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Oh oh oh.......oh darius

Steel Dragon

that was a 'child please' to the media. After Dell giving some of the journo a serve on the radio i think all the players probably dont give a fk what they think at this stage. If the media wants to hurt the Dragons they have gone about it all wrong, all this is doing is galvanising the team into a siege mentality.

Why should any of the players give a f*** about the media?
Any minor indescresion is blown totally outta proportion (simply so they can sell a few more papers) and the game is dragged though the mud.

What incentive is there to reward those who deride our game?


First Grade
haha i love it.. schooled in the Wayne Bennett method of media handling.

I think he obviously is a really shy and quiet dude, as we discussed before with the way he doesnt smile much, I just hope he is a happy player underneath.

St. Linnane

First Grade
The Soward interview is just as funny. I lost count of how many times he said Friday night. Mrs. St. Linnane thought "Friday night" was like Thommo with "tremendous".

Godz Illa

Darius marry us!

Bring back choc... You're too much, really you are. Perhaps you might want to follow your mates Cameron Phelps and Mickey Paea over to the Bankstown Airport transit lounge


Assistant Moderator
The Soward interview is just as funny. I lost count of how many times he said Friday night. Mrs. St. Linnane thought "Friday night" was like Thommo with "tremendous".


Looked like they were trying their best to draw out an answer that could be construed as sounding 'arrogant'. Soward handled it well by repeating that he was only focussing on next Friday night.

From here on in, I'm only reading the sports news on the ABC and LeagueUnlimited.


First Grade
Ah I only just noticed the apology, it sounds like the players took Bennett's message of giving nothing away, a bit too literally.. better safe than sorry right!

I think a couple of dragons over recent months have been a bit too honest with the media, but some of them are obviously well trained and perhaps they knew exactly what they were saying.. Dean Young on the footy show a while back was extremely cool and well-spoken, I was very suprised by that, on national tv.


Assistant Moderator
Ah I only just noticed the apology, it sounds like the players took Bennett's message of giving nothing away, a bit too literally.. better safe than sorry right!
Again, is there any quote?

Any TV footage of Bennett seeking forgiveness?

Thus far I have only seen posts linking to an article in the Telegraph - it looks like they're spinning a yarn.


well we all saw what Young had to do after being on the footy show and being a bit too open ;) better to be in his good books than bad one


Mate from what i hear (and my source is one of the journo's at the press conference), he was asked by the club to do the interview. He said no...the club said he had to. So he carried on like an idiot. Mate to me that's just an arrogant attitude and if you watch the back page tonight, or fox sports news or listen to sports today with brandy, they all are hammering us. It draws unnecessary attention to us and puts our club in the spot light for all the wrong reasons. In fact the news is hammering us now.

Who f**kin cares if the news is hammering us?

You're a clown.. Just because your mate is the reporter. Get rid of the bias and get some perspective. After the bullsh*t that has gone on the last week or so, Darius and the rest of the boys have EVERY right to carry on with little respect to the media.

If anything I think it'll galvanise the team further and it's uniting all the supporters. Except a few.

And at the end of all of this you call Darius a nice person. f**kin embarrassing.


what did Boyd do wrong ??

did he need to use about 20 more cliches and a few yeah no's ??

COMPLETELY CORRECT... all Boyd did was cut away the fat of what a player usually says to jornos after totally pointless questions like that.... ridiculous questions

were you happy scoring your second try?

Whats the gameplan?

f**k me dead... I studied Journalism and those are the most braindead questions Boyd should of been asking him if he was "fair dinkum"

what was the ideal answer for that marvelous question about his joy over the second try of the season;

"Yeah well it was a good try and uhhhh you know the boys were happy with it and got the points on the board"

Gee I am really upset that he didn't answer it that way, it would of been so great!!!

Personally I dont know why they interview League players anyway... besides a small percent who are comfortable in front of the camera the rest just say the same goddamn thing!

Steel Dragon

Maybe Darius shouldve referred to the NRL Cliche Handbook that players are issued at the start of the year. Then the interview wouldve went like this:

Q: Up against the Broncos, excited about facing your old mates?
A: Not really, the Broncos are a good team, and we've just gotta take each week as it comes to us
Q: That excited?
A: Yeah, you know, I might get excited after the game if we win
Q: Did you watch them play last week?
A: No I didn't, Benny [Coach Bennett] drilled us pretty hard on Sunday, and I didnt get a chance to see it.
Q: What's the strategy going into the game?
A: We'll go over that on Wednesday with the coaching staff, and I'm sure they'll have something im mind to get past Brisbane.
Q: Happy to score another try, it was a good one?
A: In the end it wasnt enough, I'd take the win over another try anyday.
Q: Second one of the season, it's taken a while, you must be keen to be coming into form at the right time of the season.
A: No it was good, but yeah, we still have alot to work on, right now we're only focussed on Friday night.
Q: What are your thoughts on the way your team is going at the moment Darius?
A: Um, yeah, it was pretty good, there's still some areas we have to work on yet, but we're just working on facing the Broncos on Friday night.
Q: Are you fair dinkum?
A: Are you, you bunch of merkins?

Check. Mate.


Lol well played SD!

But they would have just taken this line 'No it was good, but yeah, we still have alot to work on, right now we're only focussed on Friday night' and made this story:

Arrogant Dragons focus on Friday night, "not even concerned about finals"

It seems as though the arrogance of St George Illawarra knows no bounds. Quizzed about the teams form heading into the finals, Darius Boyd told reporters that the Dragons are so confident, they haven't even discussed the finals series which is just 3 weeks away. He went on to say that the players are focusing only on this Friday night, unlike 10 other clubs fighting for positions in the top 8 and looking beyond this weeks round. This display of smugness comes just days after CEO Peter Doust announced he had already shortlisted a number of engravers for the Premiership trophy.

Boyd also threw down the gauntlet to Brisbane ahead of this Friday nights blockbuster, claiming he hadn't even bothered watching the video of their thrashing of Penrith because he 'had better things to do'.
See? Any shmo can come up with this crap
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First Grade
All you fools glorifying Boyd's pathetic, immature and stupid behaviour deserve an upper cut. There's enough journo's trying to derail our season without this moron carrying on like he's friggin ronaldo. Seriously i was fuming when i saw this. And the fact Wayne Bennett was forced to apologise to the media about Boyd's antics makes it even worse.
There's no reason at all to place more pressure on our team leading into the finals. We are already being labeled Arrogant, vulnerable and protected species at the judiciary. I have a feeling that our strong mental attitude is being penetrated and i think we need to get back on track NOW! Boyd should be fined IMO. Grow the f$%k up. He has let down his team and fans.

I didn't think it was possible. But, you've become an even bigger tool since WORL.

big pat

All you fools glorifying Boyd's pathetic, immature and stupid behaviour deserve an upper cut. There's enough journo's trying to derail our season without this moron carrying on like he's friggin ronaldo. Seriously i was fuming when i saw this. And the fact Wayne Bennett was forced to apologise to the media about Boyd's antics makes it even worse.
There's no reason at all to place more pressure on our team leading into the finals. We are already being labeled Arrogant, vulnerable and protected species at the judiciary. I have a feeling that our strong mental attitude is being penetrated and i think we need to get back on track NOW! Boyd should be fined IMO. Grow the f$%k up. He has let down his team and fans.

anyone have a box of tissue's, i'm finding hard to hold back the tears.


First Grade
If they told you jumping off the gap was good for your health, you'd probably be the first in line.

Believing in bullsh*t means that you're destined to be surrounded by it.

There is no appologie as far as ive been informed from Bennett.

The Telecrapp published that Bennett appologies so the blame was ONLY on Boyd. Thus meaning that any stand off attitude from the player was the result of them only and not because of the sh*t they have published of late...


First Grade
All you fools glorifying Boyd's pathetic, immature and stupid behaviour deserve an upper cut. There's enough journo's trying to derail our season without this moron carrying on like he's friggin ronaldo. Seriously i was fuming when i saw this. And the fact Wayne Bennett was forced to apologise to the media about Boyd's antics makes it even worse.
There's no reason at all to place more pressure on our team leading into the finals. We are already being labeled Arrogant, vulnerable and protected species at the judiciary. I have a feeling that our strong mental attitude is being penetrated and i think we need to get back on track NOW! Boyd should be fined IMO. Grow the f$%k up. He has let down his team and fans.

How are the Journos going to learn if we keep smiling and giving them whatever the f**k they want.
The journos have to realise that interviewing players and getting game info is not a RIGHT!!! Its a LUXURY!!!

Maybe if more players gave interviews like Boyd then the journo's in question will have nothing to sell willthey? Maybe then they can try to rebuild trust with players, coaches and clubs and start reporting accurate events???

I have also noticed that the Telecrapp is probably the only media outlet who is still going on about it... Perhaps Boyds half arse answers and broken english could only be understood by the simpliest of minds... Rothfield and his mates!!!!


Seriously - after this interview - the Red n White Army should chant out DARIUS louder than ever at the game this week.

Darius did nothing wrong. He's a champion - f*k that toilet paper newspaper.

The telegraph NEVER had any credibility - and anyone falling for their sh!t is a tool.

Go DARIUS!!!!!

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