188k in nsw and qland, what were nrl's viewing figures in vic, sa and wa? We can mock but seeing as we dont get high enough to get a rating half the time outside the heartlands we aren't exactly pulling up trees ourselves.
AFL STV latest rd (Syd, Bri)
28k(14k,14k), 26k(11k, 15k), 21k(6k,15k), 20k(8k,12k), 8k(4k,4k), 30k(21k,9k), 17k(6k,11k), 17k(7k,10k), 49k(24k,25k) = 216k total / 24k avg (SYD 11k, BRI 13k)
NRL STV latest rd (Mel, Ade, Per) (excluding thursday night - no breakdown available)
30k(14k,4k,12k), 12k(6k,4k,2k), 23k(15k,2k,6k), 23k(14k,2k,7k), 11k(8k,2k,1k), 19k(10k,1k,8k), 26k(21k,1k,4k) = 144 total / 21k avg (MEL 13k, ADE 2k, PER 6k)
In NSW & Qld the AFL rate ~6k for each expansion club on STV, or about the same as the NRL get in Perth, and the NRL don't even have a team in Perth!
Seems like the AFL is really getting their monies worth...