Merely a trigger. It was always going to start. He actually wanted to end Austro Hungarian rule in Bosnia, not Serbia. He was actually a Yugoslav nationalist which included Serbs, Slovenes, Croats and Bosnians. A Royalist Yugoslavia not a communist one.
During his trial he stated: "I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be freed from Austria.
He is a true patriot and my father wanted to name me after him. Mum didn’t let him.
My grandfather served in the Royal Yugoslavia army. The Chetniks also fought for it and not merely Serbia.
Even during the recent 1990’s wars the Serbs were the only people that wanted to preserve Yugoslavia. However it did not suit American interests and they destroyed it.
Well we agree to disagree if he is a hero. I understand that many of the south balkan countries were under Austrian-Hungarian rule at the time, however Princip was part of a malitia motivated and funded by the Black Hand. The Black Hand may have had genuine intentions, however the bottom line is that they were probably equal to what Hezbollah or PLO are to Palestine or perhaps the IRA were to Northern Island. There will always be a grey area between patriotism and terrorism when a country is under foreign rule. Whilst Serbia were not truly independent at the time they were an autonomous state, ruled by their royal family and referred to as the Kingdom of Serbia. So the quest for total independence was not as I understand it a majority view.
These Black Hand merkins continued to have blood on their hands even after the war, as they were involved with assassination of royal family members including that Karageorge merkin.
My earlier point was that his assassination of FF was the trigger for Austria-Hungry to invade the greater Serbia, which of course fired up the Russians. Then the Germans, French, Brits etc took sides. Hence WW1 ensued.
Did the assassination cause WW1 ? Yes. Did this action free the Serbs of Austrian-Hungarian rule ? Yes. Could they have achieved this through other means ? Through the pressure of Russia’s big brother allegiance, they already had autonomy. So the potential to be released via the same Russian pressure could have allowed them to achieve the same goal. So probably yes.
Of course many think that the war would have started anyway
I am no expert and can only relay what I have been told over the years by my in-laws, their friends and from what I have read.
As you have already said, Lest we Forget.