I can remove those likes just to piss him off
Apparently the new 'Hard Solo', the alcoholic version of popular lemon soft drink Solo, has to change its name. It has been found in breach of regulations around branding and marketing as it appeals to minors because they drink Solo and its too hard to distinguish between the two separate drinks.
Asahi breweries (which owns Solo as well as other Coca-Cola drinks) has until February to change all branding and packaging.
The new name they have chosen to go with?
'Hard Rated'.
My source is a mate who works in marketing within the alcohol industry.
Spot on too:
Hard Solo changes name to Hard Rated after alcohol code breach
The alcoholic soft drink was found to have breached the industry code in its strong or evident appeal to minors.www.smh.com.au
I am also extremely interested in your newsletter. Sign me up.Not too many takers I am afraid, that’s ok.
30 isn’t a kid. Gronk’s trust fund ran out months before he turned 30.Great post.
Yesterday I spoke with a lady who works at a medical centre and she spoke of a 30 year old kid who is basically cactus from alcohol abuse.
I am also extremely interested in your newsletter. Sign me up.
Ok well that’s three of you ready to take the piss out of me like last year.
There was an old abandoned house I was interested in investigating and urban exploring. I attract the paranormal (like ufos over the red rooster at St Clair )so I’m bound to bump into a ghost.
If I get busted by the cops I can show them my League Unlimited Press Pass I’m working on.
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It was my encounter with ‘ken E.T.
I’ve been crapping on about for weeks.
I’ve submitted it to @Twizzle and @Timmah for forensic testing of photo legitimacy and no-one is refusing to verify that these aren’t crop circle creating merkins.
I hate the new red rooter sign. I liked the chook
Was the picture taken from inside a car, or out in the fresh air?
Did you hear any noise or hum etc if out in the open?