and if you could get back to me asap of the possibility or any problems or requirments of having a NHL forum

on behalf of all NHL fans on LU,


just sent willow the first message, if he doesnt get back to us by thursday i will send out the orange message to Coby and Willow...


i got a reply from willow

Thanks for the PM.

It really depends on how many NHL posts are there.

If there's not many, a new forum would look a like a ghost town after a while.

Count up the NHL threads and we'll look into it.


my reply to that message was

much appreciated,
we tend to put everything into one thread as we dont want to overcrowd the 'Other Sports and pastimes" forum.

the NHL thread has been booming in the last few weeks hence the desire to have our own forum.

also we think that due to the nhl thread being stuck in the Other sports and pastimes forum, it is going unnoticed by many forummers who are interested into the topic.

can you please let me know what we are to do in order to get the Forum up?

on behalf of all NHL fans on LU, monk


lol, ive lived in Edmonton, so i know first hand that its not the nicest place to live - though its pretty at xmas, lol.
I wouldnt say all the decent players wanna leave though. Ryan Smyth would have been happy to stay - that was managements choice. But yeh, i hate Pronger, lol
If your picking between playing for the rangers or the oilers, yeh, easy decision. I was suprised when Souray signed - but he is from Alberta soo..
Hopefully with Katz purchase of the the oilers, which is about to happen, the future will be a bit more bright. Maybe they will stop doing stupid things like the Penner deal.
Wish they could bring Iginla home.. lol

My sympathies :lol: I spent 3 days there and that was 1 too long. Once you've been to the mall and gone to a game there's literally nothing else to do there. Oh, the Labatt brewery is worthy as well. Still doesn't stop the place being a windblown frozen wasteland.

Pronger is a merkin, both on and off the ice. I can't believe that he's still got the butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth image. Mr Teflon indeed.

What's Glen Sather up to these days? I remember him working some miracles in the recruitment department back in the late 90's.

I can't see Calgary letting Iginla go anywhere without a fight. They'd give him the keys to the city, even if he is an Edmontonian!


My sympathies :lol: I spent 3 days there and that was 1 too long. Once you've been to the mall and gone to a game there's literally nothing else to do there. Oh, the Labatt brewery is worthy as well. Still doesn't stop the place being a windblown frozen wasteland.

Pronger is a merkin, both on and off the ice. I can't believe that he's still got the butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth image. Mr Teflon indeed.

What's Glen Sather up to these days? I remember him working some miracles in the recruitment department back in the late 90's.

I can't see Calgary letting Iginla go anywhere without a fight. They'd give him the keys to the city, even if he is an Edmontonian!

Sather is GM of the Rangers.

Yep, Calgary will never let him go.. I can dream tho. :p


i got a reply from willow

Thanks for the PM.

It really depends on how many NHL posts are there.

If there's not many, a new forum would look a like a ghost town after a while.

Count up the NHL threads and we'll look into it.


my reply to that message was

much appreciated,
we tend to put everything into one thread as we dont want to overcrowd the 'Other Sports and pastimes" forum.

the NHL thread has been booming in the last few weeks hence the desire to have our own forum.

also we think that due to the nhl thread being stuck in the Other sports and pastimes forum, it is going unnoticed by many forummers who are interested into the topic.

can you please let me know what we are to do in order to get the Forum up?

on behalf of all NHL fans on LU, monk

Cheers monk, good stuff.

Keep us updated. :)


First Grade
No worries mate. Figured Willow was the best person to ask. He's always here pretty active.

Going back to the comment on Pronger. What? I never thought he was that bad a player really. Sometimes stupid but he's pretty decent


How about the cheap shots, the elbows, the stomping on the Vancouver players' leg, the constant whining in the media, the drink driving, the using of his wife as an excuse to get out of Edmonton?

The guy's a turd.

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