Lesson 1
4 teams in Sydney affected by mergers.Idnetity lost for the individual clubs involved.
1 team given the flick.To suggest Sydney was relatively unscathed is nonsense.
Yeah stuff any tradition.
So basically your just spewing the same sh!t we always hear from Sydney, 'tradition this, foundation that' as if that gives your clubs some divine right to be in the national competition, even when the national has passed them by.
Whenever ideas to progress the growth of the sport nationally are suggested we hear the same stuff, and quite frankly I've got to the point where I don't really care about this sentimental 'everything was better in the good old days' attitude anymore.
F##K the good old days if it means we can move on to bigger and better things, and if that means we have to leave a few behind then why the hell not, it's not like they didn't leave clubs behind to get to where they are today (Cumberland, Glebe, the Rebels, Annandale, University, Newtown, etc, etc, etc, etc), at least we won't just cannibalize our predecessors and forget about them.
You want to watch the game at suburban grounds, great go watch the NSWcup, you want to watch small suburban Sydney clubs great go watch the Sydney compeition.
And while your doing that we'll grow the sport and competition nationally in the
National Rugby League!
BTW it did survive relatively unscathed, at most only few thousand diehard fans were lost and the game in North Sydney was f##ked by old dinosaurs from, you guessed it, NS.
That's it a few thousand fans and some idiots compared to the complete grassroots framework of the sport in three cities (Perth, Adelaide and the GC), a major hit to the grassroots in another city (Brisbane) and the international game having it's spine ripped apart.