Good points. One other thing that makes fumbleball-w a challenge to watch is that because the women have less distance in their kicking cf. the men this leads to the 36 players on the field being in a lot closer vicinity to the kicker. That congestion then contributes to the already untidy nature of the game as more players around the ball exacerbates the problem of more people spoiling ( I think they call it that ) and fighting over the ball when it is on the ground, which it often is. The end result is a god-awful mess.
One other thing that crossed my mind was the only women`s sport that I know that is played on a field of reduced size is women`s cricket, f-ball-w is still played on, for all intents and purposes, a full size cricket field, now given their smaller aerobic capacity and kicking range than the men this field is proving too large and hence the difficulty of getting from end-to-end, hence the low scores, I`m not sure, however I thought it was interesting how they have reduced the size of the field for women`s cricket but not f-ball-w.
One last thing, I have been guilty of watching a bit of the fumbleball-w before the NRL season kicked off. When my son asked me why are you watching that stuff, I answer, honestly because it is funny, often I can`t stop laughing throughout the whole game because it is such a hoot. And I`m serious.