Famous1 said:
jason moodie, 2 weeks in a row.......... missed out on 1st tryscorer both in the first 1 minutes
That seems to knock the team's confidence, and they don't seem to recover.
WT2004 - hi, welcome. I agree with what yousaod about the ref - not blaming the ref for the loss, but geez, some of those decisions were a bit odd - even sterlo and fatty were questioning some calls - so they musta been bad
I just hope this isn't the start of the downhill slide for 2004. Come on guys! We're still here supporting you!
Gr8_1 I don'[t think there was no pride, I think that's a bit harsh. No options, no tactics, lack of skills, maybe, but not no pride - didn't you see Bryce and Skando? How about Halatau? How can you say he has no pride? Their pride is taking a beating, but I reckon it's still there.