Anyone here had to put their dog down before? I had to do it yesterday to my dog, was 12 and a half and crap it was the suckiest experience. I see these stories often and people say how shitty it is but man, having to do it was harder than I thought. It's amazing how our furry friends become family and I've been less upset over friends or extended family that die.
Anyone here had to put their dog down before? I had to do it yesterday to my dog, was 12 and a half and crap it was the suckiest experience. I see these stories often and people say how shitty it is but man, having to do it was harder than I thought. It's amazing how our furry friends become family and I've been less upset over friends or extended family that die.
Sorry to hear mate. As Noise mentioned, went through this a while ago and still one of the worst days I can remember. My dog now is already 9 years old and even the fact he’s that old bothers me. They are definite one of the family. Hope you’re doing ok mate.Anyone here had to put their dog down before? I had to do it yesterday to my dog, was 12 and a half and crap it was the suckiest experience. I see these stories often and people say how shitty it is but man, having to do it was harder than I thought. It's amazing how our furry friends become family and I've been less upset over friends or extended family that die.
I had to get our lab x border collie put down last year. He had snapped at my young fella once, bit him on the hand, and then bit my mum, punctured the skin pretty decent.... Not unprovoked, only ever lashed out if he felt threatened, at least that was my take on it. In any case, we decided to put him down, I couldn't take the risk of him doing it again. But we loved him of course, and we still haven't told the kids we put him down - we told them a friend of a friend who has a farm took him.... And they still ask to go and see him every now and then... Awkward....Anyone here had to put their dog down before? I had to do it yesterday to my dog, was 12 and a half and crap it was the suckiest experience. I see these stories often and people say how shitty it is but man, having to do it was harder than I thought. It's amazing how our furry friends become family and I've been less upset over friends or extended family that die.
Feel for you heaps Snoochies, I had my gorgeous loyal Lucy put to sleep 12 months ago, she was 15, we had her since she was 4 months old, she was like a daughter to us.Thanks everyone for the kind words, wise words as well. I truly thought maybe I've been over reacting but the more people I speak to, it seems everyone has struggled with it as well.
My boy was in my arms when he went which was hard but he left in his favourite spot. Everyday it will get a little better but yeah, it sucks.
This is why I don't have pets.
f**k this shit. Making me cry you arseholes.
Yep. A year and half ago with one of our dogs. Ridgeback who was only 5. I still miss him.Anyone here had to put their dog down before? I had to do it yesterday to my dog, was 12 and a half and crap it was the suckiest experience. I see these stories often and people say how shitty it is but man, having to do it was harder than I thought. It's amazing how our furry friends become family and I've been less upset over friends or extended family that die.
Anyone ever stop taking anxiety medication?
Oh and i know everyone hates cats but i love cats and my oldest is 14 years old so the time is coming and my 4 are all inside/netted outside area cats so don’t destroy the wildlife or get in other yards or on the road.
I’m am dreading the day that i have to say goodbye.......
Yeah losing a dogs sad.
Anyone ever stop taking anxiety medication?
I Love cats mate (and most dogs)
There's a lot of pet books out there, I have the following, and its a true story as well
Dewie: the small town library cat
Its amazing how a small creature can have a positive effect on many people (a community even), and even changed peoples lives for the better. Worth a read
Your cat could live well for another few years, but yeah it will be awefull when the time comes. You maybe already doing it, but get it checked at the vet yearly for a blood test, if it picks up something early you can maybe prolong its life by some changes in diet
Yes. Sometimes I get really fking frustrated and give up on it for a while
I don’t dislike dogs either but i hate owning them. Other people’s are great!
Thankfully so far everything is ok with my 2 older (14 &12) cats medically.
My doctor moved away so i have a new one and she is fresh into practice so she asked if they were necessary any more and i told her as if i would know, that’s her job to tell me (not in those words).
Anyways i told her that when i started taking it i felt a noticeable difference but no idea whether they are still required cause i am not a medical professional.
She said to ween off it so i have and now that i have completely stopped taking it (into the third week) i can feel it, I’m sure you understand what I’m talking about but i can feel the change and the anxiousness and irritability and snapping for no reason and i just don’t feel right, which is why i went to the doctor a few years ago and he put me on those pills for it.
Now i may not even have anxiety and whatever is wrong with me could be something completely different but whatever was in that medication made a difference and it wasn’t even a high dose.
I guess I’m just wondering if this is a temporary thing for coming off it and I’m being dramatic and anyone with experience would be good to get their thoughts from.
I am on my 3rd doctor now (not by my choice, the previous 2 doctors left their respective practices and moved too far away) since starting this medication and I’ll be completely honest, I’ve told them how i feel like you are supposed to and they really don’t seem to give a shit. At least this one is trying i guess but i am a little bit disillusioned with doctors right now.
It’s frustrating.
I don’t dislike dogs either but i hate owning them. Other people’s are great!
Thankfully so far everything is ok with my 2 older (14 &12) cats medically.
My doctor moved away so i have a new one and she is fresh into practice so she asked if they were necessary any more and i told her as if i would know, that’s her job to tell me (not in those words).
Anyways i told her that when i started taking it i felt a noticeable difference but no idea whether they are still required cause i am not a medical professional.
She said to ween off it so i have and now that i have completely stopped taking it (into the third week) i can feel it, I’m sure you understand what I’m talking about but i can feel the change and the anxiousness and irritability and snapping for no reason and i just don’t feel right, which is why i went to the doctor a few years ago and he put me on those pills for it.
Now i may not even have anxiety and whatever is wrong with me could be something completely different but whatever was in that medication made a difference and it wasn’t even a high dose.
I guess I’m just wondering if this is a temporary thing for coming off it and I’m being dramatic and anyone with experience would be good to get their thoughts from.
I am on my 3rd doctor now (not by my choice, the previous 2 doctors left their respective practices and moved too far away) since starting this medication and I’ll be completely honest, I’ve told them how i feel like you are supposed to and they really don’t seem to give a shit. At least this one is trying i guess but i am a little bit disillusioned with doctors right now.
It’s frustrating.