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NSW Origin side 2010


Still might not be, under an injury cloud apparently, wonder who the shadow player (if one's named) will be, Josh Morris?

Idris to start. :crazy:

The media love a gimmick. Just like Wolfman and his stupid f**king beard who Inglis owned last year.

Looks like that spastic Bob McCarthy has swapped the beard for dreadlocks this year.


Tahu's selection simply REEKS of a guaranteed jersey promised to him for coming back to the NRL (much like Lyon in 2007).

Idris.... I mean jesus what is there to even say about it. Just terrible.

Bravo to the NSW selectors for being able to pick a team worse than even the wildest imaginations of anyone on this forum.


First Grade
Tahu's selection simply REEKS of a guaranteed jersey promised to him for coming back to the NRL (much like Lyon in 2007).

Idris.... I mean jesus what is there to even say about it. Just terrible.

Bravo to the NSW selectors for being able to pick a team worse than even the wildest imaginations of anyone on this forum.

Yep, I reckon every team that people have named in this thread would be better then the one read out tonight.


creagh wasnt terrible in origin, and im not just going off that try he scored, i thought he went very well actually, probably the most consistent back rower over the entire series


How is possible that EVERYONE except these moron selectors have a better idea of what the team should be?

Also..why arent the selectors held accountable for our 4 years of losses?? They are the only constant over this period!!!

Time to get some people with a clue into the roles...or vote for them like the indig and all star teams (J/K) but geez, I guarantee even under that format we get a better blues team!!!
:lol: What a f*cking joke of a team. I'm ashamed to be a NSW supporter.

Idris? :lol::lol::lol::lol: Gidley at Fullback? Lyon at 5/8? Where are Gallen & Dugan?

The mind boggles.... QLD will go and pick a solid team based on loyalty & form and continue to rape us in yet another series


Can someone tell me what the big deal is about Brett White?

What sealed his selection in this game?

Was it when he tried to break Russell Packer's neck? Or when he tried to take Jarrod Croker's head off? Maybe it was his average of 7 metres per hitup, or his 99 metres per game, which statistically speaking puts him behind Civoniceva, Hannant, Thaiday, Parker, Tolman, Shillington, Bailey, Scott, Kenny, Grant, Myles, Kite, Hunt, Stuart, Moimoi, Rapira, Mason, Gibbs, Douglas, Cayless, Bolton, King, Armit, Lima, Snowden and Galloway as a prop. Maybe it's his workrate of 11 hitups and 17 tackles a game, making him one of the laziest props in the NRL.

If anyone can explain it to me, please do.


He knocked out Steve Price. Auto selection for life IMO. Hope he puts Petero or Hannant down like a sack of spuds.

Seriously, he is seen as an enforcer by Bellamy.


Staff member
Can someone tell me what the big deal is about Brett White?

What sealed his selection in this game?
If anyone can explain it to me, please do.
One of Craig Bellamy's pets? or maybe his alledged "toughness", for example him knocking out Steve Price in game III last year?


I'm a Knights fan but Gidleys selection in any rep side irks me, he really is not an Origin quality player let alone captain.

I hope i really am proven wrong but this team really does not inspire confidence in me.


Before last series had Gidley ever made a starting team in Origin? I cant remember really. Making him captain last year wasnt very smart.

And yeah, as everyone else has said, the Idris and Lyon selections are pretty terrible, but you never know, they might turn out to be brilliant.

My other worry for you guys though, is not picking Gallon. NSW seem to have a love affair with wide running backrowers (creigh and waterhouse). While quite effective at club level, having 2 in your starting Origin lineup is a handicap. It will mean a lot more work for your front row.


The selections are ridiculous. It makes me angry that we have to put up with this sh*t, no wonder we've lost 4 series in a row. Lyon at 5/8? Are you f**king serious?


Hayne is the worlds best fullback over the past year - selected at wing. Lyon is the worlds best centre on current form - selected at 5/8. Tahu and Waterhouse have barely played and proved nothing for a long time - both starting. Gallen is the worlds best backrower - nowhere to be seen. Perry and Gidley in a combined 20 or so rep games have proven ZILCH. Idris selected on the bench - wtf? Kimmorley asked to shoulder 80% of the teams attack with ennis and lyon doing limited work is a big risk.

They really could have picked a better side and the formula and structures they have gone for are tried and failed for the past 4 years - same sh*t, different players!
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First Grade
Almost hope we lose so those f**king moron selectors will lose their jobs. Absolutely ridiculous selections, especially Gidley. How the hell can the Dally M medalist end up on the wing, let alone to a nothing like Kurt Gidley?

1 Eyed TEZZA

It all started when we put Gasnier at five eight. Then we lost the plot.

The team can win if they use short passes through the middle of the field with Lyon, Tahu, Gidley and Hayne all playing infield. Have Cooper, Morris, Idris attack on the outside and its possible this team can win.

But I fear for the basics. Kicking game and organising the outside backs. We do have Kimmorley, Ennis and Gidley, all of whom can kick, but I dont think they can deliver everytime. When sh*t happens, where will they be? Theres no Craig Wing this time, theres no Joey, Ben Kennedy is gone. If NSW are to win, I can see Hayne, Lyon, Watmough and Tahu pulling it out of the fire for us. Only players in the team capable of pulling off big clutch plays.

NSW selectors = fail........epically.

1 Eyed TEZZA

I wouldnt have minded this team if the game was in Qld, it would be good sending an experienced team up there, but this was the time to continue with the boys from last year. Jennings, Morris, etc etc.


Almost hope we lose so those f**king moron selectors will lose their jobs. Absolutely ridiculous selections, especially Gidley. How the hell can the Dally M medalist end up on the wing, let alone to a nothing like Kurt Gidley?

We've lost 4 in a row and they're still there. There'll probably be one game or one half where the team plays well and that "courage" will be enough to keep the morons on the selection panel.