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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment


Fibroman said:
The only person that has been dragged through the mud is Gowie. It wasn't the actions of a team, or the administrator/s of the sport..........It was the actions of one person. One player.

I actually agree with Fibroman on this bit.

It's a pity that this incident has tarnished the game's image.

In my eyes the Panthers and the NRL are innocent and should not have to shoulder the responsibility for one man's actions.


Come on- I will side with Fibroman and say that during the time I have played footy, team bonding sessions have included: Getting blind, picking up girls and bringing them back for a good time, going starkers, playing various drinking games until the early hours and going out to the club with the whole team dressed in women's clothing. Some people will try and laud this as "Rugby League culture". No- it's TEAM SPORT culture, it will happen no matter what team sport some mother lets her precious son play. If they don't like it then they should make their sons do stamp-collecting instead.


Knightmare said:
Come on- I will side with Fibroman and say that during the time I have played footy, team bonding sessions have included: Getting blind, picking up girls and bringing them back for a good time, going starkers, playing various drinking games until the early hours and going out to the club with the whole team dressed in women's clothing. Some people will try and laud this as "Rugby League culture". No- it's TEAM SPORT culture, it will happen no matter what team sport some mother lets her precious son play. If they don't like it then they should make their sons do stamp-collecting instead.

You did all this when you were 7-8-9-10-11-12???

The age when mums are tossing up whether to let lil Johnny play or not?

By the time youre doing the above, mum dont have much say in anything any more.


First Grade
To point out the blatently obvious to those who are not only illiterate but a little slow in the brain department ... How many elite players started at 18 and over, innsanienk? It would have to be in the minority for sure and those minority would have to be the ones that changed code? They would have to be an absolute freak to tie on a pair footy boots and step out on the field and become professional overnight!

But back to the team bonding that normally starts from around 16 to 17 is something all sports are going to have to look further into. Junior Coaches can no longer turn a blind eye to it or support them. There are many ways a team can bond without pouring alcohol into them.

The world changes and moves on every day. To keep abreast with the future everyone has to change with it otherwise you get left behind. Team bonding within sports seems to have been left behind even though they keep on making the same mistakes again and again, year after year.

Lets face it, technology is the future whether we like or not and we all must move with the times even sport bonding...otherwise accept the negativity of it all through the media.


PK said:
To point out the blatently obvious to those who are not only illiterate but a little slow in the brain department ... How many elite players started at 18 and over, innsanienk? It would have to be in the minority for sure and those minority would have to be the ones that changed code? They would have to be an absolute freak to tie on a pair footy boots and step out on the field and become professional overnight!

But back to the team bonding that normally starts from around 16 to 17 is something all sports are going to have to look further into. Junior Coaches can no longer turn a blind eye to it or support them. There are many ways a team can bond without pouring alcohol into them.

The world changes and moves on every day. To keep abreast with the future everyone has to change with it otherwise you get left behind. Team bonding within sports seems to have been left behind even though they keep on making the same mistakes again and again, year after year.

Lets face it, technology is the future whether we like or not and we all must move with the times even sport bonding...otherwise accept the negativity of it all through the media.

Whats YOUR problem idiot?....other than waffling on and beating round the bush.

What IS this crap?^^

The world changes and moves on every day. To keep abreast with the future everyone has to change with it otherwise you get left behind

Maybe you should try reading the whole thread ( or the last few pages or page) instead of just the last post. You MAY just get the drift.


First Grade
I have read the thread and had you edited and deleted many times because you can't control yourself! ;-) Your illiterate, so therefore i wouldnt have expected you of all people to understand.


PK said:
I have read the thread and had you edited and deleted many times because you can't control yourself! ;-) Your illiterate, so therefore i wouldnt have expected you of all people to understand.

I'm illiterate?


I have read the thread and had you edited and deleted many times because you can't control yourself!

'Had I edited' ...huh?
This doesnt make sense.....

...should be " you're "

...and this also makes no sense...

so therefore i wouldnt have expected you of all people to understand.

Me of all what people?
...and I'm illiterate.:roll:

If checking and correcting errors makes me illiterate then so be it.

You must be a Gowie groupie eh PK? I see him in ur sig....must be upset the scumbag sleazebucket was *EDIT* allegedly* guilty of feeling up a schoolgirl, or maybe is it envy?:lol:


First Grade
Knightmare said:
Come on- I will side with Fibroman and say that during the time I have played footy, team bonding sessions have included: Getting blind, picking up girls and bringing them back for a good time, going starkers, playing various drinking games until the early hours and going out to the club with the whole team dressed in women's clothing. Some people will try and laud this as "Rugby League culture". No- it's TEAM SPORT culture, it will happen no matter what team sport some mother lets her precious son play. If they don't like it then they should make their sons do stamp-collecting instead.


About time someone else on here has got the guts to call a spade 'a spade'.

The thing that frustrates me on here is the number of people that have got the guts to call another individual petty little names whilst sitting behind a keyboard, but have nothing else other than 'name calling' to back up their opinions.

To me......it is very easy to work out who on this forum has actually played the game. It's the same reason that Junior, to his credit, has kept his mouth shut during this whole incident. Because he played the game, and he knows what goes on behind the scenes.

Once again for the slow ones........If Gowie touched Juniors daughter up, that is highly inappropriate behaviour for a number of reasons, but I can read between the lines on the rest of it, and it is a case of the media giving Gowie a pizzling for behaviour that goes on everywhere by thousands of footy players, and players of other sports around Australia. It is Australian culture.


First Grade
innsaneink said:
I'm illiterate?



'Had I edited' ...huh?
This doesnt make sense.....


...should be " you're "

...and this also makes no sense...

Me of all what people?
...and I'm illiterate.:roll:

If checking and correcting errors makes me illiterate then so be it.

You must be a Gowie groupie eh PK? I see him in ur sig....must be upset the scumbag sleazebucket was *EDIT* allegedly* guilty of feeling up a schoolgirl, or maybe is it envy?:lol:

Last edited by Skinner : Today at 10:21 AM. Reason: Same old reason!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rest my case in regards to the edits, you still haven't learnt how to control and maintain your posts within the forum rules.

For your information illiterate is a person who cannot read and it has become obvious of your inabilities to read a sentance correctly even though you are pulled up over and over again on how the sentance or paragraph should have been read.

I won't waste my time with anything else you wrote as I refuse to lower myself to your level.


PK said:

I rest my case in regards to the edits, you still haven't learnt how to control and maintain your posts within the forum rules.

For your information illiterate is a person who cannot read and it has become obvious of your inabilities to read a sentance correctly even though you are pulled up over and over again on how the sentance or paragraph should have been read.

I won't waste my time with anything else you wrote as I refuse to lower myself to your level.

Whatever sweetheart...I have no idea what your problem is, I explained why I edit, its why most do it I guess.
Maybe you should try it.


First Grade
Innsanienk, it's not your editing. And this is where your illiteracy comes in...maybe third time lucky! :roll:

It's the *moderators and Adminastrators* constantly having to edit or delete your posts.

And I am only referring to this particular topic. God only knows how much you are moderated in others...


PK said:
Innsanienk, it's not your editing. And this is where your illiteracy comes in...maybe third time lucky! :roll:

It's the *moderators and Adminastrators* constantly having to edit or delete your posts.

And I am only referring to this particular topic. God only knows how much you are moderated in others...

Hmmm...only been pm'ed about it once recently, I didnt know what you meant.
Its not my problem if you cant get your point across, I can understand most other people here no problems.
I thought you was a Gower groupie, not speaking to me as a mod.
So OK, youve edited my posts............and?

BTW if youre acting in a Mod capacity here, shouldnt all this dialogue be done thru PM, Im sure everyone else is finding it fascinating.


PK said:
No I'm not a moderator of the NRL.


Aaah I see...so youre having a shot at me just for the helluvit?

PK said:
It's the *moderators and Adminastrators* constantly having to edit or delete your posts.

As I told you......1, one , once, uno, eins.

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