New plan. Get there super early, before they even arrive early. Wear suits and carry some clipboards. Be surveying the store as they arrive, when they open survey in the store. After a little bit, walk up to a store person and ask if Gary the new manager has arrived. They’ll of course be frazzled by the mention of there being a surprise new manager. Say head office said he’d be there by now. Ask for the current manager. Tell them there has been some anonymous complaints and Simpkins from head office ordered you down there on the weekend to investigate. If they ever ask about the complaints, say you can get Simpkins on the phone then start dialling and talk to the other guy “remember that other manager? The one he put in the fridge? I don’t think they ever found the body”. After a bit more inspection, one say “hang on I’ve got to take this call. It’s head office” after a bit say very loudly “ WHAT? No no we’ll try and fix it on this end” tell the manager that someone has been fudging the stocktake and that they’re overstocked a vacuum and a washing machine and Simpkins is furious. Say you’ll take the vacuum and washing machine back to the warehouse and hopefully that should be sorted. Tell them Gary should be in shortly to do the transition