I'm dead serious mate. I live here, I should know.
If you're on Facebook, go check out the absolute discontent on the Transport Canberra page. Canberra's recent history with transport infrastructure is shocking...
It currently only services Gungahlin to the City, one of the newest and least populated areas of town. It's completely wrecked Northbourne Avenue, which was already an absolute nightmare traffic wise (by Canberra standards) in peak times. Even at full implementation it will basically only run from Mawson to Gungahlin/Belconnen and out to the airport, meaning the entire Tuggeranong Valley and Weston Creek/Molonglo areas have no benefit. That's well over a third of the population, probably more once suburbs like Wright and Molonglo and Coombs and Denman really take off, as well as the new suburbs proposed for even further out that way.
All of that would be perfectly acceptable if it hadn't had a net detrimental impact on public transport in Canberra.
Transport Canberra have had to cut and redirect expenditure to the point that they have slashed at least 50% of bus routes. There are thousands of school kids who now will not have a service, or who the govt expect to walk half an hour to get on a school service. Personally I've gone from having a bus along my street and one two streets away to having to walk 2km to the nearest route. My suburb (which is 7km from end to end, roughly) has gone from having four bus routes to having one. People in some of the (densely populated) inner south and Woden north suburbs who don't have tram access have gone from having a direct bus to the city, to having to catch three buses and spend 1-1.5 hours in transit each way. It's a 20 minute drive from most of these suburbs in the heaviest traffic.
Essentially, the light rail as it stands will put more cars on the road, not less. The entire transport plan has hammered school routes and other heavily used bus routes, to the point where it actually and genuinely risks the safety of school kids who might half to walk half an hour or more to the nearest bus route, then wait in a dodgy interchange (Woden interchange is one of the seediest spots in the whole ACT, for eg) for however long before the next bus.
The light rail itself is fine,if pretty limited, but the plan in its' entirety has turned into an absolute clusterf**k and you won't find many Canberrans happy with how it's turned out so far
Until it is up and running. And extended.
Here's a list of all scheduled services along Northbourne Avenue departing Civic from 1700 to 1759:
17:02 - 255 to Bonner
17:04 - 39 to Watson
17:04 - 252 to Belconnen
17:05 - 56 to Gungahlin
17:07 - 30 to Belconnen
17:07 - 259 to Amaroo
17:08 - 58 to Gungahlin
17:11 - 712 to Spence
17:11 - 254 to Belconnen
17:12 - 57 to Gungahlin
17:14 - 39 to Watson
17:14 - 200 to Gungahlin
17:16 - 251 to Belconnen
17:17 - 31 to Belconnen
17:19 - 255 to Bonner
17:20 - 714 to Fraser
17:21 - 252 to Belconnen
17:24 - 39 to Watson
17:24 - 259 to Amaroo
17:25 - 56 to Gungahlin
17:26 - 30 to Belconnen
17:27 - 254 to Belconnen
17:28 - 58 to Gungahlin
17:30 - 200 to Gungahlin
17:32 - 57 to Gungahlin
17:32 - 251 to Belconnen
17:35 - 255 to Bonner
17:37 - 31 to Belconnen
17:38 - 252 to Belconnen
17:39 - 712 to Spence
17:39 - 39 to Watson
17:41 - 259 to Amaroo
17:44 - 200 to Gungahlin
17:45 - 56 to Gungahlin
17:46 - 30 to Belconnen
17:47 - 714 to Fraser
17:47 - 254 to Belconnen
17:48 - 58 to Gungahlin
17:50 - 251 to Belconnen
17:52 - 57 to Gungahlin
17:53 - 200 to Gungahlin
17:54 - 39 to Watson
17:56 - 255 to Bonner
17:57 - 31 to Belconnen
17:59 - 259 to Amaroo
That's 45 buses in the space of one hour.
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