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NRL vs NFL debate

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redVgirl said:
oh my god mate im so sorry!! i got confused with the quotes and all that. well yes whoever it is that said that is a the deadset knob ;-) im so embarassed now! sorry bomber, you are a non knob...lol. and u put me in your signature...argh..*hides*

and ozhawk are you seriously calling ME ignorant? oh, the irony! i don't think ill even bother to respond to that....you aren't worth the energy i would have to expend while typing.

Your typing tells me enough.


ozhawk66 said:
Your typing tells me enough.

lol...that doesnt even mean anything. do u actually want to reasonably respond to my post? or you can't because you know everything i said is true? of course i did simplify years of history, but i thought i would have to dumb it down for ya. much more time efficient as well.


Bomber said:
Apology accepted, redVgirl ;-)

Hope you don't mind the new sig.....it's a back-handed compliment, really ;-)

hahaha nah i dont care....im quotable! even if i was wrongly abusing you :lol:


Bomber said:
You must be boring, then.....

You're acting like a kid. Nah, you boring, not me. Nah nahnuhnahnahhh.

This is where I tell you to grow up and get over it.

You obviously can't handle the concept of bigger, faster, stronger athletes. You have a very hard dealing with the fact that 17/18 year old kids are allowed to play in the NRL, but won't try and esplain on how the 18 year old body is as physically mature as a young man's body in his early 20's.

And finally, you have a hard time with the differing, physical natures of each sport. You, like others, have a paranoid, inferiority complex about football being a harder hitting game than league.


You're acting like a kid. Nah, you boring, not me. Nah nahnuhnahnahhh.

Correct useage of "you're". Well done. Another gold star.

This is where I tell you to grow up and get over it.

This should be good.

You obviously can't handle the concept of bigger, faster, stronger athletes.


You have a very hard dealing with the fact that 17/18 year old kids are allowed to play in the NRL, but won't try and esplain on how the 18 year old body is as physically mature as a young man's body in his early 20's.

That's because I don't have to. 17/18 year olds in the NRL are more skillful than their American counterparts.

In any case, people's bodies can grow at different rates. Why is Sonny Bill Williams (19 years old) bigger than Darren Smith (36 years old)?

Oh, and another thing: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=esplain

And finally, you have a hard time with the differing, physical natures of each sport.

Not true. Of course the NRL is different to the NFL. I've never denied that.

You, like others, have a paranoid, inferiority complex about football being a harder hitting game than league.

I'm paranoid? I'm not the one who's started this thread and then fought a rear-guard action since - you phopah!
ozhawk66 said:
Main Entry: faux pas
Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä, fO-'
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural faux pas /-"pä(z), -'pä(z)/
Etymology: French, literally, false step

Try it one more time...

Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä = pho - pah

Who's your pa? Who's your daddy. You're a phopah for not getting it.

The slang spelling was a joke unto itself, knob-uh-leenus.

You're a very special little man.

So, what you're saying is that phopah, which, in your opinion, phonetically sounds like the correct faux pas, is slang for faux pas....

That's your explanation for misspelling faux pas? .....


Dumber than a box of spuds.


Bomber said:
That's because I don't have to. 17/18 year olds in the NRL are more skillful than their American counterparts.

Skill is another debate. Why are 17/18 year old kids allowed to play in the NRL? Well, one reason is that the game allows them, if they physically can do it.

In any case, people's bodies can grow at different rates. Why is Sonny Bill Williams (19 years old) bigger than Darren Smith (36 years old)?

Bigger does not equate to a more mature body. Anyone knows this.

Oh, and another thing: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=esplain

If you lived in the states or in a state bordering Mexico, you would get the implication of the word. Hell, one episode of I Love Lucy and you'd get it.

Not true. Of course the NRL is different to the NFL. I've never denied that.

Then lets just say football is physically more demanding than league.

I'm paranoid? I'm not the one who's started this thread and then fought a rear-guard action since - you phopah!

Choosing to flame over debate is the sign of a loser in debate when they can't deal with the topic at hand.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
You're a very special little man.

So, what you're saying is that phopah, which, in your opinion, phonetically sounds like the correct faux pas, is slang for faux pas....

That's your explanation for misspelling faux pas? .....


Dumber than a box of spuds.

There wasn't an explanation. There was a reason for the spelling. The explanation comes when idgets don't get it.

Phopah in my opinion sounds like the correct faux pas? Time for you to look stupid again.

Main Entry: faux pas
Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä = pho-pah. Get it yet?

Or maybe you don't recognize the 'ph' being used in place of the letter 'f'?


bullsh*t - football is not more physically demanding than league!

Half of the defensive linemen would have massive heart attacks after five minutes of playing league. That is, if they don't sh*t themselves before taking the field without helmets and pads.

In the meanwhile, you seem more and more determined to dig your own grave over phopah. Be our guest - it's quite amusing. Just remember who misspelt it in the first place - you big fat phopah ;-)

If you lived in the states or in a state bordering Mexico, you would get the implication of the word.

None of the New South Welshmen on the boards got the joke. Just give up. ;-)
ozhawk66 said:
You seem to like it.

I couldn't give a f**k either way. Stay or piss off, it makes no difference to me. But while you're here, I'll play.

ozhawk66 said:
You might want to check that sentence structure, there. But, alas, you can spells.

You might want to check that sentence structure, there....

Nothing wrong with my sentence structure, yours on the other hand..... LOL

ozhawk66 said:
......>>Yeah, you have, no you didn't.<<

I was trying to help.....

ozhawk66 said:
And you are telling me to smoke that sh$t? wHAT WERE YOU ON WHEN YOU POSTED THAT?

Yep, smoke it, drink it, eat it, jab it, take it as a suppository, it couldn't make you worse.....

ozhawk66 said:
Again, not in your world. Make up 'phopah' ? I can't wait till your latest, explanation of what has been posted. Sounds like you like looking smart to yourself.

Been there, done that 20 times.

phopah is nothing but your brain's interpretation of the word faux pas. Your brain thought that was the right way to spell faux pas.

Just between you and I, it wasn't.....

ozhawk66 said:
Paranoia will kill yuh. No wonder you racted this way. You act like peons from the Jerry Springer crowd and you can't handle it.

I'm sure you love Springer's show. How else can you get all your relatives in one room at one time?

ozhawk66 said:
Screwed up like the word centre? Most Americans enunciate the language, the way it is supposed to be spelled.

No, it's supposed to be spelled the way it is in the dictionary.

Not the way you think it should be spelled. Otherwise we'd have phopahs and droors everywhere and no one but you would know what was going on....

ozhawk66 said:
You don't get a lot, do you?

So you've got less than nothing...

Next it'll be: Get a life.

Yet you live at Doonside.....

ozhawk66 said:
You brought it up 1st, I didn't. And I was being nice. F**k you, in the m*$th.

Idiot, you have no idea..

And no thanks, I don't need a toothpick.

ozhawk66 said:
One and the same? You must have a Masters in the English lingo


I can read and write English, that's all.

You should try it sometime.

ozhawk66 said:
Not one. I just play the sam game you lean on, in that context. And I nailed umteen typos/errors in one post, just caue you wanted to play that sort of game, one night. And it was ANOTHER post, in which you ignored, of course.

No, I posted your errors and gave you the benefit of the doubt on numerous typos that could have been errors.

For example, in that paragraph you have a typo and an error.

The typo is obvious, which I wouldn't normally bother with unless it was funny and the error is not so obvious, but it's an error nonetheless.

ozhawk66 said:
I can't wait when you reason the slang spelling behing 'phopah', and come back with, whatever. You have rationalized so much, no wonder you live for flame, other than the topic of this thread.



There is no slang word for faux pas that's spelt phopah.

A slanf for faux pas would be f**k-up, what's the point of a slang word sounding exactly the same as the original word?

There is no point, you're just stupid.

You're getting dumber and weirder.

ozhawk66 said:
Again, your sentence structure is telling of your room tem p IQ:

Still going down.

... is a pause, not a fullstop. Get with the program dumbarse.

If I have a room temp IQ, you have an IQ that would be considered cold in the Arctic.


phopah and droors....

ozhawk66 said:

And phopahs..... hahahahahaha

Get what?

That you use English as well as any Penguin?

ozhawk66 said:
No. It's that you don't get it in more ways than one.

Now, now, your problem is that you and I both know that I understand you. I understand Yanks just fine.

Let me appraise you of the situation...

You think you're pretty smart, actually, you think you're a genius, so when you happened upon LU you figured it would be no problem taking over the place, because you're so smart and Australians are hicks compared to Americans....


Wrong answer.

I've argued with much smarter Americans than you, none dumber that I recall.

ozhawk66 said:
You missed a comma. Nice try, though.

No I didn't. You just like to add them in occasionally. I put it down to your stupidity but you didn't have to confirm it....

There was no joke, just a lame attempt to cover your stupidity with more stupidity. The problem is that there's no one here from Arkansas or Alabama who you could possibly get to accept your pathetic explanantion..

ozhawk66 said:
Funny. The thing is, you and some Aussies here keep using the word 'reckon', a lot. Fancy, that.

Reckon is a word, unlike phopah and droors...

ozhawk66 said:
Of course it is. This has been your answer EVERY time, that you have been confronted. It's your MO.

You can't confront me because you have nothing. When you're confronted, you try to deflect. I just don't allow you to deflect.

When you try to confront me, I don't care what you're trying to do, or prove. I'm just in this thread to humiliate you.

ozhawk66 said:
One more time. This is what digs you. I told you too do the same, and you played a game. Look, f**kwit........be a man in front of others in sports debate. Not childish flaming. Give it a shot. Don't be a prik.

What are you on about now?

It takes 2 to flame, there's no point flaming without someone stupid enough to reply.

Hi stupid. lol

ozhawk66 said:
Do it, for once. In front of others.

Do what, the Macarena?

ozhawk66 said:
I've challenged you so many times, it's getting pathetic.


The difference is that for some reason you think you can annoy me enough to get me to bite at whatever it is you want me to bite at.

You can't. I just don't care enough to bother. I post where I want, when I want and to whom I want. If I don't get a laugh, I don't generally bother.

You make me laugh, I hope you understand that. It's not often that someone who thinks so highly of themself is dragged down to their true level so publicly....

ozhawk66 said:
Put a Nike (thinking cap) on your head and just do it. Confront me.


ozhawk66 said:
No, you layed games.

No, I laid a bait. Sure, I know that you thought you were doing the baiting, that's exactly what I want you to think.

ozhawk66 said:
Canadians are sometimes Cuh-nuks. Other than R U S H, not many, do.

Please, stop, you're killing me.... lol


ozhawk66 said:
Whatever please you.


ozhawk66 said:
Not for me. Just so you could prove in front of others, your so called smarts. That's all. Now, if you were versed at all in the subject matter I brought up, then you could have made me to look like a fool. Big time. I gues you aren't that smartS!

I lose more intelligence when I piss than you'll ever have. And I don't consider myself anything other than average....

ozhawk66 said:
If you wanna another go, then go for it. It has more to do with the subject matter, than the spelling. If you have those sort of IQ smarts.

Go for what?

It's difficult to put it in a simpler manner than I already have.

ozhawk66 said:
Everything you do is a knee-jerk reaction. Hence your non-smart, paranoia question about being "smart".

Show me one post where I've said I was smart. I'm smarter than you, but that's not something I'll brag about.

ozhawk66 said:


ozhawk66 said:
Beautifull structure, here. Love it. More foot in thy intellectual mouth


You didn't understand that?

It's like trying to explain the laws of gravity to a spoon.

Haven't you figured out why you get laughed at?

I'll give you a hint.

It's not a good idea to try and bag someone's spelling or grammar by doing it with misspelt words and grammatical errors.

Beautiful has one l....

Irony is the next word you should look up in the dictionary, by the way.

ozhawk66 said:
Imbecile or impeccible? Dat is thuh question.

You'd like to think so, but alas, it isn't...

ozhawk66 said:
Would that be Tampax, tampons?

No, that'd be Tampax, Florida.


ozhawk66 said:
If so, I nkew there was a prob with the arse over face typo.
Eeegads. If this be true, anyone who likes/uses the anti-Christ name in conjunction with tampons, is a freak of nature. Nuff, said.

It's a Biblical problem isn't it. We know you're from the deep south....

ozhawk66 said:
Maybe this freak does need meds over tampons. Gag.

You're gagging why?

A tampon isn't nasty until after it's used. They can't hurt you until then little boy....

ozhawk66 said:
Quote youself on this last one.

Can I?
ozhawk66 said:
There wasn't an explanation. There was a reason for the spelling. The explanation comes when idgets don't get it.

Phopah in my opinion sounds like the correct faux pas? Time for you to look stupid again.

Main Entry: faux pas
Pronunciation: 'fO-"pä = pho-pah. Get it yet?

Or maybe you don't recognize the 'ph' being used in place of the letter 'f'?

There are places that can help you, LU isn't one of them.

I know what you're trying desperately to convince us of, that's not the problem.

The problem is that you're trying to say that phopah is slang for faux pas when it just isn't.

It's six letters that your mind made up when it went looking for faux pas. It's neither a word or slang for any word. Phonetically it is faux pas according to you, so it can't be slang for faux pas.

It's gibberish. Period.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Reckon is a word, unlike phopah and droors...

It doesn't remove the redneck connotation the word carries. Those that live in a Jerry Springer world use words like this a lot. And you're a star.

Show me one post where I've said I was smart. I'm smarter than you, but that's not something I'll brag about.

You did it in the very same post I've pointed out below. You spin yourself so bad with this inferiority complex by your excessive desire to flame, you can't remember what you post half the time. The rest of that babbling, self amusement post, was staggering in it's wanna-be intellect. It's funny how some can rationalize themselves to believe anything, just so they can validate what they want to believe.

>>I lose more intelligence when I piss than you'll ever have. And I don't consider myself anything other than average....<<


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
I know what you're trying desperately to convince us of, that's not the problem.

Convincing isn't part of this agenda. Showing the obvious error in your assumptions is. And it was an easy one.

The problem is that you're trying to say that phopah is slang for faux pas when it just isn't.

Not in the Oz world, it isn't. You obviously have no understanding how slang words evolve and come about. Phopah is actually an old one. Idiot.

It's six letters that your mind made up when it went looking for faux pas. It's neither a word or slang for any word.

Nice rationalization. Nice try.

faux pas - word

phopah - not a word

Phonetically it is faux pas according to you, so it can't be slang for faux pas.

Again, it's quite apparent you have no understanding on the evolution of slang or how slang words/terms come to be. Your willing ignorance shines.

It's gibberish. Period.

Your rationalization is generic gibberish.


Nice rationalization. Nice try.

faux pas - word

phopah - not a word

But I thought you said it was a slang word?

Then again, you said you wouldn't reply to any flames.....
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