With respect, you obviously play at a low level though. I have played touch when it had the play the ball with the foot and have also played in competitions that had 1 marker. As soon as you get to any level above park level it is just about impossible to score once you slow the game down. Players at any rep level are just far too strong in defence. The reason it works in tag is you have to remove a tag and not simply touch an attacking player. It's also the reason the number of players on the field was reduced.
For touch to work at an elite level it needs the ability of removing defenders from the defensive line that the dump provides.
I would rid the dump and opt for other avenues like withdrawing players at specific times. It's a real issue. Bad habits are sneaking into rugbyleague players. After all touch came from tippy league. And yes I really enjoyed the play the ball aspect . Playing someone offside is not fun in my opinion. Take players out if need be but playing them to get offside is not in the spirit of what the games rules really aspired to. Perhaps comps with "original touch rules " may be an option? for the tough choice assicuation. It really is missed( the ball with foot rule ) by many ex footballers. It wouldn't do any harm. And it would get guys like me back into touch footy.