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NZ Maori 2008 World Cup

Manu Vatuvei

Evil Homer said:
This may be the case,but each country has it's own parliament,sports leagues,capital city,land regions etc.The UK is a collection of those countries and is ruled by the Queen.I consider myself to be English,not UK-ish,just as I'm sure Welsh people consider themselves to be Welsh etc.

They're still not countries though. Fact. And that means that even the Soccer World Cup is apparently a farce, because it allows non-countries to compete.

The cricket world cup allows the West Indies and they aren't a country either.

How do you know that Maori don't identify themselves as Maori first and New Zealanders second?


Thierry Henry said:
They're still not countries though. Fact. And that means that even the Soccer World Cup is apparently a farce, because it allows non-countries to compete.

The cricket world cup allows the West Indies and they aren't a country either.

How do you know that Maori don't identify themselves as Maori first and New Zealanders second?
for commercial reasons it's what sponsors, fans, other RL governing bodies and journos recognise..

Heaps of groundwork has been done for scotland, england etc to be accepted in the soccer world cup... England invented the game of soccer and i believe this has influenced the decision to let them play as a stand alone team in the soccer world cup.... it is accepted and that is why it is not a farce.


Staff member
This is a bit from an interview with current New Zealand Maori halfback Aaron Heremaia. He played for North Sydney this year and has signed with Leigh for next season.

RB: Is it also important for you to be selected in the Maori side.

AH: Yeah, I think it is important. It’s another stepping stone you know. You get to play internationals and they’ve given them test status. So, when I play for NZ Maori, it’s classed as a full international and that. So when we played against France and Tonga and that, they’re classed as full tests.

RB: So in the World Cup in a couple of years time, we could see either playing for NZ or the Maori side, that’d be good.

I think it is great that NZ Maori are playing lots of matches and getting involved in pacific tournaments. But i still don't believe they should be allowed in the world cup.

I'm sure every fan of a footy team would want to see players from their team play in a world cup, and because the Bears had 10 Maoris play Premier League this year (even more Maoris than the Warriors had) i am very interesting in Maori rugby league. But it shouldn't be allowed. I know they would have a strong team, probably stronger than Fiji and Cook Islands.

How does it help rugby league if Fiji and Cook Islands miss out to the Maori team? Maoris will still play the game with or without the Maori team in the world cup but for Fiji or the Cook Island to miss out on a world cup spot could damage the future of rugby league in those countries.


First Grade
Roopy whilst I see your point inregards to wanting the 10 strongest possible sides, you haven't proven or justified that the Maori's would be one of those sides.

If we are just going to let it be a 'free for all' with Nations picking whoever they want who qualify for them under loose rules, like we did in the 2000 RLWC, well Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Tonga, PNG, Samoa plus the big 3 of course all did far better than them in 2000, and there is no reason they couldn't again, so why bother putting the tournament under the scenario where they are laughed at by the media, when you can use identified national teams (yes I know wales, scotland and england aren't real nations but the average sports fan and journalist identifies them as such) which are far easier to promote, far easier to get sponsors, and far easier to gain a level of respect for.

This RLWC will already be starting way behind other sporting world cups, everyone will be reminded about 2000 from the media and other journalists, so we have to get things right from the start, inviting any team that feels they deserve to be in a world cup is asking for trouble.


yakstorm said:
Roopy whilst I see your point inregards to wanting the 10 strongest possible sides, you haven't proven or justified that the Maori's would be one of those sides.

If we are just going to let it be a 'free for all' with Nations picking whoever they want who qualify for them under loose rules, like we did in the 2000 RLWC, well Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Tonga, PNG, Samoa plus the big 3 of course all did far better than them in 2000, and there is no reason they couldn't again, so why bother putting the tournament under the scenario where they are laughed at by the media, when you can use identified national teams (yes I know wales, scotland and england aren't real nations but the average sports fan and journalist identifies them as such) which are far easier to promote, far easier to get sponsors, and far easier to gain a level of respect for.

This RLWC will already be starting way behind other sporting world cups, everyone will be reminded about 2000 from the media and other journalists, so we have to get things right from the start, inviting any team that feels they deserve to be in a world cup is asking for trouble.
It looks like the Maori RL guys think they are gonna be involved. ... if the media articles are anything to go by nobody seems to have told them otherwise.


First Grade
i dont want to see teams such as nz maori, italy, malta, greece etc in the world cup, even if they are the strongest teams in the world. i want to see teams from different parts of the world, playing the greatest game of all the in their own unique way. i want legitimate international teams, not teams full of aussies and kiwis. i understand the grandparent rule will be used, but i dont want it to be exploited.

most of all, i want these players to continue to play for their country after the world cup and in the years leading into the next world cup.

what good is it if nz maori (who arent a country, therefore should not be anywhere near the world cup) or malta beat russia by 60 points, playing the aussie or nz style of game they were brought up on. lets have legitimate international teams, i dont think it is that hard.

the aim should be to have every kid in nz growing up wanting to play for the kiwis, at the moment they all want to play for the all blacks. imagine how confusing it would be if they had 2 teams in the world cup. same goes for kids in aus of maltese, lebanese, greek extraction, they should want to play for the kangaroos, their national rugby league team.


Roopy, I agree with your line of thinking. The only way international football will grow is with competive exciting games. Most mainstream viewers only want to watch good games. They might accept one Russia style team but wont accept 5. I agree with Yakstorm, it is doubtful that NZ Maori would make the top 8. If they do, then it would be a hell of a fight. I am not sure if NZ Maori, or Aboriginals should be in or out (no way journalists would be game to criticise an aboriginal side so there is no way they would take away credibility) but if they do, it must be a realisitic effort. ie one team for life.


bender said:
(no way journalists would be game to criticise an aboriginal side so there is no way they would take away credibility) .
Of course they'd be game... not just here but journos from other countries too.
haha people speak here like it is people in high place spushing for this.

it is the nz maori saying thay want to be in the world cup. will it happen = NO if their is only ten teams. maybe if their is anymore.

me personally i son't want them their over say the cook islands


It's not so much whether or not the Maori are an independent nation or not. As others have said, look at the Home Nations. Also, Cook Islands isn't a county, it is a dependencie of New Zealand. Then there is West Indies, a collection of countries.

The problem really, is that Maori are New Zealanders, you can't have two teams representing the same place.

Also, I really don't like the idea of having a team based solely on racial origin.


This world cup is in my opinon is going to be the biggest Sydney based RL event ever.
Greece,Italy.Malta.NZ Moari,NZ, Lebanon,Australia and England thats your eight teams or maybe Aborigonie will qualify instead of England.

Ari Gold

YANTO said:
This world cup is in my opinon is going to be the biggest Sydney based RL event ever.
Greece,Italy.Malta.NZ Moari,NZ, Lebanon,Australia and England thats your eight teams or maybe Aborigonie will qualify instead of England.

i'd doubt that italy, greece, malta, lebanon, nz maori, aboriginies will take part in the world cup


I'm a huge fan of Maori Rugby League - our family travelled to watch two of the tests vs Cooks but I don't believe that they should be in the World Cup. There is also an insinuation by saying that they will be that Tawera is the number two coach in the country. Well I beg to differ. All respect to the man for what he achieved on the field but he doesn't have what it takes to coach at International level and many of his selections were also dubious. I'm not even convinced that he is the best coach in the Waikato! Yes we heard their dream of being in the world cup everywhere they went but come on guys we're just a small country lets throw all our weight behind the Kiwis and stop this divisive talk. Maori Rugby League is a great stepping stone and should retain its place in a Pacific Rim competition, strengthening the game in some of its developing nations.

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