There is a huge difference between common law and statutes.
With common law the community (the tribe/village) comes together to deal with matters involving its members, i.e. a council of elders or trial by jury of twelve, etc, but with statutes, they are created from bills passed through parliament without the whole community (tribe/village) involved in the debate and sanctioned unanimously by them.
While common law is enforced by the whole community upon the community/tribe/village, statutes are enforced by political representatives of a political party who represent the public (or society) which are ghosts of the community/tribe/village they supposedly represent.
The public and society are ghosts (they do not exist) because the community was not involved in the debate, the trial, the outcome, the decisions (of every bill passed through parliament becoming statutes). They (the living tribe/village/community) were not there!!!!
Today, a magistrate or judge represents the fictitious public (or society) while a jury of twelve or council of elders represents the community/tribe/village they are part of.
Statutes are for fictitious persons (also known as agents-in-commerce or the strawman) who operate under admiralty law which is based on the laws of commerce (includes contract law, etc) while unanimous decisions from a jury of twelve (or council of elders etc) forms the basis of that tribe/village/community's common law.
Every man, woman and child who has a birth certificate has been registered to "The Crown" (an alias) as a vessel (strawman, agent-in-commerce) performing/conducting commerce on the high seas of commerce as is every dead corpse registered as a person better known as a private corporation.
Every strawman has a bond created with the treasury of "The Crown".
All intellectual property performing/conducting commerce on the high seas of "The Crowns" copyrighted intellectual proprietary knowledge are dead corpses (fictitious vessels), i.e, trusts, foundations, titles, deeds, licenses, registrations, permits, certificates, standings, etc, etc.
Due to the centralisation of powers we no longer have communities/tribes/villages (of MAN) operating under common law, instead we have private corporations that are vessels (dead corpses) sailing on the high seas of commerce. The Commonwealth of Australia, the NSW State Government, Local Councils/Shires etc, all government departments/agencies/authorities etc, the Local, District, Family, Children, Federal, Supreme, High Courts, etc, all law enforcement officers/agents (including military), etc, all other corporations no-matter-what, etc, etc, are all private corporations as is every politician, public servant, bureaucrat, adviser, expert, judge, magistrate, registrar, barrister, lawyer, prosecutor, attorney, notary, jp, administrator, trustee, representative, executive, director, chairman, etc, etc, are private corporations (vessels performing/conducting commerce upon "The Crowns" high seas of commerce).
Now if you can get your brain around this fact (truth) which version of reality was dealing with Greg Bird and his girlfriend..... Common law or Admiralty Law????
And which version of reality was sentient MAN/WOMAN Greg Bird, girlfriend and those other men and women following or involved in this case worshiping (believing in)????
Do you think that full disclosure was provided by the BAR (of law) and representatives of the BAR, government, media, law enforcement officers, etc, to all members of MAN (communities, tribes, villages of sentient MAN) to sentient MAN/WOMAN Greg Bird, girlfriend and the community, tribe, village they are part of or do you think that there was no sentient MAN/WOMAN community, tribe, village involved in this matter of Greg Bird and girlfriend, just dead corpse vessels performing/conducting commerce upon "The Crowns" high seas of commerce????
Why do all politicians, law/military enforcement officers, representatives of THE BAR, governor generals, state governors, etc, look to (represent) "The Crown"????
Wakey, wakey, wakey, wakey, wakey, wakey!!!!
Which world (version of reality) are you living in?????
The true issue over lies, perjury etc rests with Greg Birds (and girlfriend) community/tribe/village or rests with the fictitious public/society of Greg Bird (and girlfriend).
With the sentient community/tribe/village all members would come together and say gees, how come we did not see the symptoms of this problem long before they arose.... "where were we", "how do we stop this HARM from ever occurring in our tribe/village community again???" All shame on Greg Bird and girlfriend but all members of the tribe/village/community take full responsibility for the HARM as well. Why??? because all members see each other as intricate, valuable, unique and equal BONDED members of MAN while in the fictitious world its all about public and society based on commerce with no one (including tribe/village/community) taking full responsibility... they can't because they are all dead corpses (vessels) sailing on (BONDED to) "The Crowns" (rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, conditions, contracts, bonds etc) high seas of commerce.
Hello anyone home???????