FFS - Here you guys are jabbering about which web forum your admittedly only NSWRL-comp relevant posts go in.
Wouldn't you be better off actually DOING something for the Bears? Like figuring out how to get some control over your licensed club or getting people along to games.
If I hear "it's not fair" again from another Bears fan, I think I'll puke. "Fair" has nothing to do with anything in professional football - never has had, never will.
Whingeing achieves nothing. Congrats on the Storm feeder deal and signing Freeman to coach. But now the hard work begins. Get your team a crowd to play in front of and some financial resources to run it with.
Simply sooking about things doesn't fit very well with the Bears' very respectable history of determined struggle over the past nine or so decades. Forget about Manly, News Limited or any other excuses you can drum up. The Bears' future is in your own hands.