I ran out of petrol once in my work car while working for shell. Pretty embarrassing when the car had she'll magnets on the doors
I think this means Dibs reckons his car is a chick magnet?
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I ran out of petrol once in my work car while working for shell. Pretty embarrassing when the car had she'll magnets on the doors
He was very good in that, I thought it was an underrated movie. It always gives me a chuckle.Dogma was my fav Rickman movie
Dogma was my fav Rickman movie
Summer = Cricket
how can this be a bad thing ?
you guys are unAustralian
My parents were boat people from Vietnam and I am grateful for what this county has given my family. Like every other imigrant should be. Bloody greatful to the Anglos who built this country. The rest of us have only been here for the past 40 years yeah. We owe a debt of gratitude and I will always be greatful yeah.
um, Twiz wasn't referring to you mate. And he was joking
I know that. I love this country and am bloody greatful to the people of it my family were alowed to come here. I just take every chance to put that out there.
I know that. I love this country and am bloody greatful to the people of it my family were alowed to come here. I just take every chance to put that out there.
Thought it was a bit Nippy around Brissy today.See you at West End in 30 min Hineyrulz.