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One year in - the Board

Card Shark

Good on him.... Shame about us.

He's hurting like we all are, Aus. He's also hurting in many other ways.

He loves the club a much as anyone on here. More in fact - he put the club ahead of his life & family.

He's paid a higher price than anyone in all this shit.

Some might suggest it's all his doing as it was under his reign & there is merit in that however there is no way he would have allowed this to happen if he had direct control over it.

He went into do a job - save the club from the financial ruin of a $13.5M debt accumulated by the previous board, part of that was to "guarantee" our future by getting the development approved. He & his board were forced to cut resources to the bone, including no CEO, another role he was trying to do, all to save $....& the club he (we) loves.

If the old board wasnt forced to be such tight arses, we might've had the "governance" in place to prevent this ASADA shit happening....but it may not have. No company can prevent the underhanded activities of recalcitrant employees. Flanno was trying to be innovative & ahead of the game but it was misguided & naive.

Damo has / is paying the highest price for that. I'm extremely happy for him that he now has a paying job to feed his family!


Post Whore

The entire playing staff
The coaching staff
Training staff
Medical staff

All knew

Except the victim

Apparently he didn't know because all these people conspired to not tell him

Oh and it's also the previous previous boards fault for debt

In fact its every bodies fault except the victim

The victim was the victim

Even though he was in charge it's not his fault

I expect us to be told over and over and over....


First Grade

The entire playing staff
The coaching staff
Training staff
Medical staff

All knew

Except the victim

Apparently he didn't know because all these people conspired to not tell him

Oh and it's also the previous previous boards fault for debt

In fact its every bodies fault except the victim

The victim was the victim

Even though he was in charge it's not his fault

I expect us to be told over and over and over....

Just as the current board have mitigating circumstances for their failings which you are at pains to point out, so too did Irvine. But that's not the point. The point is he has paid the highest price out of anyone in this saga. I can't go into the details but he was hounded out of the club like a leper, and that's hard to take for someone who loves the place as much as Irvine did. And his crime was not concealing wrong doing. Not actually committing wrong doing, just not concealing it very well. The fault lies with Dank, Elkin and Flano. They are the crooks who deserve our ire.

I see you as a pretty fair minded and reasonable poster millers, except for this issue. What's your beef with Irvine, and surely now that he is essentially unable to ever enter Shark Park again after the most savage media hate campaign, can't you accept his punishment far outweighs his crimes?

Card Shark

now that he is essentially unable to ever enter Shark Park again after the most savage media hate campaign

That would be absolutely breaking his heart.

Poor bugger.

Put yourself in that position...unable to support the club you love.

....Maybe that's a good thing for some of us atm ;-)


Post Whore
What I see is a multi poster multi thread social media campaign to undermine the support of the current board with frequent 'Irvine saved cronulla' 'he is the victim its all flannos fault' justifications tacked on

That is all fair and to be expected

Someone like me challenging that campaign is also fair and to be expected

It is not me seeking to damage the reputation of the current club administration

It is you guys

So spare me the 'you arent being fair' retorts

If you want to progress your campaign go for it

Its what this place is for


First Grade
What I see is a multi poster multi thread social media campaign to undermine the support of the current board with frequent 'Irvine saved cronulla' 'he is the victim its all flannos fault' justifications tacked on

That is all fair and to be expected

Someone like me challenging that campaign is also fair and to be expected

It is not me seeking to damage the reputation of the current club administration

It is you guys

So spare me the 'you arent being fair' retorts

If you want to progress your campaign go for it

Its what this place is for

I'm still confused. There is no agenda. What's done has been done. Irvine is in the UK, Douglas has moved on and who knows where the rest of them are. Anyone who thinks they are coming back is a fool.

Keogh and Unity are in charge and they have my full support and I will offer them any assistance required to make the club succesful. They are a group of strong businessmen and I hope they can navigate us through this shitstorm. I urge everyone else to support them.


Post Whore
No agenda?

f**k me look at this very thread and its purpose

There are threads blaming the current board for a f**king hail storm

It doesnt matter if the campaign is not centralised or cordinated poorly

Also you are singling out one group of people for blame while pronouncing others innocent

And I am sure you believe that

I challenge that position because it makes no logical sense


First Grade
Keogh and Unity are in charge and they have my full support and I will offer them any assistance required to make the club succesful. They are a group of strong businessmen and I hope they can navigate us through this shitstorm. I urge everyone else to support them.


First Grade
No agenda?

f**k me look at this very thread and its purpose

There are threads blaming the current board for a f**king hail storm

It doesnt matter if the campaign is not centralised or cordinated poorly

Also you are singling out one group of people for blame while pronouncing others innocent

And I am sure you believe that

I challenge that position because it makes no logical sense

I'll have you know Millers that I was actually AT the AGM on Wednesday and voted in favour of every resolution put forward by the board. Every single one. Were you there? I f**king resent and reject your accusation I am running a cowardly agenda to unseat the board. I support this board. I supported Irvines board when it was in, and before that I supported Barry Pierces board. So f**k off your high horse and wake up to yourself, because all you are doing at the moment is cowardly sniping someone from behind an alias who is trying to assist the club and it's members.

Yes, I think the treatment of Irvine has been disgraceful *. But so what, it's not an issue for the club at the moment. There are far bigger problems that need to be addressed.

* do you know what Irvines boards first matter of business was? To offer the heavily vanquished Barry Pierce life membership. Now it is roundly accepted that had Pierce retained control of the club for 12 more months the joint wouldn't be here. But they did the classy thing and recognised his efforts and achievements. They didn't run him out of town with a hateful smear campaign. That's my one and only gripe with the current board. As much as I don't like it I can live with it and move on.
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Post Whore
You may exempt Irvine from blame but your attendance at agms does not compel me to do likewise

And I have not personally attacked you just your repeated declarations of exoneration of the previous mob

Card Shark

No agenda?

There are threads blaming the current board for a f**king hail storm

Stupid comment -as if. Goes to show you have an agenda.

FTR, I support the current board. No point the club pulling in different directions. Gotta give them a chance to get us out of this mess, none of which is their doing.

Snoop Shark

First Grade
What about these low bunch of dog businessman steering this club into ruins!

They might be good as using a calculator but what do us fans have to get excited about on the footy field next year?

Injuries might be of concern this year but I want answers about our recruitment for next year(and f**kkin this year)

Who is accountable for this?

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