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NRL backs clubs in fight against pokies reform / supports exploitation of vulnerable

Perth Red

Post Whore
There is no correlation between pokies revenues for clubs and the amount of kids playing sport. In fact in WA, where there are no pokies, there is a higher proportion of kids playing sport.

This ends the argument. NRL are just trying to keep the soft income option open for NRL clubs and jnr RL when in reality if they were doing their job properly the NRL would have more than enough income to both fund clubs properly and fund Jnr RL. The pokies are a scourge on what is supposed to be a "family" game.


Wilkie is the ONLY person in our entire parliament being productive. Abbott says no to everything. other pinheads in greens and independents expect to be consulted on everything.

Wilkie, on the other hand, is negotiating with the govt to scratch their back while they give him what he needs/wants.

house of reps MVP for the last year is Wilkie.

Big Mick

Lets make sure that all people who buy from Macca's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Hungry Jacks, Dominos, oportos and Nandos' all have to have a license to eat there.

Because if praying on people who are uncontrollable is the clubs business and pokie business then what do these companies do?

Finger Licking good bullshit.

Fast Food kills more people in this country for 10 years, more than gambling addiction affects families in 1. Yet Poker Machines are the problem.

Once again, the wowsers have a buzz topic and they aren't going to rest until they have something else to whinge about.

Big Mick

Wilkie is the ONLY person in our entire parliament being productive. Abbott says no to everything. other pinheads in greens and independents expect to be consulted on everything.

Wilkie, on the other hand, is negotiating with the govt to scratch their back while they give him what he needs/wants.

house of reps MVP for the last year is Wilkie.

I'll agree with that to an extent.

But Wilkie also has this "OMG I'm so awesome. Look at this latest awesome policy I have" attitude that some of the time isn't well thought through.


How do people realise they have a problem? A lot will live in denial because they don't realise what is going on until it is too late.

Precommitment technology is a way of GETTING THEM TO ADMIT THEY HAVE A PROBLEM.

So using your logic, you should support these reforms.

Well I don't because treating everybody as a problem gambler is counter productive. Blanket solutions don't solve problems.

can we please just tie the wowsers to the pokies and blow 'em all up?

Those 2 are just f**kin' pests.
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Big Mick

And its not a case of do I think Pokies are ethical or not. And its not a case of do I believe the NRL revenue structure is correct, because quite frankly i don't like it, and haven't for some time.

But people have choices in life. They chose to play the pokies.

Now I like the punt every now and then, but I'm not going to register just to play once in a blue moon.

So this is the revenue these clubs will be losing.

And if its not gambling, they'll find something else to fill their time. Alcohol perhaps where they will form a new part of "Binge Drinking" culture in Australia.

At the end of the day, some people...no matter how much help is provided is going are just gonna be screwups.

I prefer my idea for revenue raising. Create an NRL lottery under the cloak of NRL Foundation, a non-for-profit company. Then all proceeds of revenue raised outside of winnings from the public, goes directly to the juniors and community. Allows players to go to schools, allows infrastructure to be set up in areas where expansion is headed and in particular creation of junior teams. Funding country rugby league initiatives, starting a program about the importance of exercise and curbing childhood obesity. But then again the wowsers here would say I'm praying on gambling addiction again.


here's the thing - with the exception of an arbitrary daily amount that YOU will set, you have ALREADY provided your club with ALL of the required information in signing up for your leagues club membership and associated rewards.

this is the other fallacy of the pubs and clubs argument - they already collect your details and information! you aren't doing anything that you don't already do!


:roll: remember when the clubs were all crying foul when the cut the GOVT took from pokies doubled (from 20ish cents in the dollar to 46 IIRC)? 'Junior sport will die', 'how will we survive :( :('. How many clubs went out of business exactly? It's exactly the same shit.

The NRL should take a long hard look at themselves for standing behind this initiative. If you build your revenue streams off of these horrible, non-transparent f**king things, then you deserve to go bankrupt.

Besides, Workers clubs were designed for the average man to come to these establishments with his family and have a cheap beer and cheap meal, not for these motherf**kers to build conglomerate empires for themselves based solely on human misery.

f**k em. burn the merkins to the ground.


Exactly. I'm somebody who enjoys having a few bucks in the pokies when I go to the club and to be frank I consider it an insult to my inelegance that I’d be treated like a problem gambler. Problem with problem gamblers or people with any kind of addiction are they can never be treated until they admit they have a problem.

I’ve signed the beer coater petition. As I’ve said before too if I want to live in a Nanny State I’ll go live in Singapore.

:lol: :lol: Too funny.

I hate pokies, and everything about them. Shame on the NRL, but to be expected. They're a joke.


And how about them damn Nannies checking my I.D. everytime I wanna beer--treating me like I've got some drinkin' problem.
That's un-Australian.


First Grade
"Nanny state" is becoming a meaningless, empty catchphrase. Its patently obvious to anyone with half a brain that this country has gone to far from where it was 20 years ago in regards to pokies proliferation. Theres a few people getting very rich while plenty of kids are going hungry (now theres a good cliche for ya).

giggity giggity

If they want to reform pokies they should get them out of pubs before they even think about targetting clubs.

this is the answer^^^^^.the moment they introduced pokies in pubs it became a problem .here is a stat for anyone who thinks they are not a scourage on N.S.W. society :N.S.W. HAS MORE POKER MACHINES THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD PUT TOGETHER.!!!.laundy's chain of pokiepubs pulls in 1.5-2.5 million dollars profit a day in pokie revenue then multiply that by all the pub owners in this state and there is your answer as to why there is so much resistance to pokie reform "MONEY MONEY MONEY".clubs are forced to share a % of their pokie profits while pubs get to keep every single cent from pokies they suck out of us.


Also - I think we got off topic.

Pokies are bad. No worse than many other of our vices and certainly better than alcahol in general.

The issue here is the regulation or how they regulate our use. We don't want another card with personal info on it. If you need to regulate this, start with the pubs and clubs. Make machines auto turn off at a daily profit level or something. Limit the amount you can put in to the f**kers...

I don't want an Australia Card :p

Clearly if this thread has proven anything it is that people can't be trusted with their own money.

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