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OFFICIAL New South Wales team, Game 3


scott? no way... im feeling for the tiger fans here.. lawrence deserves it 100x more than this nobody. however i am happy to see gordon and jennings in.
the forwards look much better. the only thing i dislike with our interchange is gidley.. he needs to be scrapped. hmm this team still looks average but is considerably better than the other teams we had


Is it just me, or is this a pretty crap looking team. Beau Scott, Jason King, Michael Ennis - how on earth are these guys going to contribute to bringing down the Queenslanders?

The Blues wont be able to even start to rebuild towards the future while the Nuffy selectors and even worse coach are running the show.

Bring on the 2011 cleanout!!!!!


Is it just me, or is this a pretty crap looking team. Beau Scott, Jason King, Michael Ennis - how on earth are these guys going to contribute to bringing down the Queenslanders?

The Blues wont be able to even start to rebuild towards the future while the Nuffy selectors and even worse coach are running the show.

Bring on the 2011 cleanout!!!!!

Agreed. Regardless of them finally deciding to pick for the future, its taken them too long and they still want to hang on to nuffies. Regardless of the result on wednesday, they have shown time and time again they can't pick a decent side when it matters. Whatever happens in game three, the selectors need to be sacked and replaced by someone with a clue.

We'll likely end up with a full time origin coach next year too. Lets hope he's up to giving it a fair crack. I'll be happy if next year we manage to win even one of the first two. Enough dead rubbers ffs.


Staff member
Even with the glaring problems of King, Scott and Gidley this is still the best team we've had all series.

I'd have liked to see someone else partnering Pearce for a long term pairing but I understand the reasoning behind it.

Barrett is there for the possibility we need a field goal.

Spot On

I think Farah was nursing an ankle so you cannot complain about Ennis.

Bar King for Douglas or Galloway that is the pack that pretty much every non saints nsw fan has wanted. Now you will see how good it can be.

I still think Scott is there to establish himself as an option to ocver Soward next year if Bird doesn't come off.

Game on. Go Queensland!

I'm ecstatic Weyman is suspended however Galloway offers up the same mediocrity. Definitely would have loved to see Douglas there though. He can motor for more than 10 minutes.

Spot On

I think Farah was nursing an ankle so you cannot complain about Ennis.

Bar King for Douglas or Galloway that is the pack that pretty much every non saints nsw fan has wanted. Now you will see how good it can be.

I still think Scott is there to establish himself as an option to ocver Soward next year if Bird doesn't come off.

Game on. Go Queensland!

Will Beau Scott even be playing in the centres once Cooper returns for the Dragons? Surely this is his last origin game. Soward won't be considered until he can defend one on one.


Snowden, Gordon and Jennings are all good selections, but

Jason King as a starting front rower?

Have to keep the quota of manly nuffbags up i guess.
I'm ecstatic Weyman is suspended however Galloway offers up the same mediocrity. Definitely would have loved to see Douglas there though. He can motor for more than 10 minutes.

I'm a Tigers supporter and I completely agree. Galloway is only good for about 8 minutes a game. Bryce Gibbs, on the other hand, wouldn't have let anybody down if he had been selected.

Tiger Hawk

To be honest - it's a step in the right direction. Jennings, Snowden, Bird & Mannah all deserve to be there ahead of Cooper, White, Creagh & Waterhouse. As Woz said, surely that's the end of Creagh in rep footy, he's just not good enough.

Yeah there's still a few questionable selections - Barrett, Ennis, Scott & King mainly. But for Sharks fans (Douglas), Dragons fans (Soward) & Tigers / Souths fans (Farah, Lawrence / Champion), it's good news cause we get our guys for club footy this week and don't bail the selectors out.

Found it amusing when Daley just defended the selection of Barrett with "we felt we needed an experienced player in there to take pressure off Pearce". Yeah, cause he really did that in game 2!

If QLD show up, they should win by 30 again. With Ennis and his 4 runs for 12 metres, Barrett and his predictable play and Hayne's season-long indifference, QLD are just too good.

TV Ted - would you consider Gibbs in the second-row? I know there's a few good second-rowers floating about but IMO he'd be a revelation there.


First Grade
:lol: I needed a good laugh. What a terrible team. Beau Scott must be one of the worst selections of all time.

Also good job building for the future when you are picking a player who is retiring this year in a key position.


First Grade
Daley's ridiculous 'We thought it was unfair to through Pearce in with an inexperienced five-eighth in game 3'...
That's exactly what you will have to do next year idiot! Wouldn't you rather them have one game together under their belt?


Loved the look on Bellamy's face when they asked if that was the team he wanted.

I tell you what, if they only gave you two weeks for murder, we'd soon have new selectors.

Spot On

Loved the look on Bellamy's face when they asked if that was the team he wanted.

I tell you what, if they only gave you two weeks for murder, we'd soon have new selectors.

FFS why didn't he just say, "No it isn't," and tell us why. What the f**k would it matter if he did. He won't be there next year anyway. He'd only be telling the truth. What's wrong with the truth these days. What's wrong with telling the media your unhappy with a player because of this or that. It gets to the journos in the end anyway, speculation builds, stories are written and we end up finding out the answer through the media at some stage. I don't get it. Just be honest. He doesn't have to lambast players but explain the reasons why he is unhappy.


Barrett couldn't even get a run in game one and now he's your captain. WTF?? :lol:

He's totally useless - but AT LEAST he's in the starting lineup - big step up from our captain of last game :roll:

Honestly this side is rubbish and I'm not convinced it's any better than the tripe they've served up the past couple of games. The problem with these selectors is that they do SOME THINGS right and combine that with a bunch of things wrong.

For example:

They retained Hayne at fullback - not popular around here, but probably the right move long term (or could look like a ridiculous move by this time next year...)

They brought in Jennings. Surely before the series started, one of the 'no brainers' in the backline was Jennings? But it's taken until game 3 to get him there.

They retained Mitchell Pearce --> I'm not his biggest fan, but what else could they do for the future of the halfback spot?

They brought in Mannah and Snowden - and in so doing brought the prop count to a whopping 3.5 - much better than the 2.5 rubbish they've been serving up the past couple (and the 0.5 prop [TLL] has been the best of the bunch so far)

But they combine that with some dumb dumb dumb decisions:

Scott - seriously, what has this guy done to deserve Origin selection? Although I'll admit there aren't a lot of options...
Gordon - I really don't see it myself - reminds me too much of the Turner/ Quinn type selections; a winger in decent nick who doesn't have the physical attributes/ high talent level to play Origin (hope I'm wrong because I like the guy)
Barrett - seriously?? what is going on here? The 2nd attacking option for the worst attacking team in the comp is the NSW captain now??? What's the deal.
Ennis - as if to multiply the Barrett error they keep a hooker who is a 'defender' (even though he's missing tackles like they're going out of style) - the Blues are going to struggle to score, so why would you pick the form NSW hooker who just so happens to defend really well and is also an attacking weapon?? (Farah if you can't figure it out)
JASON KING??? no really - is this a joke? And he's in the starting lineup too? The Maroons forwards are licking their chops.
The backrow - all 3 guys are locks - not that it's a MASSIVE difference, but these 2nd rowers tend to run out wide near the centers and look to promote the footy - locks tend to rove a bit more. Are all 3 guys going to rove? Or are 2 of them going to be asked NOT to play the game that they play at club level (and the reason they got picked) - seems a bit odd to pick 3 guys who need to be highly mobile in attack and ask 2 of them to play a set role.
Gidley on the bench still - seriously... haven't we seen enough of him in the sky Blue? Watch for him to AGAIN come on at dummy half and go himself time and again - make a bunch of meters and shut down the attack to whatever he can create for himself. And then he'll be praised for a 'good game'....

Some good calls, but some really odd ones!
CANNOT see why Watmough wouldn't start... one of our best runners of the ball wide of the ruck and would make the backrow look much more balanced. Could pick Bird at 5/8 and ditch Barrett and bring in someone Sutton who could slot in as an attacking backrower for spot minutes...

The balance of the team is still all wrong, but at least we have more than 2 specialist props this time around. I have no hopes that they will be good enough to even compete, the only saving grace is that Queensland have well and truly wrapped up the series and might not take it seriously.


FFS why didn't he just say, "No it isn't," and tell us why. What the f**k would it matter if he did. He won't be there next year anyway. He'd only be telling the truth. What's wrong with the truth these days. What's wrong with telling the media your unhappy with a player because of this or that. It gets to the journos in the end anyway, speculation builds, stories are written and we end up finding out the answer through the media at some stage. I don't get it. Just be honest. He doesn't have to lambast players but explain the reasons why he is unhappy.

Because if he said "Its not the team I wanted because I'd rather have a misguided shot at winning my last ever origin game and show that I'm capable of winning something with a team that isn't cheating rather than build for a future team which I have no chance of coaching..." he'd sound like a tool.

Spot On

Because if he said "Its not the team I wanted because I'd rather have a misguided shot at winning my last ever origin game and show that I'm capable of winning something with a team that isn't cheating rather than build for a future team which I have no chance of coaching..." he'd sound like a tool.

Oh, I see :) I'm sure we will read about it and hear about it in the coming days.