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NRL vs NFL debate

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Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Back with the bold I see, not getting through are you?


You really are too thick for words, but I'll try....

There is no debate, there hasn't been since day one for a couple of reasons:

1. You can't rebut anything.
2. You barely speak English.

Since this post you've posted "grow up" a couple of times. Last time I looked I wasn't the person spending all ther time in LU in one thread being belted by all and sundry.

Maybe you need to take a look at yourself laddy.

No, it's just geniused. To me and the rest of the English speaking world.

So that's your problem. It's getting clearer now.

You used the word geniused twice in this post......

And when your nickname is Cletus, I guess you will have self-esteem problems.

There was no hidden meaning to spot. "You're an imbecile ozhawk" is as close as I could get and that's hardly hidden....

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

- "Hamlet", Act 3 scene 2


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

- "Hamlet", Act 3 scene 2

Yes, you do.............


Bomber said:
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

- "Hamlet", Act 3 scene 2

Yes, you do.............

Can't prove it, can you. Hence this stupid reply of yours.


Bomber said:
Oooooh yes you did! In any case, you're still a sick f**ker...."Oh maaaaan, did you see that concussion on the weekend! How f**king good was that!"

Rugby League - minimal bodily protection, minimal concussions
Yankeeball - maximum bodily protection, more concussions

What is wrong with this picture, Yankee Doodle?QUOTE]

Geez, like you don't like a good hit when watching a league match? So, what you're basically saying is, hitting is OK, but just don't hit em too hard? :rolleyes:

Now for the believability issue. In that same game, Jaguars defensive back Donovin Darius hit Packers receiver Robert Ferguson with a vicious and illegal clothesline, causing Ferguson to experience temporary paralysis and spend two nights in the hospital.

[font=verdana, arial, geneva]A vicious hit like this one has never been commonplace in the NFL.[/font]This was one of the most brutal on-field acts in a while, worse than the Warren Sapp block a couple years ago, worse than that whole Kyle Turley episode the year before that.

This same ex-player commentator had a suitably disgusted reaction to the hit, and then he said something else. He said, and this is a paraphrase, that back when he played, that kind of thing happened all the time. You really had to watch yourself downfield because that kind of hit was commonplace. Hoo hoo boy -- they don't make 'em like they used to.

I watched football when this particular announcer played -- watched it a lot closer than I do now -- and maybe you did, too. During that time, I can remember a handful of those kinds of hits. The Raiders' headhunters -- Jack Tatum and George Atkinson -- used to savage Lynn Swann. Tatum on Darryl Stingley, obviously. Turkey Joe Jones threw Terry Bradshaw on his head once. I seem to remember the Vikings' secondary being pretty barbaric, and the Oilers held their own.


It's just part of the game. Cept some league fans seem to have an aversion about the concept of beating your man.


ozhawk66 said:
Could you elaborate on those two points?

Of course I can:

-NRL has no def/off squads
-NFL Linesmen have no need for ball handling skills(unlike NRL forwards) so it's quite understandable they dont develop something they dont need

If you would compare the level of skill in both leagues than the nfl is far superior since the nfl draws players from a population of +-300M while the NRL only has a candidate pool of +-10M, its simple math, if Rugby League was the main footballe code in the us instead of american football(Throughout the years) then the rugby league comp in the us would be stronger then the nrl, its a know fact that sports talent is independent of the kind of game played
ozhawk66 said:
Grow up and get over it.

Firstly, you fired the first salvo in the first posting, get over the face that your arse has been smacked so badly that your only comeback is "grow up". Either do the right thing and go back to the original postings to you that you just didn't answer, or f**k off.

Secondly, maybe if you had done what you had intimated in the first posting, this wouldn't have degenerated into a very one-sided flame war.

You're not just my bitch, you're everyone's bitch.


MutOofd said:
Of course I can:

-NRL has no def/off squads

That's one of the differences between the two sports. American football requires off/def teams. It's too physically demanding of a sport for players to play both sides now days.

-NFL Linesmen have no need for ball handling skills(unlike NRL forwards) so it's quite understandable they dont develop something they dont need

More than you'd think, but by the same token, no league players are required to block like NFL linemen. A skill that is very hard to maintain at such a high level of speed with the required physical demands. The one comparable aspect of forwards running in ball support are that NFL offensive linemen run pulls and traps all the time. Meanwhile, defensive linemen do all sorts of stunts to bring pressure and or screw up the offensive lineman's blocking schemes.

If you would compare the level of skill in both leagues than the nfl is far superior since the nfl draws players from a population of +-300M while the NRL only has a candidate pool of +-10M, its simple math, if Rugby League was the main footballe code in the us instead of american football(Throughout the years) then the rugby league comp in the us would be stronger then the nrl, its a know fact that sports talent is independent of the kind of game played

I see what you are trying to say, but if you add up the population of all the countries/islands that play league, it would be very comparable to the US population. Yet, as of now, Australia has the best international league team.

One major difference is that even on the high school level, football games are drawing crowd numbers seen at league matches. Unheard of in Australia. It is the only reason why the NFL will not play games on Friday night. Friday night is for high school football across the whole nation.

Then, all day Saturday, from morning till late at night is collegiate football. Sunday, it's the NFL. Morning games with a handful of afternoon games, then you watch all the (in depth) highlights on ESPN for 60-90 minutes that segways into an hour or so of pre-game for Sunday Night football.

Go to bed. Go to work on Monday, come home and watch more highlights with discussion/debate about all the Sunday games - then watch 1-2 hours of pre-game for Monday night football, then watch Monday night football; which sometimes ends after midnight on the east coast.

Even my home state has less people than NSW, but the Hawkeyes - who cares about the Cyclones - draws 80,000+ on every home game. This would be like under 19's drawing 15-20,000 thousand like we see in league matches.

Meaning, population is not the sole decider in talent level of a particular sport.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Firstly, you fired the first salvo in the first posting, get over the face that your arse has been smacked so badly that your only comeback is "grow up". Either do the right thing and go back to the original postings to you that you just didn't answer, or f**k off.

Secondly, maybe if you had done what you had intimated in the first posting, this wouldn't have degenerated into a very one-sided flame war.

You're not just my bitch, you're everyone's bitch.

I fired no such 1st salvo. Get over the face that my arse......? Never heard of that one before and thank God I don't know the details about it either.

You're the one who refused to answer postings when confronted. You're the one who acted like a child by saying no, you ignored me first. Grow up.

Amazing how your twisted logic has twisted this post of yours around. On one hand, you accused me of firing the 1st salvo in the 1st posting. Then you turn right around and say if I had done what I had intimated in the 1st posting, there wouldn't have been a one sided flame war.

You've spun yourself dizzy once again and don't even realize it. Maybe a healthy dose of of Prozac and Lithium would serve you well, cause your perception of reality is lacking, to say the least.

And by the way, suggesting that you grow up is not a comeback. It's a factual observation of your knee-jerk, reactionary behavior.

Grow up and get over it.
Ok, in the interest of fair play I thought I’d post a quick re-cap of where this thread went off the rails over the first half. I was bored, sue me.

Bear with me if you have the patience….


Post #1 – ozhawk.

My main objective is to find as many varied, insightful and educated opinions on the differences between the players from the NRL and the athletes from the NFL.

Note the obvious description at the end, a dig at League players. NFL athletes, NRL players. Commonly known as a "subtle flame". He was hoping for aggressive replies.

Strike 1.

Post #2 – Godz Illa.

You'll find that the majority of opinion you'll get from the posters on this site will favour NRL players - and I'm no exception. Mainly due to the diversity of skill required by all rugby league athletes - every player needs to be a running back, defensive tackle, guard and corner; and on top of that some need also to be quarterbacks, some need to be wide receivers, safetys, kickers and punters. Having said that, there is no doubting the sheer physical superiority of some of those NFL guys.

Definitive, to the point and a post that should have ended the debate.

Ignored by ozhawk.

Strike 2.

Proof positive that ozhawk had no intention of honouring what was the veiled spirit of the original post.

From that moment on flaming was the only responsible action.

The first retort by ozhawk was to a flame posting by Lego Man, not to a posting aimed at the debate as was Godz Illa’s. Therefore, it was ozhawk’s intention to flame from the outset, because he thinks he’s good at it.

No he isn’t.

Let’s delve a little deeper and see why…

Post #14. ozhawk

And by the way, it's a physical impossibility for an 18 year old kid like Bott to play in the NFL.

A lie.

Post #43 ozhawk

18 year old kids are NOT allowed to play in the NFL.

Post #37. ozhawk.

I'll converse with anyone on a serious note and legit debate, if they choose. But I'll never fire the 1st shot in this debate between the 2 codes. I'm into debate, not flaming

The first flame was in the original thread. Players – Athletes.

Post #50 - ozhawk

I'll get back to you (on this one) as I have to go elswhere tonight........

He didn’t.

On reading a story about the great Super Bowl winning Manfred Moore’s time in the NSWRL…

Post #102 – ozhawk

I don't have time to dive into the full length of that article, but it's amazing, so far. I wanted a lot of legit discussion, when I came to this forum, but this article has blown me, so far.

I've been taken back from the premise of this story.....so far...

He never referred to it again.

There's plenty of other posts that belt his argument, he either ignored them or changed tack. Unfortunately, to do that successfully, you need to be... well, smart...

Damaging the English Language.

I ignored the typos, and there were plenty of them.

Sure, it’s a bit petty but let’s face facts, when someone posts like the first one below and misspells intelligence in the process, everything else is just cream…

Post # 252 – ozhawk

One has to at least have a modicum of intelligense to amuse me.

Post #49 – ozhawk

UNCONCIOUS knockout in league

Post #91 – ozhawk

I like debate over flaming and I'm sure I'll esplain why I started this thread in the 1st place.

I could have called that a typo, but he actually tried to argue that it had a hidden double meaning....

Post #97 – ozhawk

And so far, I've at least tried to keep it too comparable aspects of the game or each sports counterparts.

Every player TRYING to enter the NFL is tested on a great many attribites

Thi is where your ognorance of the sport shines........

The best the NRL has to offer has NOOOO IDEA on the training regiment to be that fast and big.

The so called 'pace' in league is American football players are used too in practice.

and be very carefull with your answer.

Post #122 ozhawk

Your not watching for, four hours........your living life, if one cares about one of the teams on the TV screen.

Post # 175 ozhawk

No, they are not fitter as forwards are not required to bear the constant one-on-one, were and tear of American football.

Post # 248 ozhawk

If you can't spot the ignorance in that one, then your on your own.

He has the word “your” twice in the one sentence without realising the error.

Then, in post # 466 he posted the dictionary definitions of “you” and “you’re” without realizing that he had just proved that he was an idiot. Then in post #476, he still wanted to prove that he was using the correct word. Kept going in post #492 as well.

Post # 278 – ozhawk

Then we will go from here, as you were to spun in your last post to respond too

And then, to top it all off, the number one spelling error in forum history...

Post # 401 – ozhawk

Then quote me directly cause I don't know where I made this phopah amongst all my postings.

And they were only the obvious ones.


You're just plain dumb. You got what you wanted and the moment you couldn't handle it, you acted like a 4 year old who'd just had a lollipop taken away. You'll go down as the stupidest flamer in LU history and you had a lot to beat. Congratulations.

Grow up and get over it.
ozhawk66 said:
I fired no such 1st salvo. Get over the face that my arse......? Never heard of that one before and thank God I don't know the details about it either.

Yeah, you fired the first salvo and you've been licking your wounds ever since.

Face that my arse?

What are you on?

ozhawk66 said:
You're the one who refused to answer postings when confronted. You're the one who acted like a child by saying no, you ignored me first. Grow up.

I suggest you re-read the thread.

No point lying, the posts don't disappear after you make them.

ozhawk66 said:
Amazing how your twisted logic has twisted this post of yours around. On one hand, you accused me of firing the 1st salvo in the 1st posting. Then you turn right around and say if I had done what I had intimated in the 1st posting, there wouldn't have been a one sided flame war.



Only someone as dumb as you could come up with that.

I had you figured right pretty early on.

You're just not too smart...

ozhawk66 said:
You've spun yourself dizzy once again and don't even realize it. Maybe a healthy dose of of Prozac and Lithium would serve you well, cause your perception of reality is lacking, to say the least.

This is fun.

Aren't you having fun?

I get to bag the sh*t out of an American idiot and I get to do it in my home forum. What could be better than that?

ozhawk66 said:
And by the way, suggesting that you grow up is not a comeback. It's a factual observation of your knee-jerk, reactionary behavior.


Knee-jerk reactionary behavior?

This is an on-line forum....

You're so out of your depth here it's scary.

ozhawk66 said:
Grow up and get over it.

Yeah, all you have is all you have...

I understand...


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Ok, in the interest of fair play I thought I’d post a quick re-cap of where this thread went off the rails over the first half. I was bored, sue me.

Wow. I think the appropriate theme song here is; 'Too Much Time On my Hands' (http://www.lyricsfreak.com/s/styx/132890.html)

Looks like that Lithium/Prozac joke I made was more of a bullseye than I thought.

Bear with me if you have the patience….


Post #1 – ozhawk.

My main objective is to find as many varied, insightful and educated opinions on the differences between the players from the NRL and the athletes from the NFL.

Note the obvious description at the end, a dig at League players. NFL athletes, NRL players. Commonly known as a "subtle flame". He was hoping for aggressive replies.

Strike 1.

Two major foe-paws in your reasoning here. One, there is a cultural difference in how people from both countries refer to their football players. In that context, from the 1st post, I used players instead of footballers. Just by the fact that I never use that term. And when I used the term athletes, I was actually being pithy and nice. Cause in that context, we have a common phrase: world class athletes. Very few team sports from around the world can make this claim.

Secondly, what's your reasoning for all the times I've referred to those in the NFL as players, instead of athletes?

Post #2 – Godz Illa.

You'll find that the majority of opinion you'll get from the posters on this site will favour NRL players - and I'm no exception. Mainly due to the diversity of skill required by all rugby league athletes - every player needs to be a running back, defensive tackle, guard and corner; and on top of that some need also to be quarterbacks, some need to be wide receivers, safetys, kickers and punters. Having said that, there is no doubting the sheer physical superiority of some of those NFL guys.

Definitive, to the point and a post that should have ended the debate.

Ignored by ozhawk.

It was a general, generic reply that also acknowledged a certain physical level amongst NFL players. There was initially 4-5 posts in as almost as many minutes to respond too when I 1st posted. If I responded to EVERY posting and every sentence, then I would be profiled as having some sort of complex.

Strike 2.

Proof positive that ozhawk had no intention of honouring what was the veiled spirit of the original post.

Crap. I respond flame with ire. Those who are capable and or willing to debate on a cordial level, I respond as such. Your the poster child/ head case of a league fan who won't debate, even when I called you out and confronted you over and over to do so. You live to flame and even those who like and agree with you recognize this.

From that moment on flaming was the only responsible action.

Calling the kettle black.

The first retort by ozhawk was to a flame posting by Lego Man, not to a posting aimed at the debate as was Godz Illa’s. Therefore, it was ozhawk’s intention to flame from the outset, because he thinks he’s good at it.

Be specific here, did I retort or flame?

No he isn’t.

You sure are, till you spin yourself dizzy.

Let’s delve a little deeper and see why…

He must have remebred this often said line from his therapist....:?

Post #14. ozhawk

And by the way, it's a physical impossibility for an 18 year old kid like Bott to play in the NFL.

A lie.

A fact in which you cannot handle. Bott is a youngling. And way too small. A concept you have a hard time dealing with about American football players.

Post #43 ozhawk

18 year old kids are NOT allowed to play in the NFL.

A factual staement that will never change. And for basic reasons that go over your head.

Post #37. ozhawk.

I'll converse with anyone on a serious note and legit debate, if they choose. But I'll never fire the 1st shot in this debate between the 2 codes. I'm into debate, not flaming

The first flame was in the original thread. Players – Athletes.

In your made up world, maybe, but not reality. I must be flaming myself for calling NFL athletes players, then. Stupid me.

Post #50 - ozhawk

I'll get back to you (on this one) as I have to go elswhere tonight........

He didn’t.

Sure I did. But you won't be able to prove otherwise. I remember that night well ;) Get it? I did.

On reading a story about the great Super Bowl winning Manfred Moore’s time in the NSWRL…

? ? ? Even you lose me with this one.

Post #102 – ozhawk

I don't have time to dive into the full length of that article, but it's amazing, so far. I wanted a lot of legit discussion, when I came to this forum, but this article has blown me, so far.

I've been taken back from the premise of this story.....so far...

He never referred to it again.

There's plenty of other posts that belt his argument, he either ignored them or changed tack. Unfortunately, to do that successfully, you need to be... well, smart...

One needs to be, well, articulate if you wanna keep leaning on inane examples like this one. If you feel this example you cited was so important, do us all a favor and cite what was being referred too. Okay? Then lets see what happens.

Damaging the English Language.

I ignored the typos, and there were plenty of them.

Just like your recent face and arse line? You need to go stand in a closet for some elavator practice to eventually esplain that one to us. The rest of this post is the same ol tiresome babble of a wanna be, that seems to be suffering from some sort of self esteem issues.

Then quote me directly cause I don't know where I made this phopah amongst all my postings.

And they were only the obvious ones.


Again, you couldn't be specific. Just more spun spin from you.

You're just plain dumb. You got what you wanted and the moment you couldn't handle it, you acted like a 4 year old who'd just had a lollipop taken away. You'll go down as the stupidest flamer in LU history and you had a lot to beat. Congratulations.

Grow up and get over it.

Now you're quoting a basic from me? And you are calling me a stupid flamer? You're reaching new heights of arrogent ignorance.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Yeah, you fired the first salvo and you've been licking your wounds ever since.

Face that my arse?

What are you on?

I'm firmly grounded on Terra Firma. I'm afraid to ask what you're on if you can't recognize one of your most recent postings.

I suggest you re-read the thread.

No point lying, the posts don't disappear after you make them.

I haven't lied, but I just caught you trying to deny your own postings.



Only someone as dumb as you could come up with that.

Originally Posted by ozhawk66
Amazing how your twisted logic has twisted this post of yours around. On one hand, you accused me of firing the 1st salvo in the 1st posting. Then you turn right around and say if I had done what I had intimated in the 1st posting, there wouldn't have been a one sided flame war.

Would you like to place a bet? Or, would you like me to quote EXACTLY what you posted? I didn't come up with it, you did.

I had you figured right pretty early on.

You're just not too smart...

Your room temp IQ would sh*t its droors at mine.

Remember that line, cause I'll give you two minutes tops to answer a question or two having nothing to do with football, the next time you try and turn this thread into a flaming chatroom. Then we will see how smart you are and how quick you can prove it by immediately posting a correct response.

This is fun.

Aren't you having fun?

I get to bag the sh*t out of an American idiot and I get to do it in my home forum. What could be better than that?

Maybe my joke about you needing certain meds was right. I just won't ask your doc prescribed.


Knee-jerk reactionary behavior?

This is an on-line forum....

You're so out of your depth here it's scary.

That whole response, was exactly what I was describing.

Yeah, all you have is all you have...

I understand...

You understand what you want to believe.


Is Rugby a rough sport? Yes, it is. Rugby is a full contact game that involves tackling and hard work. Having said that, rugby is not as rough as football. The lack of pads actually makes it less dangerous, as pads and helmets can be used as weapons, whereas a rugby tackler has to use good technique to bring the man down. Many athletes who have played both football and rugby will tell you they have incurred injuries much more often in football.There are certain rules in Rugby that don’t really exist in football. In Rugby, gang tackling, and piling onto a player are illegal. In football, tackling around the head and neck often goes unpunished, whereas in Rugby that sort of action is stopped very quickly. In Rugby, players must tackle by wrapping their arms around the ballcarrier. Just running into a player, shoulder-barging, or rolling into their knees is illegal.



ozhawk66 said:
Is Rugby a rough sport? Yes, it is. Rugby is a full contact game that involves tackling and hard work. Having said that, rugby is not as rough as football. The lack of pads actually makes it less dangerous, as pads and helmets can be used as weapons, whereas a rugby tackler has to use good technique to bring the man down. Many athletes who have played both football and rugby will tell you they have incurred injuries much more often in football.There are certain rules in Rugby that don’t really exist in football. In Rugby, gang tackling, and piling onto a player are illegal. In football, tackling around the head and neck often goes unpunished, whereas in Rugby that sort of action is stopped very quickly. In Rugby, players must tackle by wrapping their arms around the ballcarrier. Just running into a player, shoulder-barging, or rolling into their knees is illegal.


Like I said before football is the most violent ballgame in the world, it's in spirit the closest thing to the old harpaston.
Talking about injuries: if you wanna see the brutality of football look up the vid of willis mcgahee in college football, i have never seen such injuries in other sports and although they are rare in football as well they DO occur:\

Here's the link



Lego_Man said:
FFS american football is pathetic...two more reasons:

1. They have 2 teams in one (an offensive team and a defensive team) How pathetic is that? So much for multiskilling...

2. They have one player whose sole job is to kick...thats all he does, punt and kick goals.

A game of american football goes on for something like 4 hours because they have so many stoppages. If it wasn't contact it would be worse than soccer.

American football (the sport is not "NFL," that is a league) requires a varied set of skills. League requires much more standard sets of skills.

There are not two teams. There are two units, who must work together to produce a team victory. If the defense slacks off, then the team will lose. If the offence slacks off, then the team will lose.

And actually, teams have more than two units. My Freshman high school team had different units set up for Kickoff, Offense, Punt, Field Goal, Defense, Punt Reception/Blocking , Kickoff Recption, and Field Goal blocking.

And actually, most NFL teams have two players who get the playing time for kicking. One does kickoffs and field goals, and the other punts on 4th down (3rd for the Canadian Game).

This shows you how much skill is needed to be successful at a high level of American football. Players work only at their specific position to be the best they can at it. A defensive lineman does not need to work on receiving passes, because none will be thrown at him. This is a big difference with RL.

The stupidest people here are insulting football players without having played the game themselves, or really seen it. In football, the pads really give you no protection at all (they only weigh a maximum of 5kg). Their purpose is to inflict pain on the parts of the opponent which are unprotected. They aren't protection, they are weapons. If RL players could use hard shoulder pads, they would use them as weapons, too.

And finally, football is a very planned and tactical game. You practice the plays which you will use against the opponents all week. RL is much more spontaneous and happens on the spot, without much planning as to which way player X will block, and where does player Y need to cut inward 2 yards to receive his pass.

And football games really last only 1:30-2:00 hrs. The other 1:30 of TV coverage is pregame and postgame commentary, but it is mostly commercials. This is one of the main reasons that the NFL can afford to pay its teams the obscene salaries they make. The salary cap for the 50 or so players on an NFL team is $80 million USD. This is more per team (I believe) than the entire NRL is allowed to pay.


yankeeboy said:
The stupidest people here are insulting football players without having played the game themselves, or really seen it. In football, the pads really give you no protection at all (they only weigh a maximum of 5kg). Their purpose is to inflict pain on the parts of the opponent which are unprotected. They aren't protection, they are weapons.

So...the "pads give you no protection at all"...and "they aren't protection"...but they inflict pain on "the parts of the opponent which are unprotected". Well then what are the other parts of him protected by? The pads that you just said offered no protection at all? :lol:

You've got the IQ of a grapefruit.
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