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No Love for Waugh

El Duque

Anything and everything.

I can't recall exactly but I remember him bagging Waugh on 7 because he'took them to see starving kids or something in India. Waugh has a lot of time for the underprivliged.


Rubbish. Absolute garbage. I was replying to your post that said I only used Steve Waugh's captaincy record as a reason for his selection. When I showed that you were wrong, (that is I had earlier pointed out a number of reasons) you simply switched to plan B and started another argument.

Isaid "Every time one of your other reasons fall down in the debate you fall back on "but he is the captain"."

Ididn't say your only reason was because he is captain. What are you only reading bits of what I say. You posted the same reasons again and I gave the same response which was to point out their faults. Again if you can't handle having the faults picked out and have no come back you have bitten off more than you can chew, saying your just starting another argument isn't a come back, it's a cop out.

"Of course his team MATES are gonna stick up for him. They'd stick up for him even if they were losing and he hadn't scored a run in years."

On this comment above I can see it wasn't a smart thing to say and withdraw it. I made the mistake of putting mates in capitols which took away from what I was actually thinking. I have explained why i think they would publically stick up for him no matter what in posts, and stand by those statements.



Assistant Moderator
"Ididn't say your only reason was because he is captain. "
Yes you did.
For starters...
Kiwi: "You guys think a captain should have automatic selection no matter how poorly he is playing as long as the team is winning. "
"...your whole stance is the team is winning and so the captain should get a free ride"

So am I missing something here? or is it just another Kiwi blooper?

"...you can't handle having the faults picked out and have no come back you have bitten off more than you can chew, saying your just starting another argument isn't a come back, it's a cop out." OK, for the sake of your argument, here we go:

Willow: No, apart from him being an inspiration on the field, Kiwi: Ricky Ponting, Glenn McGrathand Matthew Hayden are inpirations on the field, Steve Waugh is just there.
Thats your opinion and I ask how do you know this? IMO, Steve Waugh is part of the team and contributes in many ways.

Willow: I also said he is in form atm and is getting runs.
Kiwi: It takes more than the odd 50 and one 100 in the last 22 innings to be in form. If it takes a rocket up the arse like Steve waugh got, when you are a batter of that calibre to get 70 runs off poor bowlers then you are not in form.
I said he was in form at the moment (atm) and this is credit to him... he is coming back into form. He got 77 and the knockers say it wasn't enough.

Willow: I also said he has overcome a shoulder injury and is fitter now then he was last year. I also mentioned that he coming in as a stop gap bowler now...
Kiwi: He bowls a few overs in the 4th test, gets a lucky wicket, his first in 4 years, again after the rocket up the arse and now all of a sudden he is a stop gap bowler, if he bowls a couple more overs in the 5th test next you'll be calling him a world class all rounder again.

So you're deciding what I'll be saying in the future now?
I'm fully aware that he hasn't got a wicket in 4 years and I explained that he hasn't bowled due to a shoulder injury. All I'm saying is that its another string in his bow and good news that he tumble down a few overs when required.
I was also trying to point out that he is fitter now than he was last year.

The bottom line is that I had a number of reasons and you had a number of opposite views... and I disgreed and so it goes on.
Your view that I bit off more thanI could chew shows belligerence and is without foundation.

"What are you only reading bits of what I say. "
Well if I am, I'm not the only one. :(



"Ididn't say your only reason was because he is captain. "
Yes you did.
For starters...
Kiwi: "You guys think a captain should have automatic selection no matter how poorly he is playing as long as the team is winning. "
"...your whole stance is the team is winning and so the captain should get a free ride"

So am I missing something here? or is it just another Kiwi blooper?

In reply to my picking faults in your logic such as he is in form ( you and I both know it takes more than one lucky knock of 77 against a second string England bowling attack to be in form ), or he is inspirational in the field you come backs have been "but he is captain" and "being captain has to carry some wieght", so of course you are gonna cop lines like above. What do you expect when it's what you keep falling back on.

Willow: No, apart from him being an inspiration on the field,
Kiwi: Ricky Ponting, Glenn McGrathand Matthew Hayden are inpirations on the field, Steve Waugh is just there.
Thats your opinion and I ask how do you know this? IMO, Steve Waugh is part of the team and contributes in many ways.

What does he contribute? Not runs, not wickets, you must mean he places fielders where the bowlers want them. Yep you need alot of skill for that. I guess he is there for the toss.

Willow: I also said he is in form atm and is getting runs.
Kiwi: It takes more than the odd 50 and one 100 in the last 22 innings to be in form. If it takes a rocket up the arse like Steve waugh got, when you are a batter of that calibre to get 70 runs off poor bowlers then you are not in form.
I said he was in form at the moment (atm) and this is credit to him... he is coming back into form. He got 77 and the knockers say it wasn't enough.

Like I said before and you know this to be true, it takes more than one lucky knock of 77 against a weak bowling attack to justify calling a batter "in form" If he does it in the next test sure I'm happy to say he could be coming back into form, but untill he does it on a regular basis again, he is not in form or coming into form.

Willow: I also said he has overcome a shoulder injury and is fitter now then he was last year. I also mentioned that he coming in as a stop gap bowler now...
Kiwi: He bowls a few overs in the 4th test, gets a lucky wicket, his first in 4 years, again after the rocket up the arse and now all of a sudden he is a stop gap bowler, if he bowls a couple more overs in the 5th test next you'll be calling him a world class all rounder again.

So you're deciding what I'll be saying in the future now?
I'm fully aware that he hasn't got a wicket in 4 years and I explained that he hasn't bowled due to a shoulder injury. All I'm saying is that its another string in his bow and good news that he tumble down a few overs when required.
I was also trying to point out that he is fitter now than he was last year.

Hey you wanted to throw around smart arsed comments like he is god ( even though he isn't,I mean last time I checked he wasn't Darren Lockyer ;) ), so why can't I? How long does one need to recover from injury? He wasn't bowling before the injury so why would he bowl after it? Other than a rocket up the arse from selectors. And he may be fitter, but he still isn't in form. Fitness means little when your aren't scoring runs. And a year ago he was scoring runs, so fitness compared to then has little to do with it. Shane Warne is still a chance to bowl in the World Cup, a leg spinner could be ready to bowl after surgery on his right shoulder in such little time, and Steve Waugh is still recovering? Again how long does he need? Andhow long before it is just an excuse?

Like I said before, we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one, or we could be here all week and ready to kill each other by sunday. You can reply to my post if you like, I'll read it, but wont be replying ( and thats not a signal to make outlandish statements to make yourself look good ).



Assistant Moderator
What a stupid debate this is. Some of the points being raised make us sound like a bunch of mugs. My only regret is that I've one of the stupid ones to join in to this train wreck of a thread.
We have people who claim to be knowledgable about cricket and they still seriously think a captain is only there to shift fieldsman around and call the toss... I can't even answer that one.

"If he does it in the next test sure I'm happy to say he could be coming back into form..."
Ok we'll see... a good each way bet for you.

"Steve Waugh is still recovering? Again how long does he need? Andhow long before it is just an excuse?"
Steve Waugh was restricted from bowling for a quite a while. Its not an excuse, its a fact. And he has recovered, that why he is bowling again...sigh.

thats not a signal to make outlandish statements to make yourself look good
That's an odd thing to say... Sorry but I can't be dictated to and I can't say I make statements just to make myself 'look good'. I guess the world is full of meglomaniacs... oops, there I go disobeying your directive.

we are going to have to agree to disagree
No problem.



As a NSWelshmen i have to admit that Steve Waugh has had his day.

If they replace him with anyone other that a blue it just wouldn't be cricket.:)



I know I said i wasn't going to say anything more on this topic, but I have a question that has been niggling away at me since yesterday.

When Mark Waugh was dropped from the Test side, did you think he was out of form?