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NRL vs NFL debate

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1,000 posts, who'd have thought?

Who thought it would be moved to TFC before post 50?

*puts hand up*

I'd like to thank the mods and admins for not moving it....


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
It's a pity we're all banned from bigfooty... lol

lol, yeah true.

Although I did read an Iron Chef related thread over there a while back which had the usual squealing and whinging you'd expect from BigFooty. The other Leaguies there were doing the job nicely from what I saw. They even had old JF_Gay22_SCG pissing and moaning like a little bitch, lol.

Ozdork, mate, I still can't get over your (oops, I mean you're) latest phopah.

Droors FFS :lol:


Personally, I am a passionate league fan but any form of football is sweet. I got no problem enjoying a game of NFL.

I think everything in NFL is a lot more strategic and technical, and a bit too rigid if your used to watchin league which is ways more flowing.

I think people underestimate the skills involved in NFL, which i'd say is on par with NRL.

I think the athletes are better in the NFL but then again heaps of them are on the roids. They're probably faster and stronger but one thing I have no doubt about is that footy players are 1000x tougher than any of those NFL pansies and they're also 1000x fitter.


JW said:
For the first, and most probably the last time, I agree with you fully.

Don't let it happen again, lol.

I agree. It's funner the other way.

Ooops, another agreement.


NPK said:
Where is the z in those Middle French and Latin words??

Where is the 'Zed' you ask? Learn about basic English lingo and the influenced and influencer, in this language. Idget.

That proves that recognise is the original form of the word, and that the American version is the variant and replaced the s with a z.

Proves what? Do you understand the term variant? All forms of many words have...varients. Idiot.

Hence British, American, etc....of variants........

Refer to my previous comment.

You do that.

I didn't actually mention any ratios. I just mentioned figures. Maybe you need the mathematics lesson.

Maybe you need to recall what you just posted in post #972. Maybe you can esplain this fuzzy math: Out of 378 posts as of 11:20pm June 29, Ozhawk66 has made 373 of them in this thread.

Do you get the obvious ratio, joke?


Bulldog Power said:
this guy is so stupid, yet still this thread goes on with people willing to have a go at the ridiculous things ozhawk says

and now he is claiming that recognize is the proper spelling....... what a f**king ignoramous of the highest order... I would have a better argument with my cat

and yes ozdork im not going to argue with you... only insult you...

that is all you are worth

You probably do have better conversations with your family cat, judging by your accent of spelling and sentence structure.

Insult away.


I've been following this thread, and i'd like to flame Ozhawk66 like everyone else is doing.

Hey Ozhawk66, you're a clown!

I'm glad that's out of my system.


Bomber said:
Here you go ozhawk66.....learn to spell the local language correctly:



English = Correct
American = Variant

Dun't understand the concept of 'variant' in the English lingo, do you.

Congrats. You just gave a basic, pithy lesson on the diffs between Americanized English and the rest. Yet, you felt the need to look it all up.

And Aussies give Kiwis sh*t for their "E's'.............when they can't handle the "R's". Funny.


snoopster77 said:
Next Ozsparrow will be trying to teach the Scots how to pronounce their capital.

Ozsparrow: It rhymes with Pittsburgh.
Local: No, you pronounce Pittsburgh wrong. It should rhyme with Edinburgh.
Ozsparrow: Look, Pittsburgh was around way before Edinburgh.
Local: That my lad is what we call a faux pas.
Ozsparrow: No, it's pronounced fox paw.

Pittsburgh is pronounced 'Pissburg' in my book. But that's a football thing no one here Down Under would understand.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
The word you're looking for is too, not to.

Yep, it's dead f**kin' easy.

You be the goat again.

Okay, ladies.....all that live and have joy on jumping upon the lame, spelling talking point of phopah, and don't get it - as of late. Lets try this one more time, beings the mob mentality of collective ignorance in this forum is amazing.....

First off, how does one spells a word that does not exist?

Secondly, just so this doesn't go over the head's of all the English majors here....tell us WHERE does the phopah spelling come from?

Main Entry: faux pas
Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä, fO-'
Function: noun

If all the majors here can't tell, maybe someone will have the guts to click on the megaphone, for the phonetic.

I swear, no wonder my wife didn't want to marry an Aussie.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
That'll no doubt be the smartest thing you'll have said in this reply...

You seem to like it.

Yep, as infantile as your responses. But I can spell....

You might want to check that sentence structure, there. But, alas, you can spells.

Smoke crack, it'll help.

......>>Yeah, you have, no you didn't.<<

And you are telling me to smoke that sh$t? wHAT WERE YOU ON WHEN YOU POSTED THAT?

I dunno, posting in bold when you make up words like phopah and droors doesn't look too smart to me....

Again, not in your world. Make up 'phopah' ? I can't wait till your latest, explanation of what has been posted. Sounds like you like looking smart to yourself.

So you're not female?

How can someone who's everyone's bitch not be female?

lol @ being a Seppo and mentioning Jerry. He'd do a show about you and never do another show.

Paranoia will kill yuh. No wonder you racted this way. You act like peons from the Jerry Springer crowd and you can't handle it.

No it isn't.

It's a word you Seppos have f**ked from the original "drawers" and spasticised to sound differently. You in your infinite stupidity decided to spell it as "droors". The word is still drawers and it's still spelt drawers.

Screwed up like the word centre? Most Americans enunciate the language, the way it is supposed to be spelled.

The word "drawers" was originally slang for pants but has been accepted as a mainstream word.

"droors" isn't a word, slang or otherwise.

You don't get a lot, do you?

Who cares?

You brought it up 1st, I didn't. And I was being nice. F**k you, in the m*$th.

Nope. I don't bring attention to your typos, I bring attention to your spelling and grammatical errors.

One and the same? You must have a Masters in the English lingo

Still, you hang your hat on that one typo, I don't mind, it's pretty funny.

Not one. I just play the sam game you lean on, in that context. And I nailed umteen typos/errors in one post, just caue you wanted to play that sort of game, one night. And it was ANOTHER post, in which you ignored, of course.

Exactly. It actually took you a few posts to realise what you'd done and that's when you thought up the plan to make it look like you were doing it all along. But, the actual post where you used phopah is pretty close to the funniest post I've ever read.

I can't wait when you reason the slang spelling behing 'phopah', and come back with, whatever. You have rationalized so much, no wonder you live for flame, other than the topic of this thread.

It's always a laugh when someone who thinks that they're smart is shown to be.. not smart.... :lol:

Again, your sentence structure is telling of your room tem p IQ:

>>who thinks that they're smart is shown to be.<<


phopah and droors....


Get what?

That you use English as well as any Penguin?

No. It's that you don't get it in more ways than one.

All you're doing is confirming the general consensus regarding Americans.

You missed a comma. Nice try, though.

There was no joke, just a lame attempt to cover your stupidity with more stupidity. The problem is that there's no one here from Arkansas or Alabama who you could possibly get to accept your pathetic explanantion..

Funny. The thing is, you and some Aussies here keep using the word 'reckon', a lot. Fancy, that.

That's geniused.

Answer what?

Of course it is. This has been your answer EVERY time, that you have been confronted. It's your MO.

Go back to the first few pages and answer the original questions/statement put to you then you may get an answer on the other crap.

One more time. This is what digs you. I told you too do the same, and you played a game. Look, f**kwit........be a man in front of others in sports debate. Not childish flaming. Give it a shot. Don't be a prik.

Do it, for once. In front of others.

I've challenged you so many times, it's getting pathetic.

Put a Nike (thinking cap) on your head and just do it. Confront me.

You set the tone, we just took it up a few notches...

No, you layed games.

I doubt you'll ever understand and to be perfectly honest, no one has ever been that dumb before. Even Canadians get it.....

Canadians are sometimes Cuh-nuks. Other than R U S H, not many, do.

Yep, ride that thing......... LOL

Whatever please you.

Scared of what?

That you want me to finish the spelling of a word for you?

A word that in all likliehood doesn't exist, because you like those words.... LOL

Not for me. Just so you could prove in front of others, your so called smarts. That's all. Now, if you were versed at all in the subject matter I brought up, then you could have made me to look like a fool. Big time. I gues you aren't that smartS!

If you wanna another go, then go for it. It has more to do with the subject matter, than the spelling. If you have those sort of IQ smarts.

Knee-jerk again. This isn't knee-jerk...

And where have I said I was smart?

Everything you do is a knee-jerk reaction. Hence your non-smart, paranoia question about being "smart".

You're the one with the overblown ego who just can't handle the fact that they're not as smart as they thought they were.

Uh huh.

Australians aren't as gullible as Seppos, you'll have to accept that fact eventually or the phopah in your droors might be too big to handle...

Beautifull structure, here. Love it. More foot in thy intellectual mouth

We are debating.

The topic is "Is ozhawk an imbecile".

Guess which side is winning? LOL

Imbecile or impeccible? Dat is thuh question.

You're getting closer.


And I don't use meds, I prefer tampax...


Would that be Tampax, tampons?

If so, I nkew there was a prob with the arse over face typo.
Eeegads. If this be true, anyone who likes/uses the anti-Christ name in conjunction with tampons, is a freak of nature. Nuff, said.


That was really funny....

No, I'm lying. It wasn't funny.

Maybe this freak does need meds over tampons. Gag.

No, you should have said nothing.....

Quote youself on this last one.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:

And the wonderment of it all, is, that they believe 'phopah' is mispelled, in some way.

Never got an answer from that one.

Main Entry: faux pas
Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä, fO-'
Function: noun


Red and Blue Knight said:
:clap: Your getting your ass handed to you Ozhawk! :lol:

I'm glad when others from a different reality think that way. I wouldn't have it any other way.


JBW1983 said:
Personally, I am a passionate league fan but any form of football is sweet. I got no problem enjoying a game of NFL.

I think everything in NFL is a lot more strategic and technical, and a bit too rigid if your used to watchin league which is ways more flowing.

I think people underestimate the skills involved in NFL, which i'd say is on par with NRL.

I think the athletes are better in the NFL but then again heaps of them are on the roids. They're probably faster and stronger but one thing I have no doubt about is that footy players are 1000x tougher than any of those NFL pansies and they're also 1000x fitter.

A decent post amongst mostly crap. Sad, no one here has the mentality too debate, cordially.


bluesbreaker said:
I've been following this thread, and i'd like to flame Ozhawk66 like everyone else is doing.

Hey Ozhawk66, you're a clown!

I'm glad that's out of my system.

Then do something about it on the intellectual level, other than pointing out yourself as a clown in such a post/reply.


mr panama said:
if i remember correctly, the last time there was a tie in the nfl was back in 98 or 99. i could be wrong though. you have the odd overtime game in a season but there hasn't been a tied game for quite a while.

The last tie in the NFL was in 2002, when Pittsburgh tied Atlanta (I thought there had been one since then).

I'd say that of the 15 games played each weekend, maybe one goes into overtime (which might last less than a minute). Normally, at least one playoff game each year goes into overtime.

Interestingly, my high school varsity team had 2 overtime games in our season, under NCAA rules. One went 4OT, and the other went 2OT. I'm glad for them, as they won us the district championship in our first ever season competing with the public schools.


christ this thread is still going. why are we even arguing with a bunch of seppos? since when have we given a sh*t what they think of us anyway?

ozhawk -

Yet freedom rings as a shining example of the most powerful country on this planet. Freedom is not easy. My nation has sacrificed for many, including Australia.

mate, you are a deadset KNOB. =; freedom is not easy...wow what a ground breaking thought. you truly are a political genius! why the hell do americans think they own the concept of freedom? the way you all carry on its like you invented the concept or something. most nations are 'free', especially australia. we don't need a patronising lecture from self righteous twats like you.

as for your nation sacrificing for many. my ARSE. american lives have been lost to further american causes. its a cold hard way of looking at it, but its true. not just true for america, but true for most countries. countries dont join wars to save the world, they join to further their own cause.

i love how americans love to talk about how they saved europe from facism, when WW2 was raging for over TWO YEARS before you even did anything. london was having the crap bombed out of it while america sat on their arse and watched. only when their own nation was attacked (pearl harbor) did they join WW2. but who was there straight away? AUSTRALIA. as per f**king usual. i actually hate how many wars we have been unneccessarily been involved in, such a waste of life. but if u wanna have a sacrificing for freedom contest, we can match you equally mate. believe me. we lost more per head of population in WW1 than any other country . an entire generation of young men wiped out....we fought that entire bloody war. and where was america? oh yes you waltzed in in 1917, did pretty much bugger all and then helped yourselves to the spoils of war. fantastic.

and dont pull out that 'oh we saved you in WW2' bullsh*t...because it doesnt hold up. yes, without your HELP we couldn't have fought off the japanese, and believe me i am very grateful for that. but you didnt do it single handedly. thousands upon thousands of australians died defending their own land to little credit. in fact your generals would lie and report australian victories as american ones....and still to this day americans believed they 'saved australia'. and hold it over us like some sort of emotional blackmail. the fact is america couldnt afford to let a huge western ally fall to the japanese, and they wanted revenge for pearl harbour. THATS why you fought down here. not to save your australian 'friends'.

mate you are deadset naive if you think american lives have been sacrificed for freedom. it sounds nicer, more benevolent. but its not 100% true. freedom was not the motivation for vietnam, nor is it the motivation for iraq. thousands of innocent american lives being sacrificed for ignorance and greed. doesn't sound quite as lovely now does it?

you totally come across as the sort of yank that has given your country a bad repuation. the sort that 'team america - world police' lampooned. im imagining you singing...'ammmmerica! f*ck yeah! we're gonna save the mother f*ckin day yeah!'

now ive spent alot of time in the USA and i know you arent all arrogant turds, but you seem to be one of the unlucky few. now run along and go play with your Free Friends. while us aussies struggle to survive under the tyranny of Britain...damn that union jack on our flag! its evil! get it off! :sto: :roll:

ps - the queens birthday is a public holiday. where we all go out and get pissed on a sunday night. why do u think we still celebrate it? :alcho:


ozhawk66 said:
And the wonderment of it all, is, that they believe 'phopah' is mispelled, in some way.

Never got an answer from that one.

Main Entry: faux pas
Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä, fO-'
Function: noun

Here's another answer which you will again ignore. 'Phopah' is not mispelt. They are makers of collectable teddy bears. So obviously when you said you did a phopah you meant you screwed some old hag that makes teddy bears.
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