What's your views on anal sex and dildos Hanzy?To be honest I haven't looked too much into the Safe Schools stuff yet.
Some of the curriculum guides that we work with border on promoting sexual experimentation but it really comes down to how a teacher presents it. You've actually got a fair bit of freedom but there are many checks along the way so if you were promoting anal sex and dildos you'd probably get caught out.
If I can just jump back to the burqa for a second...
I know that religion is covered in the Constitution. The question is whether religious garb is, or simply the right to hold certain beliefs and not have the state force religion onto people? Wasn't there recently something about whether a sikh could wear a knife somewhere we wouldn't normally allow people to take weapons? If you wanna talk about a security issue, then there's one right there.
How did that sikh thing turn out? Was it through the High Court? Because if it was allowed then there's your precedent right there.
And the number of people it affects is irrelevant. Whether it is 200 or 2,000,000 doesn't matter. It's the Constitution we're talking about, so even having 1 person affected is enough.
Personally, I f**king hate the burqa. It is ridiculously oppressive. But the Constitution is the Constitution, folks.
A teacher told me yesterday that under the Safe Schools program they teach kids about anal sex and the use of dildos.
Any teachers here? Is that true?
What's your views on anal sex and dildos Hanzy?
f**k that'd be awkward to hear as a parentIf that's what floats your boat go for it but I don't particularly want to hear about it.
If you're 15 and doing it at my school and I find out I'll be speaking to your parents.
Pretty sure safe schools has nothing to do with sex ed.
Anyway this sort of stuff SHOULD be taught in sex ed, at the very least it's existence acknowledged and the risks explained.
Especially if your kid got the offending dildo from your wardrobe....f**k that'd be awkward to hear as a parent
f**k that'd be awkward to hear as a parent
I don't totally agree with you mate.
In general my opinion is that ṯ his stuff should be talked about at home with your parents.
In some cases though, where teachers are quite possibly the only reliable, responsible adults in a kid's life, then explicit sex ed should probably be taught at school.
I disagree. I reckon there is absolutely a slippery slope when it comes to normalising sexual activity in children (teenagers) and they need to be aware that developing an obsession with sex will make them even bigger losers than they already are. A sexual appetite can become an addiction very easily, and this can skew a kid's entire attitude to sex and relationships throughout their adult life, leading to a string of failed sexual partnerships.Teenagers are going to have sex, it's inevitable and honestly it's healthy as long as they do it safely
I disagree. I reckon there is absolutely a slippery slope when it comes to normalising sexual activity in children (teenagers) and they need to be aware that developing an obsession with sex will make them even bigger losers than they already are. A sexual appetite can become an addiction very easily, and this can skew a kid's entire attitude to sex and relationships throughout their adult life, leading to a string of failed sexual partnerships.
If anything, sex should be de-emphasised, for people's own good. Thinking everyone but you has a fulfilling sex life isn't good for anyone. Do something constructive with your energy instead.
f**ken perverts
I just think you can't rely on parents holding the same values as their kids...and maybe that's because I didn't hold the same values as my parents and it skews my perception, but also going to a private school the number of kids who were doing things their parents would consider unthinkable would have shocked most of the parents. You also can't count on kids feeling comfortable or feeling they need to talk about stuff like this with their parents.
Are conservative parents really gonna talk to their kids about the less vanilla kinds of sex? Realistically a lot won't, for many different reasons. Of course plenty will, but there are plenty who simply won't go there. Especially masturbation (ie dildos, as Avy put it), because despite it being perfectly natural it is still so hugely stigmatised amongst certain groups. It's a lot better for a teenage girl to masturbate with a device made for that purpose than to use things that really aren't....
There's a fine line between encouraging and educating and I don't believe in encouraging kids to do this sort of stuff, but I think we have to accept that many kids will. Some perfectly reliable and responsible parents won't talk to their kids about sex at all, or maybe only to say "don't do it before marriage." So there needs to be some education there.
For me, sex education needs to encompass anything you could reasonably expect a teenager to experiment with, because everything comes with risks and it's important that kids know what those risks are. Especially given how easy it is for these kids to access explicit material online these days. Teenagers are going to have sex, it's inevitable and honestly it's healthy as long as they do it safely, and that should extend to things beyond basic intercourse because plenty of kids are going to experiment.
Yeah I get your point.
The problem is that you get the same thing with teachers; there are good teachers and bad teachers just like there are good parents and bad parents, education is still the key to teaching kids to stay safe.
Whichever way it runs, in my opinion our society with its 'anything goes' mentality is pretty messed up. Parents are disempowered, teachers are disempowered and young people suffer the consequences.
I don't know the answers but am committed to doing my best with the young people I work with and my own kids.
I actually think kids are being forced to grow up too young when it comes to sexuality and that's as much to do with media and music than anything. Kids listen to songs about sex between consenting adults but don't have the maturity to deal with it appropriately. It's why education is so important but it's also messed up that it's needed so young.
'Teenagers' is a big group, just like how 'criminals' will commit crime, 'smokers' will smoke and 'bludgers' will do f**k all. There's no need to give them any more excuses to follow their inclinations.Teenagers will have sex whether we "emphasise" it or not because hormones exist.
I feel the opposite is true, in terms of the last point. We treat people like kids for far too long.
Biologically speaking, humans follow the pattern of big primates and are sexually mature at a relatively young age (compared to our lifespan), so teenagers having sex is natural. But at the same time, kids are mentally mature much later because A) we are living a lot longer and B) Western kids are treated like kids for so long.
But teenagers will have sex, or at least will want to have sex. Humans are generally sexually mature in their early teens, so their biology takes care of that, which is another reason I think education is so important. From a strictly scientific point of view we are a species that evolved with a 40 year life span and have artificially doubled that, and part of the problem with that is we see children as children for far longer than they actually are, at least biologically speaking. That's why I take the opposing view here. The more education the better, because it helps develop mental maturity more in line with physical sexual maturity.
Basically, we need to give teenagers more credit. Yeah, they need help and guidance, but they also need to experience the world as it really is, y'know?