redVgirl said:christ this thread is still going. why are we even arguing with a bunch of seppos? since when have we given a sh*t what they think of us anyway?
as for this bomber guy -
Yet freedom rings as a shining example of the most powerful country on this planet. Freedom is not easy. My nation has sacrificed for many, including Australia.
mate, you are a deadset KNOB.![]()
Bomber said:Unlike the Americans, our independence was won with handshakes and agreements, not with muskets and blood.
Yet freedom rings as a shining example of the most powerful country on this planet. Freedom is not easy. My nation has sacrificed for many, including Australia.
freedom is not what a ground breaking thought. you truly are a political genius! why the hell do americans think they own the concept of freedom? the way you all carry on its like you invented the concept or something. most nations are 'free', especially australia. we don't need a patronising lecture from self righteous twats like you.
as for your nation sacrificing for many. my ARSE. american lives have been lost to further american causes. its a cold hard way of looking at it, but its true. not just true for america, but true for most countries. countries dont join wars to save the world, they join to further their own cause.
i love how americans love to talk about how they saved europe from facism, when WW2 was raging for over TWO YEARS before you even did anything. london was having the crap bombed out of it while america sat on their arse and watched. only when their own nation was attacked (pearl harbor) did they join WW2. but who was there straight away? AUSTRALIA. as per f**king usual. i actually hate how many wars we have been unneccessarily been involved in, such a waste of life. but if u wanna have a sacrificing for freedom contest, we can match you equally mate. believe me. we lost more per head of population in WW1 than any other country . an entire generation of young men wiped out....we fought that entire bloody war. and where was america? oh yes you waltzed in in 1917, did pretty much bugger all and then helped yourselves to the spoils of war. fantastic.
and dont pull out that 'oh we saved you in WW2' bullsh*t...because it doesnt hold up. yes, without your HELP we couldn't have fought off the japanese, and believe me i am very grateful for that. but you didnt do it single handedly. thousands upon thousands of australians died defending their own land to little credit. in fact your generals would lie and report australian victories as american ones....and still to this day americans believed they 'saved australia'. and hold it over us like some sort of emotional blackmail. the fact is america couldnt afford to let a huge western ally fall to the japanese, and they wanted revenge for pearl harbour. THATS why you fought down here. not to save your australian 'friends'.
mate you are deadset naive if you think american lives have been sacrificed for freedom. it sounds nicer, more benevolent. but its not 100% true. freedom was not the motivation for vietnam, nor is it the motivation for iraq. thousands of innocent american lives being sacrificed for ignorance and greed. doesn't sound quite as lovely now does it?
bomber you totally come across as the sort of yank that has given your country a bad repuation. the sort that 'team america - world police' lampooned. im imagining you singing...'ammmmerica! f*ck yeah! we're gonna save the mother f*ckin day yeah!'
now ive spent alot of time in the USA and i know you arent all arrogant turds, but you seem to be one of the unlucky few. now run along and go play with your Free Friends. while us aussies struggle to survive under the tyranny of Britain...damn that union jack on our flag! its evil! get it off!
ps - the queens birthday is a public holiday. where we all go out and get pissed on a sunday night. why do u think we still celebrate it?
ozhawk66 said:You be the goat again.
Okay, ladies.....all that live and have joy on jumping upon the lame, spelling talking point of phopah, and don't get it - as of late. Lets try this one more time, beings the mob mentality of collective ignorance in this forum is amazing.....
First off, how does one spells a word that does not exist?
Secondly, just so this doesn't go over the head's of all the English majors here....tell us WHERE does the phopah spelling come from?
Main Entry: faux pas
Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä, fO-'
Function: noun
If all the majors here can't tell, maybe someone will have the guts to click on the megaphone, for the phonetic.
I swear, no wonder my wife didn't want to marry an Aussie.
Everlovin' Antichrist said:Nah, your wife obviously wanted someone who she could be better than. A Seppo was a certainty.
And please, you're banging on about spelling something phonetically when that is nothing but the crutch for exceptionally dumb people. Even complete morons here can stick a word in an online dictionary to see if it actually exists.
There is not, never has been and never will be a word in any language that is spelt phopah.
So simple, yet so difficult.....
Dan Quayle was obviously your English Teacher.
yankeeboy said:The last tie in the NFL was in 2002, when Pittsburgh tied Atlanta (I thought there had been one since then).
I'd say that of the 15 games played each weekend, maybe one goes into overtime (which might last less than a minute). Normally, at least one playoff game each year goes into overtime.
Interestingly, my high school varsity team had 2 overtime games in our season, under NCAA rules. One went 4OT, and the other went 2OT. I'm glad for them, as they won us the district championship in our first ever season competing with the public schools.
redVgirl said:christ this thread is still going. why are we even arguing with a bunch of seppos? since when have we given a sh*t what they think of us anyway?
as for this bomber guy -
Yet freedom rings as a shining example of the most powerful country on this planet. Freedom is not easy. My nation has sacrificed for many, including Australia.
mate, you are a deadset KNOB. =; freedom is not what a ground breaking thought. you truly are a political genius! why the hell do americans think they own the concept of freedom? the way you all carry on its like you invented the concept or something. most nations are 'free', especially australia. we don't need a patronising lecture from self righteous twats like you.
as for your nation sacrificing for many. my ARSE. american lives have been lost to further american causes. its a cold hard way of looking at it, but its true. not just true for america, but true for most countries. countries dont join wars to save the world, they join to further their own cause.
i love how americans love to talk about how they saved europe from facism, when WW2 was raging for over TWO YEARS before you even did anything. london was having the crap bombed out of it while america sat on their arse and watched. only when their own nation was attacked (pearl harbor) did they join WW2. but who was there straight away? AUSTRALIA. as per f**king usual. i actually hate how many wars we have been unneccessarily been involved in, such a waste of life. but if u wanna have a sacrificing for freedom contest, we can match you equally mate. believe me. we lost more per head of population in WW1 than any other country . an entire generation of young men wiped out....we fought that entire bloody war. and where was america? oh yes you waltzed in in 1917, did pretty much bugger all and then helped yourselves to the spoils of war. fantastic.
and dont pull out that 'oh we saved you in WW2' bullsh*t...because it doesnt hold up. yes, without your HELP we couldn't have fought off the japanese, and believe me i am very grateful for that. but you didnt do it single handedly. thousands upon thousands of australians died defending their own land to little credit. in fact your generals would lie and report australian victories as american ones....and still to this day americans believed they 'saved australia'. and hold it over us like some sort of emotional blackmail. the fact is america couldnt afford to let a huge western ally fall to the japanese, and they wanted revenge for pearl harbour. THATS why you fought down here. not to save your australian 'friends'.
mate you are deadset naive if you think american lives have been sacrificed for freedom. it sounds nicer, more benevolent. but its not 100% true. freedom was not the motivation for vietnam, nor is it the motivation for iraq. thousands of innocent american lives being sacrificed for ignorance and greed. doesn't sound quite as lovely now does it?
bomber you totally come across as the sort of yank that has given your country a bad repuation. the sort that 'team america - world police' lampooned. im imagining you singing...'ammmmerica! f*ck yeah! we're gonna save the mother f*ckin day yeah!'
now ive spent alot of time in the USA and i know you arent all arrogant turds, but you seem to be one of the unlucky few. now run along and go play with your Free Friends. while us aussies struggle to survive under the tyranny of Britain...damn that union jack on our flag! its evil! get it off! :sto: :roll:
ps - the queens birthday is a public holiday. where we all go out and get pissed on a sunday night. why do u think we still celebrate it? :alcho:
snoopster77 said:Here's another answer which you will again ignore. 'Phopah' is not mispelt. They are makers of collectable teddy bears. So obviously when you said you did a phopah you meant you screwed some old hag that makes teddy bears.
snoopster77 said:Just another note.
Varient is not a variant of variant.
Oh and the English language originated from the north eastern part of the American continent.
Bomber said:Goodness about a faux pas![]()
Thanks for the accolades, but you should read back in the thread just a'll find that ozhawk66 (too lazy to seperate other people's quotes with quote tags) has written his reply to my thoughts in bold italics.
I'll assume that you meant to call ozhawk66 the 'deadset KNOB' here.![]()
P.S. I've never been out of Australia in my life![]()
ozhawk66 said:There is a North and South American continent. There is no American continent.
yankeeboy said:The last tie in the NFL was in 2002, when Pittsburgh tied Atlanta (I thought there had been one since then).
I'd say that of the 15 games played each weekend, maybe one goes into overtime (which might last less than a minute). Normally, at least one playoff game each year goes into overtime.
Interestingly, my high school varsity team had 2 overtime games in our season, under NCAA rules. One went 4OT, and the other went 2OT. I'm glad for them, as they won us the district championship in our first ever season competing with the public schools.
ozhawk66 said:* collectible
ozhawk66 said:You ignorant twit. And a willing one at that.
>>There is not, never has been and never will be a word in any language that is spelt phopah.<<
ozhawk66 said:And who the f**k said this 1st? Me, you ignat. It was one of the two main jokes of that slang word that went over your room temp IQ. The other was the spelling in combination with the original noun itself.
ozhawk66 said:The spelling came from the phonetic, idiot.
ozhawk66 said:Try and listen to the actual word itself and maybe the obvious will get through to you. But I doubt it.
ozhawk66 said:You guys basically got caught not understanding the obvious behind such a inane, pop culture word. Nerds.
ozhawk66 said:( [font=Verdana, Arial]MYTH: Dan Quayle misspelled 'potato'.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial]REALITY: He was at a spelling bee at an elementary school where the incompetent, unionized, public school teacher had written the "correct" spellings on an index card, and she was the one who misspelled it 'potatoe'. When a boy wrote 'potato' on the blackboard, Quayle referred to the index card and told the boy to add an 'e'. Quayle was never asked to spell potato. He was too polite to contradict the teacher in front of the cameras.)[/font]
Bomber said:If you're looking for sympathy, ozhawk66, you can find that in the dictionary too.
Between sh*t and syphilis
(oh, and it's spelt r-e-c-o-g-n-i-s-i-n-g.......)
snoopster77 said:
mr panama said:one thing i find confusing as hell is the bowl championship series. how do they work out who plays who in the bowl games and why can't they have a playoff series like the ncaa basketball tournament?
ozhawk66 said:Funny. That's the 3rd time "spelt" has been used incorrectly. And all the ignats jumped on phopah.
Sounds like a few in here didn't get their needed fiber this morning.
'Spelt' is a redneck slang. :lol: The funny part is, rednecks don't see that.
Main Entry: 1spelt![]()
Pronunciation: 'spelt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin spelta, of Germanic origin; perhaps akin to Middle High German spelte split piece of wood, Old High German spaltan to split -- more at [size=-1]SPLIT[/size]
: a wheat (Triticum aestivum spelta) with lax spikes and spikelets containing two light red kernels