Keep getting communication errors when trying to play online but single player is quite fun but makes me sad that Nintendo hasn't done a full fledged 3d platformer yet
I have a ps4 and im pretty dissapointing in it, while it's an amazing technology, the games just aren't that fun. I've recently downloaded a snes and nintendo 64 emulator on my phone and have found the old games on it are so much fun. No photo realistic graphics or long drawn out story, just simple fun game play that you only intend to play for 5 minutes but end up waisting hours . Is the wii u the console for me?
I'm with telstra also and can barely play mk8 but cod and other 3rd party games work fine.
Keep getting communication errors when trying to play online but single player is quite fun but makes me sad that Nintendo hasn't done a full fledged 3d platformer yet
are u still getting those errors mines now working fine as of yesterday