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Oh oh oh.......oh darius


First Grade
The media have themselves to blame, for not sticking up for the players of the game when one of their own spreading propaganda , about the side they are whinging not talking to them


'I'll go f$%k myself straight after you go f$%k yourself mate. Boyd has just displayed he is as thick as 2 bricks. The last thing we need is what the back page of the papers will dish up tomorrow. Such a wanker.

Were you the reporter asking the questions? Your getting really worked up over the incident.

Personally I don't care about the media and what they write about us. All I'm worried about is how they play on the field unless the players are bring shame to the game i.e Stewart,Inglis.


First Grade
People who are saying boyd should have talked to the media are hypocrites , if the media was so concern about the game why didnt they attack the telegraph for publishing crap, what brought more hatred to a club and players.

Those who are complaing about boyd give yourselves uppercuts you are fools, the damage already been done to the dragons by the media itself last week
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Bring back choc

The media have themselves to blame, for not sticking up for the players of the game when one of their own spreading propaganda , about the side they are whinging not talking to them

f**k me...i cant believe the sh*t coming out of your mouths. Bloody ridiculous.

Sticking up for the club??? What the f#$k does that mean?? It was a standard interview. He should have performed it like his 200k salary told him too. Instead of acting like a little nice person.
Guess who will get knocked senseless on friday night??

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
I'm about halfway in between all these comments here.

For sure, the media can whinge all they want then but they have to accept that the players don't trust them a hell of a lot and Boyd's name is one that has been dragged through the mud more than most.

However, that doesn't mean Boyd has to be a complete twat about it. That was childish crap.


First Grade
f**k me...i cant believe the sh*t coming out of your mouths. Bloody ridiculous.

Sticking up for the club??? What the f#$k does that mean?? It was a standard interview. He should have performed it like his 200k salary told him too. Instead of acting like a little nice person.
Guess who will get knocked senseless on friday night??

stop being a hypocrite

Ray Parlour

Apparently Bennett told the players not to say much to the media.

That was Darius' interpretation of Benny's instructions, i dont think he was intentionally trying to to stick it up them.


f**k me...i cant believe the sh*t coming out of your mouths. Bloody ridiculous.

Sticking up for the club??? What the f#$k does that mean?? It was a standard interview. He should have performed it like his 200k salary told him too. Instead of acting like a little nice person.
Guess who will get knocked senseless on friday night??

And who, pray tell, is going to knock him senseless on Friday... Some Journo? Jeez man settle down.

Why dont you tell all this to his face on Friday night. Go tell him he's a little nice person, a wanker, arrogant, and a boof head. While you are at it tell Dan Hunt he is soft and shouldn't be playing finals.



I thought it was piss funny. Good on him.

Perhaps this is a hangover from his episode with Hunt and Thaiday.

Soward always speaks well in front of the camera, doesn't he.

Admiral Awesome

All you fools glorifying Boyd's pathetic, immature and stupid behaviour deserve an upper cut. There's enough journo's trying to derail our season without this moron carrying on like he's friggin ronaldo. Seriously i was fuming when i saw this. And the fact Wayne Bennett was forced to apologise to the media about Boyd's antics makes it even worse.
There's no reason at all to place more pressure on our team leading into the finals. We are already being labeled Arrogant, vulnerable and protected species at the judiciary. I have a feeling that our strong mental attitude is being penetrated and i think we need to get back on track NOW! Boyd should be fined IMO. Grow the f$%k up. He has let down his team and fans.

I'm with ya! alot of the media are complete wankers and there is a funny side to what he did. But when that wears off Boyd just comes across as a massive toss bag. It was very arrogant. At the end of the day I dont really care but it fueld the ;rugby league boofhead' sterotype no end. wanker!

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
f**k me...i cant believe the sh*t coming out of your mouths. Bloody ridiculous.

Sticking up for the club??? What the f#$k does that mean?? It was a standard interview. He should have performed it like his 200k salary told him too. Instead of acting like a little nice person.
Guess who will get knocked senseless on friday night??

Why would anyone knock him senseless?

Bereft Skerrick

What is this achieving. Divide and conquer. The sort of stuff those twobs at News Ltd will be creaming themselves over)

With the analysis of Boyd's interview tonight, and the Grand Final t-shirt debacle, look at all of the infighting that is starting between the fans.

Let's all work together and get behind the boys and win this thing.

Bring back choc

What is this achieving. Divide and conquer. The sort of stuff those twobs at News Ltd will be creaming themselves over)

With the analysis of Boyd's interview tonight, and the Grand Final t-shirt debacle, look at all of the infighting that is starting between the fans.

Let's all work together and get behind the boys and win this thing.

Fair point. And it's the point i am making. He just didnt need to do it. The proof will be on friday night. After the arrogant slurs we lost the plot against canberra. Lets see what happens on friday.


It is believed Bennett apologised to some reporters for that incident, taking responsibility for their behaviour as he had asked the players not to say too much.

Unfortunately, he later explained, the players thought he meant say nothing at all.

No formal apology, no quote from Bennett. Just more dribble from DT shock jocks with misleading headlines.

Bring back choc


ST George Illawarra coach Wayne Bennett has taken the extraordinary step of apologising to journalists after fullback Darius Boyd produced a press conference stonewall to rival the boss.

Boyd delivered one sentence responses to eight questions posed to him at training in Wollongong on Tuesday before the assembled reporters gave up and condemned the Test star for wasting their time.

The 22-year-old's performance didn't sit well with Bennett either as the coach reportedly spoke to Boyd about his disrespectful interview and then offered an apology to the gathered press.

Ironically, Boyd's performance was similar to the contemptuous effort of Bennett in 2007 when he offered one-line responses to questioning in a post-match press conference that was broadcast live on Fox Sports.

Below is a transcript of Boyd's short press conference in Wollongong on Tuesday:

Q: Up against the Broncos, excited about facing your old mates?

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

A: Yeah, can't wait.

Q: That excited?

A: Yep.

Q: Did you watch them play last week?

A: No I didn't.

Q: What's the strategy going into the game?

A: We'll decide that on Wednesday I suppose.

Q: Happy to score another try, it was a good one?

A: Yeah, it was good, eh.

Q: Second one of the season, it's taken a while, you must be keen to be coming into form at the right time of the season.

A: No it was good.

Q: What are your thoughts on the way your team is going at the moment Darius?

A: Um, yeah, it was pretty good, eh.

Q: Are you fair dinkum?

A: Yeah.

It is not the first time Dragons players have been accused of contempt towards the media, with prop Justin Poore last week slammed for offering a short statement after a successful NRL judiciary hearing that cleared him to play on the weekend.

It is believed Bennett apologised to some reporters for that incident, taking responsibility for their behaviour as he had asked the players not to say too much.

Unfortunately, he later explained, the players thought he meant say nothing at all.

At least in-form five-eighth Jamie Soward offered an insight into the NRL title favourites on Tuesday, giving his first media interview in a few weeks.

While Soward bristled at questions over his own good form, and potential to be included on the Kangaroos end of season tour, he did reveal the Dragons were "filthy" over last Saturday's loss to Canberra and were looking to rebound against Brisbane at WIN Stadium on Friday night.

"Every time you lose it's a bad thing and for us we went down there and got beat and we have moved on," said Soward.

"I think the Dragons of old might have dwelled on that and let it affect us for a couple of days.

"But we had a few days off and you just watched training this morning, we were pretty sharp."

The clash with Brisbane is vitally important for both clubs - a win would put the Dragons closer to the minor premiership while the Broncos simply must win to retain their place in the top eight.

"Brisbane are always a dangerous team and obviously they will be up to try and prove something to Benny (former coach Bennett)," said Soward.


Anyone think Darius may be a bit pissed off at the media from his treatment following the Brisbane toilet caper ????

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