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NRL expansion review process

The Great Dane

First Grade
There are many ex Balmain and Wests Magpies fans lost to the game after their clubs merged... to think that the whole supporter bases of both clubs entirely switched across to the Wests Tigers singing Kumbaye is a fantasy...

For all the continual bleating from the usual suspects, no Sydney team is relocating or getting canned for many years... enjoy!

The time will come within the next 20 or so years when both the NRL and AFL will be forced to rationalise Sydney and Melbourne respectively, there's no other way that they'll be able to keep their competitions viable long term but to rationalise.

Both the NRL and AFL are taking measures to make as many clubs as possible reliant on them, through independent board members and large amounts of money that the clubs in question are being forced to survive on.

I reckon the AFL will have to take the dive first, so it should be interesting to see how the AFL handles rationalisation.

The Great Dane

First Grade
Same as we should already have 3 teams in Brisbane. We have lost hundreds of millions by the lack of games out of Suncorp each year since it was built, 2003.

Though 3 teams in Brisbane probably should have already happened if circumstances hadn't conspired against us, at this point it'd be madness to have 3 teams in Brisbane, the third team would just eat up a spot in the competition that'd be better used somewhere else.

Maybe somewhere down the track it'd be a good idea, but not while Perth, Wellington and Adelaide are still open to us, and still not until opportunities like Christchurch, Melbourne 2, etc have been investigated.

BTW Oikee, don't be so quick to give up on the Titans yet! They've still got fight left in them.
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So basically your just spewing the same sh!t we always hear from Sydney, 'tradition this, foundation that' as if that gives your clubs some divine right to be in the national competition, even when the national has passed them by.

Whenever ideas to progress the growth of the sport nationally are suggested we hear the same stuff, and quite frankly I've got to the point where I don't really care about this sentimental 'everything was better in the good old days' attitude anymore.

F##K the good old days if it means we can move on to bigger and better things, and if that means we have to leave a few behind then why the hell not, it's not like they didn't leave clubs behind to get to where they are today (Cumberland, Glebe, the Rebels, Annandale, University, Newtown, etc, etc, etc, etc), at least we won't just cannibalize our predecessors and forget about them.

You want to watch the game at suburban grounds, great go watch the NSWcup, you want to watch small suburban Sydney clubs great go watch the Sydney compeition.

And while your doing that we'll grow the sport and competition nationally in the National Rugby League!

BTW it did survive relatively unscathed, at most only few thousand diehard fans were lost and the game in North Sydney was f##ked by old dinosaurs from, you guessed it, NS.

That's it a few thousand fans and some idiots compared to the complete grassroots framework of the sport in three cities (Perth, Adelaide and the GC), a major hit to the grassroots in another city (Brisbane) and the international game having it's spine ripped apart.

For a start champ,I am for expansion,but on the basis of Sydney clubs unable to compete financially,or losing crowds to extremely low levels.
There is no reason the code can't expand to 18 teams by 2018.

Yeah stuff tradition.:roll:
Sharks have record number of juniors,perhaps more than likely due to the fact they have an NRL club in their area.They and Penrith have been around longer also.

Canberra's crowds in continual decline ,perhaps suggest they need relocation to Perth .What gives them any more right than other Sydney clubs who are averaging more than them.It's also pretty hard to get players to stay or play for them.Their crowds are getting to NSW cup standard.Sorry to say , but Canberra based on current performances is hardly growing the sport.
The Titans ATM a basket case.Melbourne needs more support to grow the game there.The Broncos average is nowhere near fullhouse ,being the only team in town.How about we get them up to scratch or improve them.

Only a few thousand fans lost:lol:.So the remaining Bears fans watch Tigers? Manly? Joint ventures apparently lost few.If bullsh*t were battleships,that would be the US 7th Fleet. .
Must be a politician.

The only reason the south Melbourn Lame Ducks were moved from Melbourne to Sydney was their position financially and crowd numbers made them untenable.And the Lions to a lesser degree.And the Lions are now losing money hand over foot.


Oikee, so I take it you now don't think souths should be taken over by easts?

No, i dont think i ever said that.
I have said how the Roosters are hopeless, they need to merge with a team in another state, do something to help grow crowds.
Rockhampton would be a good area to take all their games against Queensland teams.
Parramatta are taking a game to Darwin, i dnt see why the Roosters cant merge with rocky and play low attendence Qld games to new areas.
Same with other clubs.
This will take away the need to have teams in all these areas that will struggle as the Gold Coast have done.
Brisbane needs 3 teams, for the health and growth of the game. That is a no-brainer.
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Though 3 teams in Brisbane probably should have already happened if circumstances hadn't conspired against us, at this point it'd be madness to have 3 teams in Brisbane, the third team would just eat up a spot in the competition that'd be better used somewhere else.

Maybe somewhere down the track it'd be a good idea, but not while Perth, Wellington and Adelaide are still open to us, and still not until opportunities like Christchurch, Melbourne 2, etc have been investigated.

BTW Oikee, don't be so quick to give up on the Titans yet! They've still got fight left in them.

It is not madness to have 3 teams in Brisbane, i explained why it would grow the code.
A game every Friday night in Brisbane for a start, that i s essential. So the Broncos would not have a Friday night monopoly, and a Saturday or Sunday game at least once every two weeks for the other club.
That is just common snese, the AFL would already have this in place if they were as strong as rugby league in Queensland.
Our code has got itself into a negative growth pattern, and is struggling to move forward.

I never said get rid of the Titans, i said move them 50 meters up the road to Logan, which is a heartland rugby league city.
If you did this you would kill off any news from the Gold coast, and AFL.
This will in turn kill AFL on the coast, because care factor would be zero in Brisbane because the 3 NRL teams playing out of Suncorp would be all consuming.
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Let me welcome you lot to all consuming, AFL in Melbourne, NRL in Sydney,
now imagine if the NRL had 3 Brisbane Teams to report and grow out of Suncorp. ??? All consuming.
Our code lacks vision and can not see the forest for trees.
We need Dave Smith to make the biggest calls of our code.
Bring in the massive Brisbane derbies and we win the code wars.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Broncos are hardly pulling up stumps with the whole city to themselves, the other two qland clubs are hardly powerhouses. Nothing to suggest saturating Brisbane will be any better than the saturation of Sydney. Better to go one club per big city. Perth 2mill, Adelaide 2mill, Wellington region 450k. Brisbane will get a second club due to TV needs but I am not expecting them to be any bigger than most Sydney mid size clubs.


"""So basically your just spewing the same sh!t we always hear from Sydney, 'tradition this, foundation that' as if that gives your clubs some divine right to be in the national competition, even when the national has passed them by."""

Tradition and foundation is lovely when you can gain support by driving this vehicle. Souths had to work extremely hard to gather the support they now enjoy.
The Roosters on the other hand cant even buy Support, "Sonny-bill, Jennings, Maloney and Pearce.

What the crowd on Monday night has shown is the Roosters are a band-wagon team.

The true league heartlands are out west and the Dragons. It is why the NRL did backflips to make sure the AFL did not gain a proper foothold. If they had won the west it was all over for league.
Yes we would have survived, as we do, but the AFL would then just be able to write what they liked.

The NRL has made many mistakes, going right back to the super-league war. We could have easily won the market back then, but the powers to be refused to allow the code to flourish. So we got hammered and are paying the price ever since.

We are now trying to prop up the Titans, when we should have relocated the club now.
Logan is rugby league heartland, not the Gold Coast.
trouble is we have nobody to identify these pieces of gold.

Same as we should already have 3 teams in Brisbane. We have lost hundreds of millions by the lack of games out of Suncorp each year since it was built, 2003.
So we are 10 years from wherwe we should be, and counting. Because we dont look likely while this negative TV deal is in place.

What the NRL should be doing right now is stadiums. Lobby and get them all built, even if the NRL have to fork out 100 million, just do it.
Canberra, Manly, Cowboys and a mega 50 thousand in Sydneys west.
Then when the next tv deal is up for grabs, merge, expand and give NZ and Brisbane derbies and bring in Perth.

Pull your head in. The NRL scheduling and making RL into a tv product is the problem.Easts averaged 20 000 last year, crowds that most clubs would dream of. Yes crowds are down this year however that is more due to the NRL's terrible schedule. In 12 home games the Roosters have been given one day game on a sat,not one sun arvo game,the rest all night games.

Fans are sick of constantly going to night games in winter and paying a fortune for tickets,food and drinks while sitting in the freezing cold,thats all fans not just the chooks fans. Saying fans are band wagon supporters because they cant go to the footy on a Monday night is ridiculous, families dont want to go out on a school/work night and cannot afford to go out again on a monday after a weekend, Mondays do not work fan wise.


Pull your head in. The NRL scheduling and making RL into a tv product is the problem.Easts averaged 20 000 last year, crowds that most clubs would dream of. Yes crowds are down this year however that is more due to the NRL's terrible schedule. In 12 home games the Roosters have been given one day game on a sat,not one sun arvo game,the rest all night games.

Fans are sick of constantly going to night games in winter and paying a fortune for tickets,food and drinks while sitting in the freezing cold,thats all fans not just the chooks fans. Saying fans are band wagon supporters because they cant go to the footy on a Monday night is ridiculous, families dont want to go out on a school/work night and cannot afford to go out again on a monday after a weekend, Mondays do not work fan wise.

Rooster you are on the mark with this.
Its about scheduling, I wont go to a nightgame in winter because it is too cold.
I will howeverwatch as many as I can on TV.

Saturate brisbane is a great idea. People always say the saturationin sydney is bad, but lookat what happens when youtake a team from an area I.e. North Sydney.


Rooster you are on the mark with this.
Its about scheduling, I wont go to a nightgame in winter because it is too cold.
I will howeverwatch as many as I can on TV.

Saturate brisbane is a great idea. People always say the saturationin sydney is bad, but lookat what happens when youtake a team from an area I.e. North Sydney.

Brisbane has the support, the better weather and the Stadium.
As i said, if the AFL had control of Brisbane they would have saturated it by now.
Our code is run backwardly, always has been.
As you two have said, scheduling has been woeful. even i admit that and mentioned it many times.
Sack the marketing and promotions departm,ents, they have been awful, just awful.


Roosters crowds have also taken a sizeable hit from the rescheduling of the ANZAC day match to be a Dragons home game.
most of the decline can be hung on that move.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Brisbane has the support, the better weather and the Stadium.
As i said, if the AFL had control of Brisbane they would have saturated it by now.
Our code is run backwardly, always has been.
As you two have said, scheduling has been woeful. even i admit that and mentioned it many times.
Sack the marketing and promotions departm,ents, they have been awful, just awful.

Err no they wouldn't. Afl is bigger in WA than NRL in Brisbane yet we only have the equivalent of broncos and titans. Better to have two strong clubs than 4 weak. Something the NRL struggles to understand.


First Grade
Roosters crowds have also taken a sizeable hit from the rescheduling of the ANZAC day match to be a Dragons home game.
most of the decline can be hung on that move.
What do you mean "rescheduling"? It alternates as a home game every season. Next year It will alternate once more as a Roosters home game.


obviously more day games are needed and youll see attendance rise.

Have 1 or 2 Friday games. 3pm, 5pm, 7pm on Sat. And 2 3pms, 5pm, 7pm on Sunday.

Piss off MNF. TNF is a bit better, but id rather have another day game than thursday.


Fans are sick of constantly going to night games in winter and paying a fortune for tickets,food and drinks while sitting in the freezing cold,

The Roosters play out of the Sydney Football Stadium (or Allianz to use it corporatized name). The city of Sydney, being very close to the Pacific Ocean, does not experience temperatures even close to freezing at any time. It would be very rare for any game at the SFS to be played in a temperature of 10 degrees or less. This isn't really all that cold, not like some other home grounds get. You rug up a bit and its OK. You need another excuse for not going to games.


The time will come within the next 20 or so years when both the NRL and AFL will be forced to rationalise Sydney and Melbourne respectively, there's no other way that they'll be able to keep their competitions viable long term but to rationalise.

Both the NRL and AFL are taking measures to make as many clubs as possible reliant on them, through independent board members and large amounts of money that the clubs in question are being forced to survive on.

I reckon the AFL will have to take the dive first, so it should be interesting to see how the AFL handles rationalisation.

The code that moves first on this issue will dominate the sporting landscape. I hope it is the NRL.


Rooster you are on the mark with this.
Its about scheduling, I wont go to a nightgame in winter because it is too cold.
I will howeverwatch as many as I can on TV.

Saturate brisbane is a great idea. People always say the saturationin sydney is bad, but lookat what happens when youtake a team from an area I.e. North Sydney.

What happens when you take a team from North Sydney? NRL dominates the TV ratings, that's what happens.


I often think Sydney the city has let the NRL down .
Their stadium planning has been woeful, even compared to Brisbane.
Melbourne being a round footy playing city is miles in front because they built for their code.
Sydney has a 45 thousand rectangle ground that only Sydney Roosters enjoy, this ground is not covered from the weather. All the little suburban grounds are out in the open and a couple dont even have seating.
The biggest Stadium is a round stadium again, not purpose built for rectangle codes.
They also lack a decent 50 thousand stadium out west, where alot teams are located.

So as you can see, Sydney has let the 3 footy codes that rely on atmosphere for their games down, badly.
Brisbane built a 53 thousand stadium and has enjoyed the benefits ever since.
Everyone, every code wants to play out of this purpose built stadium. In full voice nothing in Australian sport atmosphere comes close to this stadium.
Anyhow, onwards and upwards. The shotclock will bring fans back.

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