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Nine stands down Phil Gould


lol, how hard would it be if all you were doing was shouting over the top of him, and not letting him answer your questions?

Gallop wan't answering the questions. Gould interrupted him because Gallop skipped around the question giving some stock-standard bullsh*t News Ltd response. The public don't want to hear crap, they want to hear actual answers. Listen to the interview, he let Gallop answer the question and only interrupted when he went totally off-track.


I just went to the NRL website to try to email David Gallop ... stuffed if I can find an email address to write to him.

In his position he doesn't have the right to choose who interviews him. Gould may have carried on like a pork chop the other night, but still he was asking questions and making statements that many of us fans want to say/hear.

Is a disgrace. Have been watching the snippets of the Footy Show that I want to through the web and will continue to not watch the show in the future, as have done for many years.

Oink !


its fine for gould to ask difficult questions but if he carries on like a prat (which he ahs the propensity to do) then i can udnerstand gallop not wanting to appear and not having to cop sh*t from gould.

if you rememebr back in 95 (96?) with john ribot on the footy show trying to expalin superleague and hadley just didnt shut up th whole time and turned it into a farce.

i dont want to ehar the same sh*t prattling out of either gallops or goulds mouth and a slanging match would not be productive. Andrew Voss and Peter Sterlinga re just as sharp and i'd be happy to see them on instead of gould cos at elast they'll let gellop talk

Got it in one! He started the interview with a few questions and let Gallop reply but then started yelling and ranting without Gallop being able to get a word in.I cant beleive how soft Gould was on SBW instead he brings up Super League rubbish from ten years ago,there was no need for it!


More people went to the netball than a full round of club union, or state cricket. So what? Play Sydney league games during the day, black out local TV on pay, play at the appropriate stadium. Build the audience/passion again and then start to move the bigger games once the demand and feel good factor is back.

haha - and what state is club rugby and state cricket in?
they're farked

you're logic is flawed - the game is dying in Sydney.
sooner people accept it, the sooner the game will move forward.

state cricket has had a resurgence through the twenty20 comp - giving fans some new excitement and good talent.
how is the NRL going to 'build the passion'? after 100yrs if you don't have the passion to support your team then something is badly wrong - and it clearly is...


lol so News can just pick up the phone and get the one bloke that says it like it is stood down because weak ass Gallop can afford to answer the tough questions. What a f**ken joke this is.


Did anyone see the article about the Footy Show re: How crap it has become?

Roy & HG mentioned it on Sunday

Perth Red

Post Whore
If I was a company CEO I would refuse to go on a media show with Gould as well after yesterdays events. Not saying it's right but no one in their right mind would walk into that again.


First Grade
lol, how hard would it be if all you were doing was shouting over the top of him, and not letting him answer your questions?

Hell a 12 year old could do that.

Prescisely! The ONLY thing Gus Gould is interested in promoting is Gus Gould.



First Grade
mik01 crowds are up in Sydney on last year, average 14,500, does netball get that to a game? The game is in a down period however sport goes in cycles and it will pick up again. What will it get when it picks up again? Don't get sucked in by the hysteria.


mik01 crowds are up in Sydney on last year, average 14,500, does netball get that to a game? The game is in a down period however sport goes in cycles and it will pick up again. What will it get when it picks up again? Don't get sucked in by the hysteria.

That may be true, but is an average of 14 500 decent?

I say no.


In his position he doesn't have the right to choose who interviews him.

In his position he has every right to choose who doesn't interview him. He's the boss of an organistaion and shouldn't have to put up with someone out to bolster their own ego/persona under the guise of asking tough questions all the while preventing any chance of those questions being answered anyhow.

I'll agree with the fact that the NRL and its powerbrokers do not appear to be promoting/advancing the game but I reckon Gould (and similar) and his tantrums are equally part of the problem. Gus harps on about this & that being wrong with the game and demands to know what the NRL are gonna do about it and insists on answers NOW but he won't offer constructive solutions himself as a guidance for the NRL to adopt.

I have more respect for Dennis Fitzgerald's commitment to rugby league than Gould's. As annoying, controversial and 'out there' as they are, at least Fitzgerald offers suggestions to change the game. Gould just sits and grizzles about his nappy rash.

Michelle Leslie

I think you will find that Gus has solutions in mind.

But he is not the head of the NRL and he shouldnt have to spoon feed a man who is apparently more than capable of advancing the game itself.

We need a radical shift.
Not clap trap.


First Grade
lol so News can just pick up the phone and get the one bloke that says it like it is stood down because weak ass Gallop can afford to answer the tough questions. What a f**ken joke this is.

Gallop wasn't given an opportunity to answer these so called tough questions. Gould just talked over the top of him and interrupted him every time he did get a chance to say anything. That's not achieving anything and Gus trying to re-open wounds from the SL war and use this for his own agenda against News is just pathetic and irrelevant. I'd much rather have someone else on that panel that can ask the real questions not just try to run roughshod over the man to boost their own ego.


First Grade
I think you will find that Gus has solutions in mind.

But he is not the head of the NRL and he shouldnt have to spoon feed a man who is apparently more than capable of advancing the game itself.

We need a radical shift.
Not clap trap.

Well let's hear them for once. Gus is just typical of Rugby League mentality that we get caught up in the personal grudges and egos and look for someone to blame for the situation we're in rather than looking for ways to get out of it.


The Footy Show gets a huge shot at winning the ratings for a change, but now they've blown it.

I will continue to watch Law and Order like I have done all year now that Gould isn't on. Weak as water.
i heard from a reliable source that gould has signed a multi million deal with french tv in preparation for the mass exodus of players from league to union.