Thanks Mark B.
Although viewed today Earthquake is a pretty weak movie, when i was growing up Earthquake and The Towering Inferno were the two big block busters at the theatres, saw both of them multiple times in my youth. The funny thing with The Towering Inferno, there is so much extra stuff available, 20th Centrury Fox and Warner Brothers crammed their DVD releases with great behind the scenes stuff and interviews with the stars and even deleted scenes, with Earthquake you get nothing, judging by all the stuff i have found on the net there is a wealth of stuff available with all the miniature works, matte paintings and behind the scene pics with the stars. I know there were extra scenes filmed that were shown in the original preview but then were cut, scenes with Ava Gardner, Charlton Heston and Lloyd Nolan right at the start of the movie about an abortion which would explain why Charlton was so bitter over his marriage, also the elevator scene was filmed where the people got squashed and their heads jammed through the roof but this scene was deemed to graphic so was cut and the stupid cartoon blood part was added which is just so fake and it actually makes you laugh instead of being horrified, apparently if the original elevator scene was left in the movie would have received an R rating. Also mentioned that a collapse at a lumber yard was filmed but was left out, cannot find out any extra information about that though. Would have loved to see some of the cut stuff as extras on the DVD but it has probably been lost now forever, there are only two deleted scenes that are still around, an opening scene with an intro about the San Andreas fault before the opening credit and also a scene with Victoria Principal waiting for a bus and a bike rider asks whether she wants a lift, both of those bits turned up in a extended TV cut but everything else extra in the extended cut were filmed 2 years later and no other old or deleted footage was used. It seems like Universal is a shamed by Earthquake as they treat it with total disregard DVD release wise and also i thought it would have been include in the 100 year Anniversary of Universal where all their great movies got screened around the world again and also great DVD releases but Earthquake missed out on all fronts which i thought strange seeing it made Universal a lot of money.