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NRL vs NFL debate

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ozhawk66 said:
AFL players are pencil-necks that would get hurt in a bad way by American football players. That is just a dumb sport I don't care to bother with, in more ways than one.

That's your first sensible post ;-) Keep up the good work.

Gold star for ozhawk66


Bomber said:
You dunce

How can there ever be a British variant if it was the British who invented the language?

I hate to break it to yuh, but the origins of the transitive verb recognize are:

Main Entry: rec·og·nize
Pronunciation: 're-kig-"nIz, -k&g-
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -nized; -niz·ing
Etymology: modification of Middle French reconoiss-, stem of reconoistre, from Latin recognoscere, from re- + cognoscere to know

It's like saying American Football is the American variant of American Football.

You're lost, in more ways than one.

For a variant to exist, there must be an original, so to speak.

Look above and read upon the origin of the word, recognize, if you will. Needless to say, it did NOT originate from mother England.

The English language is the original. The American is the variant.

LOL. Original, but yet with so much influence from other cultures and languages over the eons.

Hence, recognise rules! So does Synthesise! Categorise!

Just like tyre centre?

As for Wall Street - it's a global economy now. That means.....South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Canada, China, India.....absolutely everybody, as the song goes.

And we inluence those much more so than they du us, correct?

As for Douglas Hood - lucky man, but he didn't get shot, did he? He also had the good sense to not tell his captors about his American wife, or the fact he'd been living in the US of A for the last thirty years.

Didn't get shot but notice who he thanked and apologized too. An apology that was not needed, in my book. And I'm sure it was much closer to 20 than 30 years. But his story of those rats mentioning his granchild trumps him not telling about his American wife.

Why, would you tell those rats something like that?

Face it bud, you're in a different country now. Not the 51st state.

I did not know that.

You can still visit your embassy whenever you like - you know, the one with the golden arches? I'm not sure whether you can get Monster Thickburgers in Australia. Good luck trying.

I don't bother with that sort of junk. I even make my own salsa. And on a regular basis :twisted:


Bomber said:
That's your first sensible post ;-) Keep up the good work.

Gold star for ozhawk66

Know why it's stupid? If a team orientated, field sport can't allow for a shutout, or a low scoring game, then it ain't real.

That's one reason why I do watch league. There is at least some team, defensive effort.

I asked my neighbor once; what do you prefer? A low scoring match or a high scoring one?


American football has shutouts and low scoring games all the time. The final score of the final game of my high school season was 3-0 (the other team kicked a field goal, we got nothing) after 48 minutes of play.

And if you didn't know, NFL football (but not college or high school) can have ties in all regular season games, if the score remains tied after 15 minutes of sudden death overtime. It happens once or twice a season.

mr panama

yankeeboy said:
And if you didn't know, NFL football (but not college or high school) can have ties in all regular season games, if the score remains tied after 15 minutes of sudden death overtime. It happens once or twice a season.

if i remember correctly, the last time there was a tie in the nfl was back in 98 or 99. i could be wrong though. you have the odd overtime game in a season but there hasn't been a tied game for quite a while.


ozhawk66 said:
AFL players are pencil-necks that would get hurt in a bad way by American football players. That is just a dumb sport I don't care to bother with, in more ways than one.

For the first, and most probably the last time, I agree with you fully.

Don't let it happen again, lol.


ozhawk66 said:
Main Entry: rec·og·nize
Pronunciation: 're-kig-"nIz, -k&g-
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -nized; -niz·ing
Etymology: modification of Middle French reconoiss-, stem of reconoistre, from Latin recognoscere, from re- + cognoscere to know

Where is the z in those Middle French and Latin words??
That proves that recognise is the original form of the word, and that the American version is the variant and replaced the s with a z.

ozhawk66 said:
Look above and read upon the origin of the word, recognize, if you will. Needless to say, it did NOT originate from mother England.
Refer to my previous comment.

ozhawk66 said:
Junior needs some basic math lessons before he tries the concept of ratios.
I didn't actually mention any ratios. I just mentioned figures. Maybe you need the mathematics lesson.

Bulldog Power

this guy is so stupid, yet still this thread goes on with people willing to have a go at the ridiculous things ozhawk says

and now he is claiming that recognize is the proper spelling....... what a f**king ignoramous of the highest order... I would have a better argument with my cat

and yes ozdork im not going to argue with you... only insult you...

that is all you are worth


Here you go ozhawk66.....learn to spell the local language correctly:


American Spelling
The main differences between American and English spellings are given below:

  • English words that end in -re (e.g. centre, fibre, theatre) often end in -er in American English (center, fiber, theater).
  • English words that end in -our (e.g. colour, humour) usually end with -or in American English (color, humor).
  • Verbs in English that can be spelled with either -ize or -ise at the end (e.g. recognize/recognise) are always spelled with -ize in American English.
  • Verbs in English that end in -yse (e.g. analyse) are always spelled -yze in American English (analyze).
  • In English spelling, verbs ending in a vowel plus l double the l when adding endings that begin with a vowel (e.g. travel, travelled, traveller). In American English the l is not doubled (travel, traveled, traveler).
  • English words that are spelled with the double vowels ae or oe (e.g. archaeology, manoeuvre) are just spelled with an e in American English (archeology, maneuver).
  • Some nouns that end with -ence in English (e.g. licence, defence) are spelled -ense in American English (license, defense).
  • Some nouns that end with -ogue in English (e.g. dialogue) end with -og in American English (dialog).


English = Correct
American = Variant


Next Ozsparrow will be trying to teach the Scots how to pronounce their capital.

Ozsparrow: It rhymes with Pittsburgh.
Local: No, you pronounce Pittsburgh wrong. It should rhyme with Edinburgh.
Ozsparrow: Look, Pittsburgh was around way before Edinburgh.
Local: That my lad is what we call a faux pas.
Ozsparrow: No, it's pronounced fox paw.
ozhawk66 said:
That'll no doubt be the smartest thing you'll have said in this reply...

ozhawk66 said:
Like I said, infantile.

Yep, as infantile as your responses. But I can spell....

It's still in front by the way. No surprises there.

ozhawk66 said:
Here you go......>>Yeah, you have, no you didn't.<<

Smoke crack, it'll help.

ozhawk66 said:
Nice try in trying to deflect more of your stupidity.

I dunno, posting in bold when you make up words like phopah and droors doesn't look too smart to me....

It makes them stand out more...

ozhawk66 said:
Go girl? I knew you were the from the Jerry Springer crowd!

So you're not female?

How can someone who's everyone's bitch not be female?

lol @ being a Seppo and mentioning Jerry. He'd do a show about you and never do another show.

ozhawk66 said:
Droors is slang for your stained pants, idget.

No it isn't.

It's a word you Seppos have f**ked from the original "drawers" and spasticised to sound differently. You in your infinite stupidity decided to spell it as "droors". The word is still drawers and it's still spelt drawers.

ozhawk66 said:
Especially with slang. Idiot.


The word "drawers" was originally slang for pants but has been accepted as a mainstream word.

"droors" isn't a word, slang or otherwise.

ozhawk66 said:
Two of the Star Trek series are unwatchable.

Who cares?

ozhawk66 said:
Uh huh. But you try and spin my typos as being inane. Face over arse was too good to pass up.

Nope. I don't bring attention to your typos, I bring attention to your spelling and grammatical errors.

Still, you hang your hat on that one typo, I don't mind, it's pretty funny.

ozhawk66 said:
Like, phopah? for instance? LOL

Exactly. It actually took you a few posts to realise what you'd done and that's when you thought up the plan to make it look like you were doing it all along. But, the actual post where you used phopah is pretty close to the funniest post I've ever read.

It's always a laugh when someone who thinks that they're smart is shown to be.. not smart.... :lol:

ozhawk66 said:
Obvious slang going over your head. Nothing new here.


phopah and droors....

ozhawk66 said:
No, but it is sometimes implied to those it is directed at. But never get it.

Get what?

That you use English as well as any Penguin?

All you're doing is confirming the general consensus regarding Americans.

There was no joke, just a lame attempt to cover your stupidity with more stupidity. The problem is that there's no one here from Arkansas or Alabama who you could possibly get to accept your pathetic explanantion..

ozhawk66 said:
Scared to answer. Quit spinning. You're spun enough as it is.

That's geniused.

Answer what?

Go back to the first few pages and answer the original questions/statement put to you then you may get an answer on the other crap.

You set the tone, we just took it up a few notches...

I doubt you'll ever understand and to be perfectly honest, no one has ever been that dumb before. Even Canadians get it.....

ozhawk66 said:
Just don't drop your drooooors.

Yep, ride that thing......... LOL

ozhawk66 said:
Again, scared when confronted.

Scared of what?

That you want me to finish the spelling of a word for you?

A word that in all likliehood doesn't exist, because you like those words.... LOL

ozhawk66 said:
No, but you seem to have a complex about trying to come across as oh so smart, till you are confronted with what you can't answer. Hence your knee-jerk flaming.

Knee-jerk again. This isn't knee-jerk...

And where have I said I was smart?

You're the one with the overblown ego who just can't handle the fact that they're not as smart as they thought they were.

Australians aren't as gullible as Seppos, you'll have to accept that fact eventually or the phopah in your droors might be too big to handle...

ozhawk66 said:
Get your foot out of thy mouth and try to debate then.

We are debating.

The topic is "Is ozhawk an imbecile".

Guess which side is winning? LOL

ozhawk66 said:
Sounds like the same sort of paranoid answer a pshyco gives his therapist when the meds run dry.....

You're getting closer.


And I don't use meds, I prefer tampax...


ozhawk66 said:
Hope you didn't have any true Mexican food last night


That was really funny....

No, I'm lying. It wasn't funny.

ozhawk66 said:
Sorry. I should have said, basic imp.

No, you should have said nothing.....
snoopster77 said:
Next Ozsparrow will be trying to teach the Scots how to pronounce their capital.

Ozsparrow: It rhymes with Pittsburgh.
Local: No, you pronounce Pittsburgh wrong. It should rhyme with Edinburgh.
Ozsparrow: Look, Pittsburgh was around way before Edinburgh.
Local: That my lad is what we call a faux pas.
Ozsparrow: No, it's pronounced fox paw.

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